Marketing communications


Слайд 2


What You'll Learn

The concepts of visual merchandising and display
Important display features

SECTION 18.1 What You'll Learn The concepts of visual merchandising and display
that contribute to a store's image
The various types of displays

Display Features

Слайд 3


Display Features

Why It's Important

Since visual merchandising helps to sell products and

SECTION 18.1 Display Features Why It's Important Since visual merchandising helps to
build store image, you will need to know about the different types of store displays and how to create them.

Слайд 4


Display Features

Key Terms

visual merchandising
store layout

SECTION 18.1 Display Features Key Terms visual merchandising display storefront marquee store layout fixtures

Слайд 5

Promotion is any form of communication a business or organization uses to

Promotion is any form of communication a business or organization uses to
inform, persuade, or remind people about its products.
Promotional mix is a combination of the different types of promotion. A business decides on the promotional mix that will be most effective in persuading potential customers to purchase its products.

The Concept of the Promotional Mix

Слайд 6

Types of Promotion

There are four basic types of promotion:
personal selling
sales promotion

Types of Promotion There are four basic types of promotion: personal selling

Слайд 7

Visual merchandising refers to the coordination of all physical elements in a

Visual merchandising refers to the coordination of all physical elements in a
place of business so that it projects the right image to its customers.
= a type of consumer sales promotion
The "right" image invites interest in the merchandise or services, encourages purchasing, and makes customers feel good about where they are doing business.
Displays refer to the visual and artistic aspects of presenting a product to a target group of customers.

Visual Merchandising and Displays

Слайд 8

Visual merchandising is used to create a positive shopping experience that makes

Visual merchandising is used to create a positive shopping experience that makes
customers want to return. To achieve this, stores consider four key elements:
store layout
store interior
interior displays

Elements of Visual Merchandising

Слайд 9

The total exterior of a business is known as the storefront. It

The total exterior of a business is known as the storefront. It
includes the store's sign, marquee, outdoor lighting, banners, windows, and the building itself (its design and setting).
Signs The store sign offers the first impression and therefore should make a statement about the business. It should be easily recognizable and help create the store's image.
Marquee A marquee is an architectural canopy that extends over a store's entrance. Marquees can be found over most theater entrances.


Слайд 10

Entrances Entrances are usually designed with customer convenience and store security in

Entrances Entrances are usually designed with customer convenience and store security in
mind. They can also contribute to a store's image.
Window Displays A display window begins the selling process before a customer enters the store. There are two types of window displays: promotional (promotes products) and institutional (promotes the store as a whole).


Слайд 11

Store layout is the way floor space is used to facilitate sales

Store layout is the way floor space is used to facilitate sales
and serve the customer. There are four kinds of space:

Store layout

Selling space for interior displays, sales demonstrations, and sales transactions
Merchandising space for inventory
Personnel space for employee lockers, lunch breaks, and restrooms
Customer space for restrooms, a cafe, or dressing rooms

Слайд 12

= The selection of floor and wall coverings, lighting, colors, and store

= The selection of floor and wall coverings, lighting, colors, and store
fixtures can powerfully affect the store image.
Example: Thick carpeting can portray a luxurious image.
Fixtures are permanent or movable store furnishings, such as display cases, counters, shelving, racks, and benches.

Store interior

Слайд 13

Retailers use interior displays to show merchandise, provide customers with product information,

Retailers use interior displays to show merchandise, provide customers with product information,
get customers to stop and shop at the store, reinforce advertising, and promote the store's image. There are five main types:

Interior displays

open displays
closed displays
architectural displays
point-of-purchase displays
store decorations

Слайд 14

Open Displays allow customers to handle and examine merchandise without the help

Open Displays allow customers to handle and examine merchandise without the help
of a salesperson.
Example: Hanging racks for suits and dresses or countertop displays
Closed Displays allow customers to see but not handle merchandise.
Example: Jewelry cases

Interior displays

Слайд 15

Architectural displays consist of model rooms that show customers how merchandise such

Architectural displays consist of model rooms that show customers how merchandise such
as rugs and furniture might look in their homes.
Point-of-purchase displays are designed to promote impulse purchases. They are effective at supporting new products. Point-of-purchase displays are usually supplied by a product manufacturer for use at or near the cash register.
Store decorations are displays such as banners, signs, and props used to evoke the mood of seasons or holidays.

Interior displays

Слайд 16

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

1. What is visual merchandising?
2. Why is display considered part

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts 1. What is visual merchandising? 2. Why
of visual merchandising?
3. How do exterior and interior features help a store's image?
4. List two different types of window displays.
5. Describe the five different types of interior displays used by retailers.

Слайд 17

Is it necessary for staff members who work with visual merchandising to

Is it necessary for staff members who work with visual merchandising to
know basic sales promotion techniques? Justify your response.

Thinking Critically

Слайд 18


What You'll Learn

The steps used in designing and preparing displays
The artistic

SECTION 18.2 What You'll Learn The steps used in designing and preparing
considerations involved in display preparation
The maintenance considerations for displays

Artistic Design

Слайд 19

Artistic Design

Why It's Important

Visual merchandisers must know the rules for artistic design

Artistic Design Why It's Important Visual merchandisers must know the rules for
for displays that attract customers and keep them coming back.


