My favorite sports

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My favorite My favorite football player Andriy Yarmolenko

My favorite My favorite football player Andriy Yarmolenko

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When poyavylsya football

In early 1880-ies proyzoshlo eschё one Sobytie, okazavshee Significant Effect

When poyavylsya football In early 1880-ies proyzoshlo eschё one Sobytie, okazavshee Significant
on Development sovremennoho Football - First appearance professionals. Otkrovennыe Statement Sadella guidance pledged Association of recognition, something dyktuet reality svoy conditions. As follows Sobranie Results for Charles Olkok committee stated that «He came TIME lehalyzovat football." His podderzhal Dr. Morley, though not all chlenы committee bыly with эtym sohlasnы. Sporы prodolzhalys the vicinity polutora years, the outcome in July 1885 Manuscript professyonalnыy football bыl lehalyzovan.

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Ukrainian football legend Andrey Shevchenko

Ukrainian football legend Andrey Shevchenko

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When born Andriy Yarmolenko

Parents Andrew IZ native village Smolyanka Kulikovskii Chernyhovskoy District

When born Andriy Yarmolenko Parents Andrew IZ native village Smolyanka Kulikovskii Chernyhovskoy
area. After svadbы uehala mother works in Leningrad, where k neu prysoedynylsya Father Andrew. Vaud TIME prebыvanyya in Leningrad they born Andrew. After three years FAMILY returned for himself on the family in Chernigov, where a pryobrela Home [2].
For memories mother, Andrew began yhrat with myachom with chetыrёh-five years. Once Yarmolenko uvydel coach Nikolay Lypovыy and invited ego in futbolnuyu school became ego pervыm mentor. In Sections passed around many friends Andrew and IZ school yard, but Soon Most brosyly trenyrovky and Andrew prodolzhal s poseschat. In Duflot vыstupal for chernyhovskuyu "Youth". At age 13 years admitted to the Academy futbolnuyu the Kiev "Dynamo", but not vыderzhav competition in hours vernulsya in Chernigov.

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Football Career Andriy Yarmolenko

In the "Dynamo" pereshёl IZ chernyhovskoy "Desnы" in January

Football Career Andriy Yarmolenko In the "Dynamo" pereshёl IZ chernyhovskoy "Desnы" in
2007. All Nachalos interview with togda hlavnoho coach of the Kiev "Dynamo" Anatolia Demyanenko "way, me here recently said that the 130-kilometer pod and Kiev Our boys selektsyonerы I send, Kotor Specialists have nazыvayut NOW vtorыm Shevchenko" [3]. Subsequently Yarmolenko poluchyl prozvysche "Boy with 130 kilometer". However Under the leadership Demyanenko and Andrew so as not debyutyroval osnovnoj team. The first two years Andrey vыstupal for "Dynamo-2". In the First svoem season for vtoruyu team Under the leadership of Yuri Kalitvintsev and Hennadyya Litovchenko, napadayuschyy chetыre scored the ball in 15 games, and in the 2007/08 season - six to 22. This same time Yarmolenko Sometimes vыstupal and in dublyruyuschem proof in 13 matches otlychyvshys eight times. Debyutyroval importantly a team of "Dynamo" May 11, 2008 in a match against poltavskoy "Vorsklы." Stal yhrokom basic composition "Dynamo", when Chief coach Gazzaev were named Valerii. Gazzaev preymuschestvenno prymenyal 4-3-3 scheme, in kotoroj Yarmolenko yhral on pozytsyy levoho napadayuscheho. In trenyrovochnыh yhrah Gazzaev several times proboval Yarmolenko on pozytsyy levoho Defenders [4]. Despite These probы, Yarmolenko prodolzhyl yhrat to attack.
In ofytsyalnыh yhrah Yarmolenko Initially repeatedly not scored IZ vыhodneyshyh provisions. For This Pressa many krytykovala As the ego itself, as a Gazzaev For something, something poslednyy put Yarmolenko in osnovnoj composition. [Source not specified 172 day] Despite the criticism, Gazzaev prodolzhal Dover young yhroku place on the football field, and Yarmolenko prohressyroval in technology. [Source not specified 172 day] After Improvement ego games Yarmolenko place mainly in the composition osparyvatsya ceased. Online ostalsya yhrokom starting composition and at Oleg Luzhny, and at Yuryy Sёmyne.
In 2011 godu took part in Europe chempyonate Among molodёzhnыh teams kotoryya held in Denmark. Scored by kalendarnыy h at 15 myachey inner arena and three for natsyonalnuyu sbornuyu. Stal better futbolystom Ukraine on versions of the newspaper "Team". In the survey of the newspaper "Ukrainian football" by the outcome kotorogo opredelylsya better "better yhrok Ukraine-2011", Yarmolenko, typing on the outcome of voting 272 points, has occupied the second place, conceded Andrey Voronin.
In April 2015 appeared Manuscript info volume, something MANUAL "Pairs Saint Germain 's svyazalos novыm agent futbolysta Myno Rayoloy Perhaps transition at t frantsuzskyy Club [5]. In the same month volume talkSport and British editions Told about TMW Interest for Ukrainian poluzaschytnyku co sides londonskoho "Chelsea". [6] Summer 2015 Manuscript rumors about leaving Yarmolenko IZ "Dynamo" vozobnovylys - appeared info that «Stoke Siti" sdelal Offers a 20 million euro [7], but yhroka not otpustyly, although Yarmolenko said something emu That was the bы interesting poprobovat themselves in anhlyyskoy Prime -lyhe [8]. Eschё yhroka one contender to become "Everton" [9]. August 21 appeared info that «Everton» sohlasoval fynansovыe transition Yarmolenko terms, the amount the transfer sostavyt myllyonov 15 pounds, and a contract will be rasschytan to 4 years [10]. However, the outcome Mountain Okna transfer Yarmolenko ostalsya in "Dinamo" [11]. In October 2015 Manuscript Yarmolenko prodlyl contract with "Dynamo" for five years - up to 14 October 2020 Manuscript [12].

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When born Andrei Shevchenko

Andrei Nikolayevich Shevchenko (Ukr. Andriy Shevchenko, 29 September 1976,

When born Andrei Shevchenko Andrei Nikolayevich Shevchenko (Ukr. Andriy Shevchenko, 29 September
the village Dvorkovschyna the Kiev region) [4] [5] - Ukrainian futbolyst, yhravshyy [6] on pozytsyy napadayuscheho. Better scorer in the history of Ukraine sbornoy (48 heads). C 15 July 2016 year - Chief coach sbornoy Ukraine. [7]
Obladatel "Golden the ball" 2004 year. Double-stanovylsya better scorer Lyhy Champions, Double-- chempyonata Italy. The second scorer in the history of "Milan" better scorer in the history of Milan derby. Six times better pryznavalsya futbolystom Ukraine. Honored master of sports of Ukraine.
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