Слайд 2 What is print advertising?
Print advertising is a form of advertising,

which is made on a special printed products and is aimed, first of all, on visual perception. Printing or polygraph advertising the most widespread form of advertising all over the world.
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Print advertising rules
Advertisements in the press, as a rule, are laconic

and short
In print advertising illustration application is very effective
It is very important to focus attention to all possible communication facilities with the advertiser
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Advantages of a print advertising

Слайд 6Advertising in magazines
For a long time advertisers understand how to act

on the consumers through print products. They knew how to engage the viewer.
Слайд 7 Creative business cards
There are both successful and absolutely ridiculous examples

of creative business cards
Слайд 8 Creative advertising posters in magazines
Examples of creative advertising posters in magazines: