- 2. Constitutions civil tax code based Common law countries may not always follow a constitution or a
- 3. Precedent Decisions ruling judicial result verdict the highest precedent cases common binding The _______of judges are
- 4. American vs. British Common Law Common colony contradicted Because it began as a __________ of England,
- 5. History emperor developed rarely unite typical customs conquest rediscovered Common law is _______ to England in
- 7. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Constitutions
civil tax code based
Common law countries may not always follow a constitution
civil tax code based
Common law countries may not always follow a constitution

or a _____of laws.
In _____law, the constitution is generally _______on a code of laws, or codes applying to specific areas, like _____law, corporate law, or administrative law.
In _____law, the constitution is generally _______on a code of laws, or codes applying to specific areas, like _____law, corporate law, or administrative law.
Слайд 3Precedent
Decisions ruling judicial result verdict the highest precedent cases common binding
The _______of
Decisions ruling judicial result verdict the highest precedent cases common binding
The _______of

judges are always _________in ________law countries, althought that does not mean the decision may not be appealed. In the United States, for example, _______may be heard by a network of federal or state courts, with the federal Supreme Court holding ______ power. Generally, the _________of the last court remains the final, binding_______. That case may later be used as __________ to resolve similar cases in the future.
In civil law countries, only the _________ decisions of administrative and constitutional courts are binding outside the original case. In essence, the concept of precedent, i.e. past cases can determine the _______ of future ones, is not used.
In civil law countries, only the _________ decisions of administrative and constitutional courts are binding outside the original case. In essence, the concept of precedent, i.e. past cases can determine the _______ of future ones, is not used.
Слайд 4American vs. British Common Law
Common colony contradicted
Because it began as a __________
American vs. British Common Law
Common colony contradicted
Because it began as a __________

of England, the United States inherited many traditions of British ________ law. After the American Revolutionary War, one of the first acts of the new government was to adopt existing English common law in full, unless it ________the U.S. Constitution.
Слайд 5History
emperor developed rarely unite typical customs conquest rediscovered
Common law is _______ to
emperor developed rarely unite typical customs conquest rediscovered
Common law is _______ to

England in its origin. Until the Norman________, there were different rules for different regions of the country. But as the laws and the country began to______, a common law was created based on _________and rulings across the country. These rules _________organically and were _______written down.
European rulers on the other hand ruled on Roman law, and a compilation of rules issued by the________ Justinian in the 6th century that was __________in 11th-century Italy.
European rulers on the other hand ruled on Roman law, and a compilation of rules issued by the________ Justinian in the 6th century that was __________in 11th-century Italy.
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