Media Concentration in Western Europe


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Why Regulate Media Concentration?

Basic right
Balance and pluralism
Public sphere

Market issues
Legal certainty
Fair and

Why Regulate Media Concentration? Normative Basic right Balance and pluralism Public sphere
open competition
Open access

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Relevant International Instruments

Charter of Fundamental Human Rights Art. 11. Art. 10 of

Relevant International Instruments Charter of Fundamental Human Rights Art. 11. Art. 10
the European Convention of Human Rights. Art 11 (2) Constitutional Treaty. EC Mergers regulation
COE (99)1 media pluralism
European Parliament (Resolution 2004)

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COE Recommendation (99)1

Stresses the importance of plural and autonomous media outlets
Political and

COE Recommendation (99)1 Stresses the importance of plural and autonomous media outlets
cultural pluralism
Need to have transparency
A framework for maintaining media diversity

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Internal and External Pluralism

Internal pluralism
Ensuring diversity of programming
Public service
External pluralism
Ensuring diversity of

Internal and External Pluralism Internal pluralism Ensuring diversity of programming Public service
Guaranteeing open access to markets
Ensuring that citizen has access to broad range of sources

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How Countries Regulate for External Pluralism

Range of different national approaches
Different media treated

How Countries Regulate for External Pluralism Range of different national approaches Different
Two main instruments
Competition policy (key today)
Thresholds (ceilings)
Both are reliant on a number of issues

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Model 1

Financial (30%)
National licences (20%)
These above provisions being removed by the new

Model 1 Italy Financial (30%) National licences (20%) These above provisions being

Shareholders (capped at 49% of channel with above 2.5% share)
National licences (1 max)
Thresholds for cross-media

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Model 2

The Netherlands
No thresholds
Competition policy
Regulators would like to introduce thresholds

Thresholds for cross-media

Model 2 The Netherlands No thresholds Competition policy Regulators would like to
(20% of newspaper market and ITV)
Competition policy
Public interest test for media has replaced all thresholds

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Public Interest Test

Triggered where the public interest might be threatened- includes all

Public Interest Test Triggered where the public interest might be threatened- includes
mass media at the discretion of the DTI and Ofcom
Based on
Sufficient number of operators
Services to end user
Range of standards set out in the 2003 Act

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Overview of Approaches (Sample)

Overview of Approaches (Sample)

Слайд 11

Regional Newspaper Market Share of Top Five Groups 2002 (Includes Language

Regional Newspaper Market Share of Top Five Groups 2002 (Includes Language Markets)

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National Daily Newspaper Market Share 2002 (Includes Regional Titles That Have National

National Daily Newspaper Market Share 2002 (Includes Regional Titles That Have National Market)

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Television Audience Share of Public and Leading Commercial Television Companies 2002/2003

Television Audience Share of Public and Leading Commercial Television Companies 2002/2003

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What Does This All Mean?

These are all highly concentrated markets
Very prominent

What Does This All Mean? These are all highly concentrated markets Very
position for the public sector (leaders in nearly all markets)
Growing consolidation of companies in press and TV
External pluralism narrowing- therefore internal pluralism becoming even more important

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Internal Pluralism

Public broadcasters are becoming more important in terms of maintaining pluralism

Internal Pluralism Public broadcasters are becoming more important in terms of maintaining

Should provide a wide range of programming as part of their remits
Independent from commercial and state interests

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Common Features of Remits

Contribute to a democratic and plural society
Promote local culture

Common Features of Remits Contribute to a democratic and plural society Promote
high quality programming
Meet high journalistic standards
Non profit
Universal service

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Key issues

Need to provide pluralism for democratic and competition reasons- this is

Key issues Need to provide pluralism for democratic and competition reasons- this
a non negotiable
Pluralism best served by the member states with support of international instruments
Crucial to maintain a balance between the rights of citizens and stability of the sector
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