Слайд 2General characteristic of a profession
The teacher — is a unique profession, out

of time, fashion and geography.
Being one of the most ancient professions, it remains necessary and demanded to this day.
As well as all on light, over time it undergoes changes.
According to Ojegov's dictionary, the teacher — is the person who trains someone in something.
Teachers work not only at school, they impart knowledge in colleges and institutes and other educational institutions.
Слайд 3Profession history
Once long ago, when division of labor didn't exist, all

seniors became teachers,
the most skilled representatives of a tribe/community.
Слайд 4Profession history
Then, the people owning this or that craft and giving

these or those skill/knowledge became teachers.
Слайд 5The pedagogics, in a translation from Greek means "detovozhdeniye", that is education

of children, their preparation for life in society.
As the developed science pedagogics is engaged in disclosure of regularities of education, defines the content of education and a training technique.
The beginning of development of pedagogics belongs to ancient centuries. The pedagogics in the form of rules and manuals for adults on care of children and supervision over their behavior arose. The pedagogical traditions which have begun development of pedagogics as sciences, appeared in Ancient Greece in the V-IV centuries B.C. The particular interest is caused by the Athenian and Spartan educational systems.
Слайд 6The Athenian educational system assumed the training beginning from 7 years when

the teacher (so called the black slave) conducted the child in school where at first it passed reading and the account, then there came turn of literary and esthetic education. The big part was assigned also to physical training (to run, jumps, swimming, javelin throw and a disk).
The Spartan educational system paid the main attention to education of strength of mind, physical endurance, a character hardening.
Слайд 7Athenian educational system
Spiritual education

Слайд 8Spartan educational system
Physical training

Слайд 9Formation of an era of the Middle Ages had generally religious character

Слайд 10And only in 18 — 19 eyelids, teaching as officially recognized profession

became the mass phenomenon in Europe and around the world
Слайд 11Social importance, importance and profession demand
In 21 centuries when than knowledge becomes

more increasing, the profession of the teacher gains new value for development of society, the science world.
Teachers accompany us during all life, from kindergarten age.
The trainer at sports school hides from us chocolate and forces to run some more kilometers on a racetrack.
The master at plant transfers secrets of the craft, the business coach (the teacher for adults) shares the newest councils of skill, doing us by more successful.
The instructor in driving school learns to drive the car.
all teachers impart knowledge
have to own the subject well
check and estimate

prepares for lessons/occupations
have to possess a certain set of qualities
Слайд 13Abilities:
teaching abilities;
oratorical abilities; organizing abilities;
verbal abilities (ability to speak clearly,

accurately, expressively);
communicative abilities (skills of communication and interaction with people);
good development of memory;
high level of distribution of attention (ability to pay attention to several objects at the same time);
mental and emotional steadiness;
ability to empathy.
Слайд 14Personal qualities, interests and tendencies
tendency to work with children;
ability to interest

in the plan, to lead;
high degree of a personal responsibility;
self-checking and steadiness;
bezotsenochny attitude towards people;
interest and respect for other person;
aspiration to self-knowledge, self-development;
originality, resourcefulness, versatility;
tactfulness; commitment;
insistence to itself and another;
observation (ability to see tendencies in development of the child, in formation of his abilities, skills, origin of requirements and interests).
Слайд 15Duties:
training of pupils in the subject, various sciences;
explanation of a new material

available to this age and specific features means;
poll and assessment of knowledge of pupils,
control of assimilation of a material, progress and behavior of school students;
help in disclosure of creative potential, abilities and opportunities of pupils;
solution of conflict situations;
check cool and homeworks,
consultation of pupils and their parents on selection of books necessary for training, grants, workbooks, etc.
carrying out additional and out-of-class classes and actions,
implementation of the cool management, carrying out educational work with children;
assistance to development in pupils of aspiration to development of new knowledge, an explanation of the current social events and the phenomena;
drawing up plans of carrying out lessons;
preparation of reports on progress of children
bears responsibility for health and life of pupils