

Слайд 2

The course

The course

Слайд 3


The final grade (4th module) for the course is 0,4*1-2 module grade

Grades The final grade (4th module) for the course is 0,4*1-2 module
+ 0,4*3-4module grade + 0,2*final exam.
The 1-2 module grade is 0,16*project paper + 0,16* collective presentation + 0,08 *classroom discussions + 0,4*test grade + 0,2* intermediary exam.
The 3-4 module grade is 0,2*project paper grade + 0,2*collective presentation + 0,1*classroom discussion + 0,5*tests grade.
To successfully participate in seminars students are expected (1) to submit group project paper to a research assistant (project paper grade), (2) to present group project during a class (collective presentation grade), (3) to participate in classroom discussions (classroom discussion grade).
Individual knowledge is assessed through regular tests with open questions. Students are expected to sit up 3 tests in 1-2 modules & 3 tests in 3-4 modules. If a student has a sick leave for a test date, s/he has opportunity to write test after her/his recovery.

Слайд 4


people in a society



sociology people in a society groups societies

Слайд 5

Patterns of action

Benedict The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

Patterns of action Benedict The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

Слайд 6

Love is a natural part of a person life, thus love is

Love is a natural part of a person life, thus love is
widespread in all societies and closely connected with marriage.
In the past families were stable, but today the numbers of broken families grow rapidly.
A person lifespan is defined by her/is genetics and cannot be explained by social circumstances.
All people like material benefits, thus everyone is going to seek financial success if s/he has chances to succeed.
There were wars during all the length of human history, and nowadays we are in danger of especially terrible war because of technological advances. The persistence of war is explained by the fact that humans have aggressive instincts which realized through military actions.
Гидденс 1999

Слайд 7


1. Love and marriage

2. Health and illness

3. ????

Examples 1. Love and marriage 2. Health and illness 3. ????

Слайд 8

1. Love and marriage

1. Love and marriage

Слайд 9

1. Love (???) & marriage

“Marriage is no real
excuse for not loving”

1. Love (???) & marriage “Marriage is no real excuse for not
“De Amore” (12 c.)

Слайд 11

1. Love (???) & marriage

1. Love (???) & marriage

Слайд 12

Sociologists focus on stable patterns of people actions, feeling and thinking

you are

Sociologists focus on stable patterns of people actions, feeling and thinking you
in great danger

you have the grim!

Слайд 13

1. Love (???) & marriage

“Marriage is no real
excuse for not loving”

1. Love (???) & marriage “Marriage is no real excuse for not
“De Amore” (12 c.)

Слайд 14

Edward Laumann (1994) Sexual Networks

1. Love & marriage

Edward Laumann (1994) Sexual Networks 1. Love & marriage

Слайд 15

1. Love & marriage

Edward Laumann (1994) Sexual Networks

1. Love & marriage Edward Laumann (1994) Sexual Networks

Слайд 16

1. Love & marriage

Bearman, Moody & Stovel (2004) Chains of affection

1. Love & marriage Bearman, Moody & Stovel (2004) Chains of affection

Слайд 17

1. Love & marriage

Burt (2004) Structural Holes & Good Ideas

1. Love & marriage Burt (2004) Structural Holes & Good Ideas

Слайд 18

2. Health and illness

2. Health and illness

Слайд 19

2. Health & Illness

2. Health & Illness

Слайд 20

Social interaction & disease circulation

Bearman, Moody & Stovel (2004) Chains of affection


Social interaction & disease circulation Bearman, Moody & Stovel (2004) Chains of
model – random mixing

2. Health & Illness

Слайд 21

Youm & Laumann 2002

2. Health & Illness

Youm & Laumann 2002 2. Health & Illness

Слайд 25

Emile Durkheim 1858-1917

3. ????

A social fact is any way of acting, feeling, thinking…,

Emile Durkheim 1858-1917 3. ???? A social fact is any way of
given to an individual… and capable to exercise a coercive power over an individual
Study social facts as things

Слайд 26

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Слайд 27

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Слайд 28

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Suicide by Emile Durkheim 1897

Слайд 29


“the term suicide is applied to all cases of death resulting directly

Definition!!! “the term suicide is applied to all cases of death resulting
or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result”
“Самоубийство – всякий смертный случай, являющийся непосредственным или посредственным результатом положительного или отрицательного акта, совершенного самим по­страдавшим, если этот последний знал об ожидавших его результатах”

Слайд 30


More in Protestant countries & regions than in Catholic
More in 1848,

Suicides: More in Protestant countries & regions than in Catholic More in
1866, 1870-71
More military men than civilian
Less children and old people than adults
More men than women
More unmarried than married
Less often during wars than during piece periods
More often during periods of economic growth and recession
More in cities than in countryside
More educated people in a population, more suicides
More people of high social position than people of low position
Less religious and ethnic minorities than majorities
Имя файла: Introduction.pptx
Количество просмотров: 29
Количество скачиваний: 0