Modal verb can

Слайд 2

This can’t be Right.

This can't be right
It has to be wrong
This trip

This can’t be Right. This can't be right It has to be
can’t possibly
Take this long
Can’t we ask somebody where we are?
Can’t we take a rest?
Can’t we stop the car?
We don’t have to stop
I know the way.
I take this road almost every day.

Слайд 3

Can be

is sometimes used to express doubt, astonishment or present possibility, but

Can be is sometimes used to express doubt, astonishment or present possibility,
only in questions and negative sentences.
иногда используется, чтобы выразить сомнение, удивление или существующую возможность, но только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
Can it be John? That can’t be John. He is at school now.
( Может быть, это Джон? Это не может быть Джон. Он сейчас в школе.)

Слайд 4

Can have been/could have been

Can and could are both used with the

Can have been/could have been Can and could are both used with
Perfect Infinitive for speculating or guessing about the past, for saying smth was a possibility but did not happen. They are also used to doubt a past action (in questions).
Употребляется в предложениях когда говорящий не допускает возможности, что действие в действительности совершилось.

Слайд 5

Can have been/could have been+not

В отрицательных предложениях can + Рerfect Infinitive переводится

Can have been/could have been+not В отрицательных предложениях can + Рerfect Infinitive
на русский язык посредством не мог или не может быть чтобы в сочетании с инфинитивом.
Tom can’t have behaved so rudely.
( Том не мог вести себя так грубо.)

Слайд 6

Who can translate these sentences?

They can’t have gone on hiking. The day

Who can translate these sentences? They can’t have gone on hiking. The
was rainy and awfully cold.
I couldn’t have done it for you yesterday.
They couldn’t have spent the whole day at home.

Слайд 7

Translate from Russian into English

Не может быть, чтобы он смог перевести этот

Translate from Russian into English Не может быть, чтобы он смог перевести
Не может быть, чтобы она смогла сделать работу.
Не может быть, чтобы ученики смогли выиграть соревнования.
Не может быть, чтобы Катя и её друзья смогли поехать в кино. У них не было времени.
Не может быть, чтобы студенты смогли прочитать весь текст.

Слайд 8

She couldn’t have done her work.
The pupils couldn’t have won the competition.

She couldn’t have done her work. The pupils couldn’t have won the
and her friends couldn’t have gone to the cinema. They had no time.
The students couldn’t have read the whole text.
He couldn’t have translated this text.

Слайд 9

Can/could have been…?

При переводе вопросительных предложений пользуются словом неужели.
1. Сould she really

Can/could have been…? При переводе вопросительных предложений пользуются словом неужели. 1. Сould
have been so unfriendly?
( Неужели она могла быть такой недружелюбной?)

Слайд 10

Who can translate these sentences?

Could they really have visited the theatre?
Can he

Who can translate these sentences? Could they really have visited the theatre?
be so ill-mannered?
Can he have refused to help you?

Слайд 11

Translate from Russian into English

Неужели он сказал это?
Can he have said

Translate from Russian into English Неужели он сказал это? Can he have
2. Неужели спортсмены выиграли соревнования?
Could the sportsmen have won the competition?
3. Неужели она спела эту песню?
Could she have sung this song?

Слайд 12

4.Неужели они забыли ключи дома?
Could they have left the keys at

4.Неужели они забыли ключи дома? Could they have left the keys at
5. Неужели он сделал ей предложение? (to make an offer)
Could he have made an offer her?

Слайд 13

Match the two halves of these sentences and translate them

Jack can’t be

Match the two halves of these sentences and translate them Jack can’t
The boys couldn’t have crossed the lake in his boat.
They couldn’t have spent the whole day at home.
I could have gone with you,
Can David have won the competition?
Can she be so ill-mannered?
Can he have refused to help you?
We could have gone on a hike,

He is very generous and kind-hearted man.
He has been absolutely idle this weekend.
but it was raining.
It leaks.
The weather was so pleasant and sunny.
but I didn’t want to.
He didn’t train much.
She makes an impression of a very friendly and polite girl.

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