Price marketing course


Слайд 2


Compare the alternative pricing strategies and explain when each strategy is most

Objectives Compare the alternative pricing strategies and explain when each strategy is
Describe how prices are quoted.
Identify the various pricing policy decisions that marketers must make.
Relate price to consumer perceptions of quality.
Contrast competitive bidding and negotiated prices.
Explain the importance of transfer pricing.
Compare the three alternative global pricing strategies.
Relate the concepts of cannibalization, bundle pricing, and bots to online pricing strategies.

Слайд 3

The scope of Price

Price is money equivalent of
Cost + profit
Customer satisfaction

The scope of Price Price is money equivalent of Cost + profit Customer satisfaction value

Слайд 4

The Economist’s View







Quantity demanded

The Economist’s View 20 10 100 200 120 Price Quantity demanded

Слайд 5

Pricing methods

Jobber, 2003

Pricing methods Jobber, 2003

Слайд 6

Cost-oriented Pricing

Direct Costs (per unit) £2
Fixed Costs £200,000
Expected Sales 100,000
Costs per Unit

Cost-oriented Pricing Direct Costs (per unit) £2 Fixed Costs £200,000 Expected Sales
Costs £2
Fixed Costs (200K/100K) £2
Full Costs £4
Mark-up (10%) £0.4
Price (costs + mark-up) £4.4

Costs are taken into account only when they are directly attributable to the production of a particular product. Fixed costs or overheads are not included in the marginal cost.
Marginal cost for the example given:
Fixed Costs £200,000
Expected Sales £100,000
Marginal Cost £2
Mark-up (10%) £0.2
Marginal Price £2.2

Full Cost Pricing

Direct (Marginal) Cost Pricing

Слайд 7



Слайд 8

Alternative Pricing Strategies

Skimming Pricing Strategies—known as market-plus pricing.
Intentional setting of a relatively

Alternative Pricing Strategies Skimming Pricing Strategies—known as market-plus pricing. Intentional setting of
high price.
More commonly used as a market entry price for distinctive goods or services with little or no initial competition.
Often used by marketers of high-end goods and services.

Слайд 9

Competitor -oriented


Competitor -oriented Sainsbury’s Next

Слайд 11

Tesco Price Check

Tesco Price Check

Слайд 12

Marketing-orientated pricing

Jobber, 2003

Marketing-orientated pricing Jobber, 2003

Слайд 13

Price-Quality Strategies

Kotler 2003

Price-Quality Strategies Kotler 2003

Слайд 14

Premium Strategy

Premium Strategy

Слайд 15

Medium Value

Medium Value

Слайд 16

Good Value

Good Value

Слайд 17

Price and Product Launch

3 pricing strategies:
Market Skimming
Competitive pricing
Market Penetration

Price and Product Launch 3 pricing strategies: Market Skimming Competitive pricing Market Penetration

Слайд 18

Market Skimming

Market Skimming

Слайд 19

Skimming Strategy Benefits

First, it allows a manufacturer to quickly recover its research-and-development

Skimming Strategy Benefits First, it allows a manufacturer to quickly recover its
(R&D) costs.
Second, it allows a firm to maximize revenue from a new product before competitors enter the field.
It is also a useful tool for segmenting a product’s overall market on price.
Permits marketers to control demand in the introductory stages of a product’s life cycle.
Chief disadvantage: It attracts competition.

Слайд 20

Price Reductions

Increase Market Share

Price Reductions Increase Market Share

Слайд 21

Market Penetration

Market Penetration

Слайд 22

Penetration Pricing Strategy

Sets a low price as a major marketing weapon.
Retailers may

Penetration Pricing Strategy Sets a low price as a major marketing weapon.
use penetration pricing to lure shoppers to new store.
Works best for goods or services characterized by highly elastic demand.
May be appropriate in market situations in which introduction of a new product will likely attract strong competitors.

Слайд 23

Everyday Low Pricing

Closely related to penetration pricing.
A strategy devoted to continuous low

Everyday Low Pricing Closely related to penetration pricing. A strategy devoted to
Retailers like Wal-Mart compete by consistently offering consumers low prices on a broad range of items.

Слайд 24

Competitive Pricing

Competitive Pricing

Слайд 25

Competitive Pricing

Reduce the emphasis on price competition by matching other firms’

Competitive Pricing Reduce the emphasis on price competition by matching other firms’
prices and concentrating their own marketing efforts on the product, distribution, and promotion elements of the marketing mix.
A price reduction results in financial effects throughout an industry as other firms match the drop.
Nearly two-thirds of all firms set prices using competitive pricing

Слайд 26

Price Quotations

Depends on:
Competitive trends,
Cost structures,
Traditional practices,
Policies of individual firms.
Most price structures are

Price Quotations Depends on: Competitive trends, Cost structures, Traditional practices, Policies of
built around list prices—the rates normally quoted to potential buyers.

