Слайд 2Dental Materials
Bases and Liners
Cavity varnishes
Dentin-bonding agents
Restorative materials

Слайд 3Bases and Liners
Used in pediatric dentistry to prevent sensitivity to teeth

Calcium Hydroxide
Zinc Oxide- Eugenol
Zinc Phosphate
Glass Ionomer Cements
Слайд 4Calcium Hydroxide
Can be either a two paste system or a visible light-cured

It’s alkaline pH aids in preventing bacterial invasion
Often used in direct pulp caps
Слайд 5Zinc Oxide- Eugenol
Provides a *sedative effect*
Often used when confronted with multiple areas

of excessive decay and sensitivity
Used as a temporary cementation of crowns
Used to fill obliterated pulp chambers following a pulpotomy
Слайд 7Zinc Phosphate
Good to use over calcium hydroxide and under large amalgams as

a base
Used primarily to cement stainless steel crowns
Слайд 9Glass Ionomer Cements
Popular basing agent
Releases fluoride
Less microleakage than ZOE, CaH, or Zinc

Must be mixed exactly as directed to prevent sensitivity of pulp
Has good coefficient of thermal expansion
Слайд 10Cavity Varnish
Copalite- Made from natural gums in an organic solvent
Used with vital

teeth in cavity prep prior to placement of amalgams
NOT used with composites
Слайд 11Dentin-bonding agents
Relies on a phosphate- calcium bond for retention
Promotes infiltration of monomers

into a zone of demineralized dentin that polymerize and interlock with the dentin matrix
Every product has their own unique system with different variations
Слайд 12Restorative materials
Resin-based composites
Glass Ionomer

Слайд 14Advantages of Amalgam Restoration
Strong, durable and withstand occlusal forces
Placed in one

Lower in expense
Self sealing with minimal to no shrinkage
Resistance to further decay is high
Frequency of repair and replacement is low
Can be used in wet environment (good in pediatrics)
Слайд 15Disadvantages of Amalgam Restorations
Special handling required for disposal (mercury content)
Amalgam can darken

over time
Tooth preparation may require removal of some healthy tooth structure
Rare but possible localized allergic reaction to amalgam
Short term sensitivity to Hot and Cold
Слайд 18Composite Resin
Mixture of acrylic resin + powdered glass-like particles
May be self curing

or light activated
Used for restorations, inlays and veneers
Can be used for replacement of portion of broken or chipped tooth
Слайд 19Advantages of Composite resins
Color and shading can be matched to existing tooth

moderate occlusal pressure
Utilized in anterior and posterior regions
Restorations completed in one visit
Слайд 20Advantages of Composite resins
Moderately resistant to breakage
Permits greater preservation of tooth structure

risk of leakage if bonded to enamel
Frequency of repair or replacement is low to moderate
Слайд 21Disadvantages of composite resins
Usually wear out more frequently than metal restorations- need

to be replaced more frequently
Placement more time consuming
Can not be used in wet environment
More expensive than amalgams
May wear faster than dental enamel
May leak when bonded on dentinal layer
Слайд 22Types of Composites
generational advancement
Macro filled 8-12 micron
Adaptic, Consise
Mini filled 1-5 micron

Micro filled .04-0.1 micron
Durafil VS
Macro Hybrid 8-12 micron/ 0.04-0.1 micron
Слайд 23Types of Composites
Micro- hybrid 1-3micron / 0.04-0.1 micron
Herculite, Charisma
Total Complete

Composite 5-8 m / 1-5m / 0.01-0.1 micron
Prisma, Herculte XRV
Слайд 26Indications
Class III and V restorations
Erosions or Wedge-shaped defects
Small Class I fillings
Core build-ups

Invasive Dentistry (MID)
Glass ionomer Filling Materials
Слайд 27Clinical Advantages
Ideal for pediatric and geriatric patients
Indicated for cervical erosion or lost

Less shrinkage than traditional composites
Chemical bond to enamel and dentin
Coefficient of thermal expansion close to that of enamel and dentin
High fluoride release
Good system of delivery
Glass Ionomer Filling Material
Слайд 31Compomers
Good for pediatric patients
Blend/ combination of resin based composite and glass ionomers

of Acid+ Base reaction and light activated
Used with bonding agent – manufacturers say etching of enamel is optional
Слайд 32Compomers
Combines wear resistance/ rapid light set 40 seconds/ fracture resistance
Releases fluoride (glass

ionomer property)
Vitremer Tri-Cure (3M)
Photac-Fil (ESPE)
Fuji II LC
Слайд 33Sealants
Used to close Pit and Fissure areas
May contain fluoride
Either A +B system

or Light activated
Слайд 34Dentsply FluroShield
Tooth colored or
Contains Fluoride

Слайд 35Necessary Items for working with all restorations
A great assistant
Pleasant room temperature 21-24

Isolation- Rubber Dam
Good Visibility
Clean oral environment