Искусственный интеллект в эндоскопии

Слайд 5

Как все было?

Как все было?

Слайд 6

Что есть что?

Что есть что?

Слайд 7

Как это работает?

Yang YJ, et al. World J Gastroenterol 2019; 25(14): 1666-1683 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i14.1666

ML automatically

Как это работает? Yang YJ, et al. World J Gastroenterol 2019; 25(14):
builds mathematical algorithms from given data (known as input training data) and predicts or makes decisions in uncertain conditions without human instructions
In the medical field, ML methods such as Bayesian networks, linear discriminants, SVMs, and ANNs have been used
The ANN as a hierarchical structure consists of an input, hidden connection (between the input and output layer), and output layer.
The connection in the hidden layer has a strength (known as weight) that is used for the learning process of the network
Among several AI methods, DL received the attention of the public and has shown excellent performance in the computer vision area using CNNs.

Слайд 8


 A CNN is designed to think similarly to

CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK (CNN) A CNN is designed to think similarly to
the human brain, using large image datasets to learn patterns in correlating images
These models are trained with datasets containing images that have an element of interest versus datasets that do not
A CNN makes inferences and predictions as if it believes that the element of interest is present within any given image, even if it has never seen that specific image before

Слайд 9


Interpretability-accuracy tradeoff
in classification algorithms of machine learning.

Yang YJ, Bang CS. Application of

Сравним? Interpretability-accuracy tradeoff in classification algorithms of machine learning. Yang YJ, Bang
artificial intelligence in gastroenterology.
 World J Gastroenterol 2019; 25(14): 1666-1683 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i14.1666]

Слайд 10

А что же с эндоскопией?

Oka, Akihiko, et al. "A New Dawn for

А что же с эндоскопией? Oka, Akihiko, et al. "A New Dawn
the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pancreatology." 
Diagnostics 11.9 (2021): 1719.

El Hajjar A, Rey JF. Artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal endoscopy: general overview. 
Chin Med J (Engl). 2020;133(3):326-334. doi:10.1097/CM9.0000000000000623

Слайд 11

Upper gastrointestinal diseases

Zhou J, et al. Application of artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal

Upper gastrointestinal diseases Zhou J, et al. Application of artificial intelligence in
disease: a narrative review. 
Ann Transl Med. 2021;9(14):1188. doi:10.21037/atm-21-3001

Слайд 12

Computer-Aided Diagnostic System

Computer-Aided Diagnostic System

Слайд 13

И что по итогу ?

И что по итогу ?
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