Perfect Competition

Слайд 2

Market Structure
The term „market structure” relates to the number of market participants,

Market Structure The term „market structure” relates to the number of market
their shares in this market and means of making decisions that determine prices, demand and supply.

Слайд 3

Types of Market Structures

Demand side
perfect competition (pure competition)
imperfect competition:
monopsony competition

Supply side
perfect competition

Types of Market Structures Demand side perfect competition (pure competition) imperfect competition:
(pure competition)
imperfect competition:
monopolistic competition

Слайд 4

Features of Perfectly Competitive Market (PCM)

There are many sellers in the market.

Features of Perfectly Competitive Market (PCM) There are many sellers in the
Each seller has a very small market share of total sales.
The products sold in the market are homogeneous, which means that each seller’s product is identical to that of other sellers. A homogeneous product is one that is standardized. One seller’s product is a perfect substitute for that of any other seller.
Buyers have perfect information on products sold by different sellers.
There is freedom of entry and exit by sellers. This means there are no restraints preventing firms from entering the market, nor are the difficulties in ceasing operations.

Слайд 5

Examples of Markets Close to PCM

Examples of Markets Close to PCM Agriculture: potatos beets wheat

Слайд 6

Price of Standardized Good in PCM
Price does not depend on firm’s decisions

Price of Standardized Good in PCM Price does not depend on firm’s
(its production and supply). It is determined in the market. Every firm in PCM is pricetaker.

Слайд 7

Means of Competing
There is no price competition and non-price (e.g. marketing) competition.

Means of Competing There is no price competition and non-price (e.g. marketing)
No seller in the market regards competing sellers as a threat to its market share.
To achieve its purpose (maximize profit), firms can only change their volume of production.

Слайд 8

Individual Demand Line

Individual Demand Line
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