- 2. Mag. Maria Peer Marketing by Business Types Transaction processes of industrial products and services are very
- 3. Mag. Maria Peer B2B Marketing The most close-to-the-market business function cannot provide the same programs and
- 4. Mag. Maria Peer Backhaus – defined four different types of business Supplier to industry Investment Systems
- 5. Mag. Maria Peer Backhaus – 4 different types of business - systems The vertical axis indicates
- 6. Mag. Maria Peer Backhaus: 4 different types of business supplier to industry: The dependency is also
- 7. Mag. Maria Peer Backhaus: 4 different types of business With products or systems: the number of
- 8. Mag. Maria Peer Product business Markets in the product business are frequently rather anonymous. The buyer
- 9. Mag. Maria Peer Specific marketing considerations for product business Product policy: product development and innovation, range
- 10. Mag. Maria Peer System business Also confronted with a widely anonymous market. But in contrast to
- 11. Mag. Maria Peer Specific marketing considerations for system business Product policy: supplier has to consider compatibility
- 12. Mag. Maria Peer Supplier to industry business Single customers ? long term relationship, customer becomes dependent
- 13. Mag. Maria Peer Supplier to industy business Single customer focus: highly specialised solutions, causes advanced interaction
- 14. Mag. Maria Peer Supplier to industy business Integration of availability: the more OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- 15. Mag. Maria Peer Specific marketing considerations for supplier to industry business No hit-and-run situations possible Product
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