Слайд 2The purpose:To investigate the ways of metaphorical verbalization as a mechanism of

creating new meanings;
The tasks:
to study the specificity of a newspaper style as a particular language style;
To analyses the language of modern English press as a special type of language communication;
To investigate metaphor as a theoretical concept of modern linguistics and outline the contemporary theories of metaphor;
Слайд 6Metaphors can be based on different types of similarity :

Слайд 8Nominative
«shadow of fear»;
«rising star in the modeling world»;
«heart of the

«the pinnacle of the fashion world»;
«cancer cells»;
«circle of friends»;
«there is a shadow of fears among Tube travelers and their families, and another that falls on many more who innocent but happen to share the race or religion of the London bombers».
Слайд 9Cognitive
«warm smile»;
«bittersweet occasion»;
«cloudy eyes»;
«sweet life»;
«bitter disappointment»;
«deep depression»;
«we are very different in many

ways, that is healthy».
Слайд 10Figurative
«the children‘s odyssey»;
«the safe arrival of the child»;
«to cement neighborly ties»;

«deluge of paparazzi»;
«to line the pockets»;
«the main dietary culprit»;
«when we divorced, I went through all the emotion: shock, anger, hurt».