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Introduction to Marketing Research

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Learning by Doing:
Let’s Apply Marketing to
a Restaurant
Target market segment?

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Restaurant Marketing Decisions
What if you owned a restaurant located in the

center of Ekaterinburg near the Ural state University of Economics?
What would be your marketing strategy?
How certain are you that you made the right decisions?
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Restaurant Marketing Decisions
What if the restaurant was located near a university

in a foreign country like China, Thailand, Italy, Iceland, or Peru?
What would be your decisions?
How certain are you that you made the right decisions now?
So, what’s going on? Class comments?
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Key Point
To practice marketing; to implement the marketing concepts; to implement

marketing strategy, managers must make decisions.
Many decisions require additional information and marketing research is needed in order to supply that information.
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We need Marketing Research to:
Make the “right” decisions to
Implement marketing
Practice the

marketing concept and
Make the right decisions to select the right marketing strategy
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What is Marketing Research?
(Burns and Bush Definition)
Marketing research is the process

of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem.
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What is Marketing Research? AMA definition
Marketing research: the function that links

the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information – information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve the understanding of marketing as a process.
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Market Research vs. Marketing Research
Market research: the “systematic gathering, recording, and

analyzing of data with respect to a particular market, where ‘market’ refers to a specific group in a specific geographic area.”
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What is the purpose of Marketing Research?
To link the consumer to

the marketer by providing information that can be used in making marketing decisions
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What are the uses of
Marketing Research?
Identify marketing opportunities and problems

refine, and evaluate potential marketing actions
Monitor marketing performance
Improve marketing as a process
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Classifying Marketing Research Studies
Identifying marketing opportunities and problems
Market-demand determination
Market segments identification

audits SWOT analysis
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Classifying Marketing Research Studies
Generating, refining, and evaluating potential marketing actions
Proposed marketing-mix

evaluation testing
New-product prototype testing
Advertising pretesting…
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Classifying Marketing Research Studies
Monitoring marketing performance
Image analysis…bank image analysis
Tracking studies...sales, market

shares of all brands in our category
Customer satisfaction studies
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Classifying Marketing Research Studies
Improving marketing as a process
The purpose of these

studies is to expand knowledge (basic research) of marketing as a process rather than to solve a specific problem facing a company…How does background music affect perceptions of products…How preshopping information affects product returns…Understanding cultural differences in consumer impatience…all in Journal of Marketing.
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The Marketing Information System
An MIS is a structure consisting of people,

equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.
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Components of an MIS
Internal Reports System… Accounting information system…data from income

statement, etc.
Marketing Intelligence System... Information coming from outside the firm…
Marketing Decision Support System (DSS)…database with analytical tools
Marketing Research System
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The Marketing Research System has a role in MIS because…
It gathers

information not gathered by the other MIS component subsystems.
Marketing research studies are conducted for a specific situation facing the company. People Magazine study – which of three different cover stories should we use?
Marketing research projects unlike other MIS components are not continuous – they have a beginning and an end. Ad hoc studies/Projects
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Hot Topics in Marketing Research
Online Marketing Research
Growing Consumer/Respondent Resentment

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Hot Topics – Online Marketing Research
Online research: the use of computer

networks, including the Internet, to assist in any phase of the marketing research process including development of the problem, research design, data gathering, analysis, and report writing and distribution.
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Hot Topics – Online Marketing Research
Web-based research: research that is conducted

on web applications; may use traditional methods as well as on-line research methods in conducting research on web-based applications… Usability studies
On-line survey research: collection of data using computer networks… Ordering samples online via Survey Sampling, Inc.
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Hot Topics – Online Marketing Research
On-line survey research: collection of data

using computer networks… Ordering samples online via Survey Sampling, Inc.
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Hot Topics – Growing Consumer/ Respondent Resentment
Marketing research is invasive.
Telemarketers and

direct marketers have abused “marketing research.”
The marketing research industry is so far excluded from the ban of the “do not call” regulations.