Слайд 2The verb to be
I was We were
You were

You were
He was They were
She was
It was
Слайд 3
I was reading a book.
I was watching TV.
I was listening to music.

was cooking a dinner.
Слайд 4
Read and translate.
1. They were playing tennis at 10 o’clock.
2. My cat was sleeping yesterday at 6 o'clock.

She was eating yesterday at 2 o’clock.
Слайд 5
Make Past Continuous from
the following verbs.
I (do)
He (play)
We (read)

They (watch)
You (go)
Слайд 6
Interview your friend what was he or she doing at 4 o’clock

… at 4 o’clock yesterday
… at 5 o’clock yesterday
… at 6 o’clock yesterday
… at 8 o'clock yesterday
Слайд 8Vocabulary
a tower – башня
a deep tone – глубокий тон (звук)
a сhurch

- церковь
to take place – проходить, происходить
the fire – огонь, пожар
the House of Commons – палата общин
daily - ежедневный
in memory of – в память о
in the middle of – в середине
to take care of the ravens – заботиться о воронах
Слайд 9
Big Ben,
Westminster Abbey,
the Houses of Parliament,
Buckingham Palace,
the Trafalgar Square,

Tower of London.
Слайд 11Big Ben
Tourists always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They

want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell and you hear it every hour. You can hear its deep tone on the radio.
Слайд 12Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. It is one of

the most famous and beautiful churches in London. Westminster was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abbey.
Слайд 13Houses of Parliament
The present Houses of Parliament were built after the fire

in the Palace of Westminster in 1834.
There are two houses in the Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Слайд 14Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. The

daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its courtyard. The palace was built in 1703 by Duke of Buckingham.
Слайд 15Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. It was named in

memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square.
Слайд 16Tower
Now the Tower is a museum. A lot of ancient traditions are

kept in the Tower. For example, changing of the guard and taking care of the ravens in the Tower. The legend says: till the ravens are alive England will be rich.
Слайд 18Homework:
Make the dialogues
about our tour

Слайд 19Today I have known
(Сегодня я узнал) …
Now I can (Теперь я

могу) …
It was difficult for me to
(Я затруднялся в) …