Слайд 2

«My School»

I study at secondary school № 133 in Minsk. I like

«My School» I study at secondary school № 133 in Minsk. I
studying there, because it is comfortable here and I get the proper level of education. My friends study here, my relatives study here, and even my dad studied here. My school, although small, is beautiful and practical. My school has smart and kind teachers, a good director and skillful cooks. Each teacher knows his subject well and tries to convey his knowledge completely. My favorite subjects are: mathematics, literature and computer science and history. My school participates in social life, helps those in need, attends various events. I love my school very much.

Слайд 3

«My School»

«My School»
Имя файла: My-School.pptx
Количество просмотров: 45
Количество скачиваний: 0