Слайд 20

Key Terms

complementary colors
adjacent colors
formal balance
informal balance


Artistic Design

Key Terms complementary colors adjacent colors proportion formal balance informal balance SECTION 17.2 Artistic Design

Слайд 21

In the retail environment, a display has about three to eight seconds

In the retail environment, a display has about three to eight seconds
to attract a customer's attention, create a desire, and sell a product. A business must target its displays carefully to appeal to its customers. Display design and selection involves five steps:
1. Selecting merchandise for display.
2. Selecting the display.
3. Choosing a setting.
4. Manipulating artistic elements.
5. Evaluating completed displays.

Display and Design Preparation

Слайд 22

Merchandise selected for display must have sales appeal, be visually appealing, and

Merchandise selected for display must have sales appeal, be visually appealing, and
be appropriate for the season and the store's location. New, popular, and best-selling products are often selected.

Step 1: Selecting Merchandise for Display

Слайд 23

The merchandise selected largely determines the type of display that is used.

The merchandise selected largely determines the type of display that is used.
There are four kinds of displays:
A one-item display shows a single item.
A line-of-goods display shows one kind of product but features several brands, sizes, or models.
A related-merchandise display features items that are meant to be used together.
An assortment display features a collection of unrelated items.

Step 2: Selecting the Display

Слайд 24

Displays can be presented in a number of different types of settings.

Displays can be presented in a number of different types of settings.

A realistic setting depicts a room or recognizable locale.
A semi-realistic setting suggests a room or locale but leaves the details to the viewer's imagination.
An abstract setting does not imitate (or even try to imitate) reality. It focuses on form and color rather than on reproducing actual objects.

Step 3: Choosing a Setting

Слайд 25

The artistic elements of a display influence your perception of a display

The artistic elements of a display influence your perception of a display
in ways that you are probably not aware of.

Step 4: Manipulating Artistic Elements



Слайд 26

Various types of lines create different impressions.
Example: Straight lines suggest

Various types of lines create different impressions. Example: Straight lines suggest stiffness
stiffness and control; curved lines suggest freedom and movement; diagonal lines give the impression of action.


Слайд 27

Color can make or break a display. Display colors should contrast with

Color can make or break a display. Display colors should contrast with
those used on the walls, floors, and fixtures around them.
Complementary colors (opposite each other on the color wheel) provide the greatest contrast.
Adjacent colors (next to each other on the color wheel) blend well with each other.


Слайд 28

The Color Wheel

The color wheel is structured to show both similarities and

The Color Wheel The color wheel is structured to show both similarities
differences in colors. Which colors are most like each other? Which show the greatest contrast?

Слайд 29

Shape refers to the physical appearance, or outline, of a display. Shape

Shape refers to the physical appearance, or outline, of a display. Shape
is determined by the props, fixtures, and merchandise used in the display. Displays that have little or no distinct shape are called mass displays. They are used to display large quantities and to convey a message of low price.


Слайд 30

A good display has direction; it smoothly guides the viewer's eye over

A good display has direction; it smoothly guides the viewer's eye over
all the merchandise. Displays should have a focal point, which can be created by building the display around an imaginary triangle to keep the eyes moving up and center.


Слайд 31

Texture refers to the way the surfaces in a display look together.

Texture refers to the way the surfaces in a display look together.
The contrast between textures creates visual interest.


Слайд 32

Proportion is the relationship between and among objects in a display. The

Proportion is the relationship between and among objects in a display. The
merchandise should always be the primary focus of a display.


Слайд 33

Placing large items with large items and small items with small items

Placing large items with large items and small items with small items
in a display is called formal balance. Balancing a large item with several small ones is called informal balance.


Слайд 34

Motion can be added to a display through the use of motorized

Motion can be added to a display through the use of motorized
fixtures and props. Motion should be used sparingly or it can become distracting.


Слайд 35

Proper lighting makes merchandise appear more attractive in displays. It is recommended

Proper lighting makes merchandise appear more attractive in displays. It is recommended
that display lighting be two to five times stronger than a store's general lighting.


Слайд 36

Visual merchandisers should evaluate completed displays by checking to see if they

Visual merchandisers should evaluate completed displays by checking to see if they
enhance the store's image, appeal to customers, and promote the product in the best possible way.

Step 5: Evaluating Completed Displays

Слайд 37

Once a display has been constructed, it needs to be maintained and

Once a display has been constructed, it needs to be maintained and
eventually dismantled. Proper display maintenance can keep the merchandise fresh and attractive to customers. Poor maintenance can create a negative image of the merchandise and the store.

Display maintenance

Слайд 38

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

1. What decisions must be made before displays are

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts 1. What decisions must be made before
2. Name the five steps involved with display preparation.
3. How does a business select the display setting it desires?
4. Describe five of the artistic elements used in displays.
5. How should displays be evaluated?

Слайд 39

Manufacturers often provide point-of-purchase displays to retailers. If you were a retailer,

Manufacturers often provide point-of-purchase displays to retailers. If you were a retailer,
what criteria would you use in deciding whether or not to accept such a display?

Thinking Critically

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