Parameterization of mires in a numerical weather prediction model Alla YurovaHydrometeorological Centre of Russia


Слайд 2

Mire (peatland): definition

Drainage of water is blocked. Precipitation is retained. Water table

Mire (peatland): definition Drainage of water is blocked. Precipitation is retained. Water
is close to the surface (max 70 cm)
Specific vegetation-Sphagnum moss, sedges
Decomposition of organic matter is slowed-peat is formed

Слайд 3

The spatial distribution of mires in Russia from the GIS
"Peatlands of

The spatial distribution of mires in Russia from the GIS "Peatlands of
Russia" (Vompersky et al., 2005).

Mires have a specific:
Heat balance
Moisture exchange

Слайд 4

Global semi-Lagrangian NWP model SL-AV (Tolstykh, 2001)

Operational NWP in Hydrometeorological Centre

Global semi-Lagrangian NWP model SL-AV (Tolstykh, 2001) Operational NWP in Hydrometeorological Centre
of Russia
Resolution 0.72о lat и 0.9о lon, 50 vertical levels
Dynamical core- semi-Lagrangian, semi-implicit, vorticity and divergence as prognostic variables, unstaggered horizontal grid
Physical parameterizations- ALADIN/ALARO, including ISBA LSS
In Siberia forecasts in summer are biased towards high air temperature and low relative humidity

Слайд 5

Modifications done to the SL-AV model to simulate mire heat and
water balance


Modifications done to the SL-AV model to simulate mire heat and water
soil heat transfer model with heat capacity and thermal conductivity from Wania et al. (2009)
Water balance with MMWH
Two schemes to simulate evapotranspiration(1-Lafleur et al., 2005;2-Weiss et al., 2006)
Prescribed roughness length and albedo



РЕТ-potential ET

Слайд 6

The Mixed Mire Water and Heat model MMWH (Granberg et al., 1999)


The Mixed Mire Water and Heat model MMWH (Granberg et al., 1999)
content, P-precipitation, E-evapotranspiration, q-runoff, i-slope of the water table,·K_h-transmissivity coefficient, lq-lumped parameter



Слайд 7

Sensible heat

Latent heat

Components of the heat balance from the eddy-flux measurements,

Sensible heat Latent heat Components of the heat balance from the eddy-flux
standard model simulation (stand), and simulation with a new model (mire). Degero Srormyr mire, Sweden

Слайд 8

Components of the radiation and heat balance from the standard model simulation

Components of the radiation and heat balance from the standard model simulation
(stand), and simulation with a new model (mire).
July-August 2008, “mire” grid cells only, Western Siberia

LW balance

Sensible heat

Latent heat

Soil heat flux

Слайд 9

Mean bias error (MBE) for forecasted temperature °C, for the standard model

Mean bias error (MBE) for forecasted temperature °C, for the standard model
(ref), for the saturated mire surface (satur) model, for the model with the Weiss et al. (2006) function for evapotranspiration (finevap), and for the model incorporating the Lafleur et al. (2005) function for evapotranspiration (canevap).
July-August 2008, “mire” stations only, Western Siberia

Слайд 10


Mean absolute error (MAE) for forecasted temperature °C, for the standard model

. Mean absolute error (MAE) for forecasted temperature °C, for the standard
(ref), for the saturated mire surface (satur) model, for the model with the Weiss et al. (2006) function for evapotranspiration (finevap), and for the model incorporating the Lafleur et al. (2005) function for evapotranspiration (canevap).
July-August 2008, “mire” stations only, Western Siberia

Слайд 11

Mean bias error (MBE) for forecasted relative humidity, for the standard model

Mean bias error (MBE) for forecasted relative humidity, for the standard model
(ref), for the saturated mire surface (satur) model, for the model with the Weiss et al. (2006) function for evapotranspiration (finevap), and for the model incorporating the Lafleur et al. (2005) function for evapotranspiration (canevap).
July-August 2008, “mire” stations only, Western Siberia

Слайд 12

RMSE for forecasted relative humidity, for the standard model (reef), for the

RMSE for forecasted relative humidity, for the standard model (reef), for the
saturated mire surface (satur) model, for the model with the Weiss et al. (2006) function for evapotranspiration (finevap), and for the model incorporating the Lafleur et al. (2005) function for evapotranspiration (canevap).
July-August 2008, “mire” stations only, Western Siberia

Слайд 13


It is important to incorporate mires when forcasting weather in Siberia
Heat balance

Conclusions: It is important to incorporate mires when forcasting weather in Siberia
partitioning has changed
The mire parameterization has helped to reduce a large warm temperature bias in Western Siberia for the forecast for lead times of 12, 36 and 60h, but did not eliminate forecast bias for lead times of 24, 48 and 72h.

Слайд 14

Future plans:
Testing the model for winter conditions (freezing and thawing)
Investigating the effect

Future plans: Testing the model for winter conditions (freezing and thawing) Investigating
of mire drainage on local and regional weather conditions
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