Слайд 2Solow model vs. Endogenous growth theory

Слайд 3Externalities concerned with accumulation of capital
In the Solow model, firms are able

to capture all of the returns to investment.
However, it seems reasonable that there might be externalities in capital formation so that the social return might be higher than the private rate of return.
These externalities could arise because workers move between firms taking their knowledge of the production process with them (learning by doing).
In an extreme case this might lead to there being constant returns to capital.
Слайд 4AK model as the simplest endogenous growth model (Part 1)

Слайд 5AK model as the simplest endogenous growth model (Part 2)

Слайд 6AK model graphically

Слайд 7AK model implications
The growth rate of an AK economy is an increasing

function of the saving rate, so a government policy to raise the saving rate will raise the growth rate.
The growth rate of an AK economy does not depend upon its initial capital stock, so there is no convergence between economies with different initial capital stocks even if they have the same saving rates, levels of technology and depreciation rates.
Technical progress and population growth are not necessary to generate per capita growth.
Слайд 8Differences between predictions of Solow model and AK model
The Solow model has

two main predictions:
For countries with the same steady-state, poor countries should grow faster than rich ones.
An increase in investment raises the growth rate temporarily as the economy moves to a new steady-state. But once the new higher steady-state level of income is reached, the growth rate returns to its previous level.
However, the AK model yields the opposite predictions – there is no convergence, and policy changes can have permanent effects.
Слайд 9R&D model as another version of endogenous growth theory (Part 1)

Слайд 10R&D model as another version of endogenous growth theory (Part 2)

Слайд 11R&D model as another version of endogenous growth theory (Part 3)

Слайд 13Basic ideas of Lucas (1988) model of growth and human capital accumulation

Слайд 14The basic relationships of Lucas (1988) model
The production depends on the human

capital stock and the share of working time spent on production
The human capital stock depends on the share of working time spent on the higher education.
Слайд 15Galor – Zeira model as a growth model including both human capital

accumulation and role of income distribution
Слайд 17Marginal productivity of skilled labor

Слайд 18Asymmetric information on credit market

Слайд 19Decisions to invest or not to invest in human capital and consequences

Слайд 20The condition for a refusal to invest in human capital

Слайд 21The condition for investing in human capital

Слайд 22Distribution of inheritances and its role

Слайд 23The conditions for accumulation of human capital