Слайд 2PERM AS
On the 22nd of January 1971 Perm

was awarded the Order of Lenin for extraordinary achievements in developing heavy industry
Visual aids aimed at making clear certain aspects of state policies

and propagandising various ideas
Слайд 9Meshkov's house
is situated in the historic centre of Perm. It is

the monument of architecture of the XIXth century. The house received its name after the surname of one of its proprietors, steamboat owner and patron of arts and sciences Nicolai Vasilyevich Meshkov. The building was constructed in the style of late Russian classicism in 1820, after the project of the architect Ivan Ivanovich Sviyazev. In 1889 the house was rebuilt under the influence of the modernistic style. At different times the building housed the Medical School of Perm State University, a restaurant, the Ural Hotel and Perm River Steamship Company. Since the end of 2007 the House of Meshkov has been housing the Perm Museum of Regional Studies.
Слайд 10Metaphor in Art
Metaphor Permian Ballet
Chronology 1890; 1973
T.D. attraction of Perm as the

famous ballet forge
S.D. ballet impresario and art critic Sergey Dyagilev; People's Artist of the USSR, professor Nadezhda Pavlova
Location in Perm
Permian Identity Sergey Dyagilev graduated from Perm gymnasium in 1890; Nadezhda Pavlova graduated from Perm choreographic school.
Joan Acocella, "The Showman," The New Yorker,
September 20, 2010, p. 113
Мессерер «Танец. Мысль. Время», Москва, 1990
Слайд 11Metaphor in Art
Metaphor Perm Animal Style
Chronology VII century B.C. —XII century A.D.

attraction of Perm region as the land of original ancient culture
S.D. zoo- and anthropamorphous images and complicated compositions of them
Location in Perm
Permian Identity unique collection of the artifacts of Perm animal style
Sources\References Александр Доминяк Свидетельства утраченных времён. Человек и мир в пермском зверином стиле. — Пермь: Книжный мир, 2010. В.А. Оборин, Г.Н. Чагин "Чудские древности Рифея", Пермь, 1988.