nature of the data


Слайд 2


1.1 Statistical process and its stages.
1.2 Primary and secondary data.
1.3 Data collection

Planned 1.1 Statistical process and its stages. 1.2 Primary and secondary data.
process. A census.
1.4 Survey sampling.
1.5 Designed experiment.

Слайд 3

The branch of mathematics that transforms data into useful information for decision

The branch of mathematics that transforms data into useful information for decision

Collecting, summarizing, presenting and analyzing data

Using data collected from a small group to draw conclusions about a larger group

Слайд 4

1.1 Statistical process and its stages

Statistical process is a series of steps

1.1 Statistical process and its stages Statistical process is a series of
that lead to a goal.
Identify the research objective:
Determine the questions you wanted to be answered.
Detail questions in order to identify the group that is to be studied.
Define population and an individual.

A population consists of all the items or individuals about which you want to draw a conclusion.

Слайд 5

1.1 Statistical process and its stages

Statistical process is a series of steps

1.1 Statistical process and its stages Statistical process is a series of
that lead to a goal.
Identify the research objective.
Collect the information needed to answer the question:
Define population and a sample.
Calculate the number of individuals included into the sample.
Prepare a questionnaire.
Ask individuals and fix answers.

A sample is the portion of a population selected for analysis.

Слайд 6

1.1 Statistical process and its stages

Statistical process is a series of steps

1.1 Statistical process and its stages Statistical process is a series of
that lead to a goal.
Identify the research objective.
Collect the information needed to answer the question.
Organize and summarize the information:
Use tables to organize data.
Use charts to visualize data.
Calculate descriptive statistics to provide an overview of the information collected.

Слайд 7

1.1 Statistical process and its stages

Statistical process is a series of steps

1.1 Statistical process and its stages Statistical process is a series of
that lead to a goal.
Identify the research objective.
Collect the information needed to answer the question.
Organize and summarize the information.
Draw conclusions from the information.

Слайд 8


Identify the population, sample, individual for each research objective:
A quality control manager

Practice Identify the population, sample, individual for each research objective: A quality
randomly selects 50 bottles of Coca-Cola that were filled in September, 5 to assess the calibration of filling machine.
A farmer wanted to learn about the weight of his soybean crop. He randomly sampled 100 plants and weighted the soybeans on each plant.

Слайд 9

Terms and Definitions

Data represents information, usually numerical or categorical.
A variable is a

Terms and Definitions Data represents information, usually numerical or categorical. A variable
characteristic of an item or individual.
So, a list of observed values for a variable is data.

Слайд 10

Types of variables

Marital Status
Political Party
Eye Color
(Defined categories)

Number of Children
Defects per hour

Types of variables Examples: Marital Status Political Party Eye Color (Defined categories)
(Counted items)

(Measured characteristics)

Слайд 11

Sources of data

A census
Survey sampling (observational study)
Designed experiments

Sources of data A census Survey sampling (observational study) Designed experiments

Слайд 12

1.2 Primary and secondary data

Primary Sources: The data collector is the one

1.2 Primary and secondary data Primary Sources: The data collector is the
using the data for analysis
Data from a political survey
Data collected from an experiment
Observed data
Secondary Sources: The person performing data analysis is not the data collector
Analyzing census data
Examining data from print journals or data published on the internet.

Слайд 13

1.3 Data collection process. A census

A modern Population Census is a total

1.3 Data collection process. A census A modern Population Census is a
process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in a country at a specified time.
The Census is a complete count of the population and provides detailed bench-mark data on the size of the population, age structure, educational attainment, labour force and socio-economic characteristics.

Слайд 14

1.4 Survey sampling

Survey sampling describes the process of selecting a sample of elements

1.4 Survey sampling Survey sampling describes the process of selecting a sample
from a target population in order to conduct a survey.
The purpose of sampling is to reduce the cost and/or the amount of work that it would take to survey the entire target population. A survey that measures the entire target population is called a census.

Слайд 15

Examples of Survey Data

Political polls of registered voters during political campaigns.
People being

Examples of Survey Data Political polls of registered voters during political campaigns.
surveyed to determine their satisfaction with a recent product or service experience.

Слайд 16

Types of questions for the survey

Single-select multiple choice
Multi-select multiple choice
Rating on a

Types of questions for the survey Single-select multiple choice Multi-select multiple choice
Ranking items numerically
Open-ended text


Слайд 17

Observational study

Data obtained from a survey sample or census lead to an

Observational study Data obtained from a survey sample or census lead to
observational study,
…which measures the characteristics of a population by studying individuals in a sample, but does not attempt to manipulate the variable of interest.

Слайд 18

1.5 Designed experiment

A designed experiment applies a treatment to individuals (experimental units)

1.5 Designed experiment A designed experiment applies a treatment to individuals (experimental
and attempts to isolate the effects of the treatment on a response variable.

Слайд 19

Examples of Data From A Designed Experiment

Consumer testing of different versions of

Examples of Data From A Designed Experiment Consumer testing of different versions
a product to help determine which product should be pursued further.
Material testing to determine which supplier’s material should be used in a product.
Market testing on alternative product promotions to determine which promotion to use more broadly.

Слайд 20

Experiment or Observational study?

Observational study
To learn characteristics of a population
To determine whether

Experiment or Observational study? Observational study To learn characteristics of a population
there is a relation between two variables

To identify certain cause and effect relationship among variables of the study
To isolate the cause of the relation between two variables

Слайд 21

Assess your understanding

Explain the difference between a population and a sample.
Give 5

Assess your understanding Explain the difference between a population and a sample.
examples of qualitative and quantitative variables.
True or false: Both discrete and continuous variables are quantitative variables?
True or False: A population is the totality of items or things under consideration.

Слайд 22

Methods of Data Collection

Different entities in experimental conditions
Repeated measures (within-subject)
The same entities

Methods of Data Collection Between-group/Between-subject/independent Different entities in experimental conditions Repeated measures
take part in all experimental conditions.
Practice effects

Group task:
Describe the difference between 2 methods
Give examples

Слайд 23

Class Assignment #1

Select your favorite brand / company (Ex. Pepsi-Cola or PepsiCo

Class Assignment #1 Select your favorite brand / company (Ex. Pepsi-Cola or
Inc.) for survey organization.
Select the goal of the survey (Ex. customer satisfaction, website satisfaction, product review etc.)
Write 10 questions for the survey (different types of questions should be presented)
For each question indicate the level of measurement and whether the variable is qualitative / quantitative (discrete / continuous)
10 minutes / 10% to the total grade

Слайд 24

Course content

1. Data

2. Sampling

3. Data

4. Variation

5. Basic

6. Probability

7. Sampling

Course content 1. Data Collection 2. Sampling methods 3. Data Visualization 4.


Final Test

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