Слайд 2Guidelines (negotiable, if you are unhappy with these, let’s discuss!)
In this course,

you task will be to peer assess each other’s syllabuses.
We agreed on some procedures to do this:
A person presents his or her syllabus in class. This syllabus is yet a draft, which will be re-worked, elaborated and improved once you receive feedback form your peers.
You can use and show the syllabus template, or you can put different components of your syllabus on separate slides.
After the presentation, the task of the assessee is to provide the written/electronic version of your syllabus to the group. You can do this via our vk-group.
The task for peer assessors is to provide written commentary on the syllabus, based on the criteria presented in next slides. You can do this by posting a comment to the vk-group. You have one week to do so.
Do not postpone it, as you will have to look at your other groupmates’ syllabi next week.
Why double assessment (oral and written)? To provide the assessee a chance to answer your questions, if any. To give you more time to think about the syllabus of your peer.
Presentation schedule is on the next slide.
Слайд 3Syllabus presentation schedule
Dasha – 27th of November
Larisa – 4th of December

Nadezhda – 7th of December
Alexis – 11th of December
Victor or Marina – 14th of December
Oxana – 18th of December
Victor or Marina – 25th of December
Final meeting – 28th of December (sweets and snacks are welcome, tea will be provided ☺
Слайд 4Goals and Objectives
Are they realistic?
Can we achieve this goals by

the end of the course? Are they measurable?
Do they fit SS needs?
Are they general or specific?
Слайд 5General impression
Does this syllabus have all necessary components?
Is is logical

and has a clear layout?
Does it look like an internal, or a public document, ‘a contact’ with the students?
Does it provide any room for negotiating with the students (in terms of content, or tasks, or assessment procedures)?
Is it teacher- or student-centred?
Слайд 6Needs assessment
Is any needs assessment information for SS included?
What information

was collected before the course, if any?
Was this information used to build the course?
Слайд 7Course content
Does it fit course goals and objectives?
Is it appropriate

for SS age and level?
Is it what the students need?
Does the course offer a variety of activities (develops all the 4 skills)?
Is the content interactive, interesting, challenging, motivating for SS?
Does the course have a culture component?
Слайд 8Organization of the course
Are the units sequenced from simple to complex?

Is the course coherent?
Is material recycled throughout the course?
Слайд 9Materials and methods
Are the materials of the right level?

they authentic?
Are the materials attractive/relevant/ appropriate for this group of learners?
Are the methods appropriate in relation to course goals and learner needs?
Слайд 10Assessment plan
Do assessment activities assess what has been taught/learned?
Is assessment

given in a balanced way?
Is it teacher-friendly? (practical)
Are the assessment criteria clear to the students?