- 2. Inspire Inspiration Inspirational Inspirationally Inspired Inspiring Inspiringly Awe-inspiring Inspirator Inspirit UUninspiring The verb INSPIRE and its
- 3. First Known Use: 14th century 1. to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager
- 4. 2. to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way: Gandhi's quiet
- 5. 3. to give someone the idea for something, especially a story, painting, poem etc: The story
- 6. 4. to breathe in вдыхать the air we inspire - воздух, которым мы дышим Synonym: inhale
- 7. First Known Use of INSPIRATION 14th century 1. a good idea about what you should do,
- 8. вдохновение, воодушевление flash / spark of inspiration — искра вдохновенья to give / offer / provide
- 9. 2. a person, experience, place that gives you new ideas for something you do: The seascapes
- 10. 3.to make someone feel encouraged to be as good, successful as possible: People like Tara are
- 11. providing or showing creative or spiritual inspiration: the team’s inspirational captain making you feel hopeful or
- 12. with inspiration; in an inspiring manner: he talked inspirationally. вдохновенно INSPIRATIONALLY (adverb)
- 13. 1. having very exciting special qualities that are better than anyone or anything else: an inspired
- 14. 2. inspired guess/choice a good or successful choice, guess that is based on inspiration not facts:
- 15. 3. politically/religiously inspired started for political, religious reasons: We suspect that the violence was politically inspired.
- 16. First Known Use of INSPIRING 1717 giving people a feeling of excitement and a desire to
- 17. In an inspiring manner: This year, as every year, award-winners talked inspiringly of being true to
- 18. 1. extremely impressive in a way that makes you feel great respect: a truly awe-inspiring achievement
- 19. First Known Use of INSPIRATOR 1624 one that inspires: teachers who are inspirators of the young
- 20. First Known Use of INSPIRIT 15th century to fill with spirit воодушевлять, вдохновлять; ободрять; вдохнуть (жизнь,
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