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Political Parties of the United States has always played and continue to

INTRODUCTION Political Parties of the United States has always played and continue
play an important role in the life of the country, despite the fact that the United States Constitution does not provide for the existence of political parties. Traditionally, the U.S. is characterized by two-party system, when the policy is dominated by two large parties, in turn, replacing each other in power.

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The modern two-party system is composed of Democratic and Republican parties which

The modern two-party system is composed of Democratic and Republican parties which
invariably wins the presidential election of 1852 and controlled the Congress of the United States since 1856. Beginning in the 1930s, Democrats in general occupy positions in American politics a little left of center, while the Republicans are right of center.
Besides the two major parties in the U.S. are 38 more federal parties, not including the regional, but the influence on the policies they have almost no effect. Only from time to time, someone from the members of smaller parties can get elected to the House of Representatives or the Senate. In some states there are parties enjoying a real impact on regional policies, such as Vermont Progressive Party.

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The modern party system in the United States

A MODERN AMERICAN PARTY SYSTEM The modern party system in the United
is characterized by the dominance of two parties, Democratic and Republican. These two parties control both the United States Congress and the legislatures of all states. Also, Democrats and Republicans win the presidential election and in most cases, the election of state governors and mayors. Other parties only occasionally seeking a small office at the federal and states, often without being able to actually influence policy even at the local level.

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The Democratic Party is one of the two major political

THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY The Democratic Party is one of the two major
parties in the United States. It is the oldest political party in the country and one of the oldest in the world. Now the Democrats support, mostly residents of major U.S. cities and densely populated coastal states, educated voters are engaged in intellectual activity with an income above average, the workers of large corporations, unionized, and the feminists, human rights organizations, racial and sexual minorities.

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In our time, Democrats support raising taxes on the rich, increased social

In our time, Democrats support raising taxes on the rich, increased social
spending budget, the development of high-tech sectors of the economy and the fight against pollution, the rejection of economic protectionism and advocate of sexual and racial minorities. Unlike their opponents from the Republican Party of Democrats in the majority against the ban on abortion and the death penalty, in favor of government intervention, albeit limited, in economic processes, as well as restricting the right to own and carry firearms

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The Republican Party is one of two major contemporary political

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY The Republican Party is one of two major contemporary
parties in the United States. It is often referred to as "GOP“(Grand Old Party). Founded in 1854, opponents of the spread of slavery into new territories and to protect the interests of the North, the Republican Party dominated the American political scene since the election of Abraham Lincoln president. The party managed to win the Civil War and saved the U.S. from the split. From 1860 to 1932, and Republicans only four times gave way to the presidency the Democrats.
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