Слайд 27


Cash Discounts

Reductions in price in exchange for prompt payment of bills.
Usually specify

Reductions Cash Discounts Reductions in price in exchange for prompt payment of
exact time periods.


Payments to channel members for performing marketing functions
The Robinson-Patman Act allows trade discounts as long as all buyers in the same category receive the same discount privileges.


Price reductions granted for large-volume purchases.
Justify these discounts on the grounds that large orders reduce selling expenses.
May specify either cumulative or noncumulative terms:
Cumulative quantity discounts reduce prices in amounts determined by purchases over stated time periods.
Noncumulative quantity discounts provide one-time reductions in the list price
Many businesses have come to expect quantity discounts from suppliers.
Marketers typically favor combinations of cash, trade, and volume discounts.

Слайд 28

Reductions (Continued)


Resemble discounts by specifying deductions from list price.
Major categories of allowances are

Reductions (Continued) Allowances Resemble discounts by specifying deductions from list price. Major
trade-ins and promotional allowances.


A refund of a portion of the purchase price.
Appear most prominently in automobile promotions

Слайд 29

Methods of Handling Transportation Expenses

The buyer pays all transportation charges.
The seller pay all

Methods of Handling Transportation Expenses The buyer pays all transportation charges. The
transportation charges.
The buyer and the seller share the charges.

Слайд 30

Four Basic Types of Pricing Policies

Psychological Pricing
Price Flexibility
Product-line Pricing
Promotional Pricing

Four Basic Types of Pricing Policies Psychological Pricing Price Flexibility Product-line Pricing Promotional Pricing

Слайд 31

Psychological Pricing

Belief that certain prices or price ranges make products more appealing.

Psychological Pricing Belief that certain prices or price ranges make products more
Pricing, marketers set prices at odd numbers just under round numbers.
Unit pricing states prices in terms of some recognized unit of measurement.
9.99 instead of 10
7 instead 8

Слайд 32

Price Flexibility

Variable pricing is more likely to be applied in marketing programs

Price Flexibility Variable pricing is more likely to be applied in marketing
based on individual bargaining.
May conflict with provisions of the Robinson-Patman Act.
May also lead to retaliatory pricing by competitors.
May stir complaints among customers.

Слайд 33

Product-Line Pricing

The practice of setting a limited number of prices for a

Product-Line Pricing The practice of setting a limited number of prices for
selection of merchandise.
Retailers practice extensive product-line pricing.
A potential problems with product-line pricing is that once marketers decide on a limited number of prices to use as their price lines, they may have difficulty making price changes on individual items.

Слайд 34

Promotional Pricing

A lower-than-normal price is used as a temporary ingredient in a

Promotional Pricing A lower-than-normal price is used as a temporary ingredient in
firm’s selling strategy.
Retailers rely most heavily on promotional pricing.
Loss Leaders:
goods priced below cost.
States with unfair-trade laws prohibit the practice.
Leader Pricing:
Prices slightly above cost.

Слайд 35

Promotional Pricing Pitfalls

Some buyers are not attracted by promotional pricing.
By maintaining an

Promotional Pricing Pitfalls Some buyers are not attracted by promotional pricing. By
artificially low price for a period of time, marketers may lead customers to expect it as a customary feature of the product.

Слайд 36

Three Export Pricing Strategies

Standard Worldwide Price
Dual Pricing
Market-Differentiated Pricing

Three Export Pricing Strategies Standard Worldwide Price Dual Pricing Market-Differentiated Pricing

Слайд 37

Influences on the Internet on Pricing

Cannibalization secures additional sales through lower prices

Influences on the Internet on Pricing Cannibalization secures additional sales through lower
that take sales away from the marketer’s other products.
Bots, also known as robots or shopbots, act as comparison shopping agents.
Bundle pricing is offering two or more complementary products and selling them for a single price.

Слайд 38

Consumer considerations

Customer psychology important:
Need to pay
Price expectations:
- market segment: some price

Consumer considerations Customer psychology important: Need to pay Price expectations: - market
range in mind
- fair/just price: perceptions of cost
- past prices: as remembered
- quality perceptions
- value for money:
- (price, quality, service, image)

Слайд 39

Strategic considerations


LOW COST ---------------------------”NICHE”-------------------------- HIGH COST

Strategic considerations FOCUSED LOW COST ---------------------------”NICHE”-------------------------- HIGH COST

Слайд 40

Lowest Cost Provider

Lowest Cost Provider

Слайд 41

VFM as a key value proposition

VFM as a key value proposition

Слайд 42

VFM as a key value proposition

VFM as a key value proposition

Слайд 43

VFM as a key value proposition

VFM as a key value proposition

Слайд 44



Слайд 45



Слайд 46



Niche Gilbert

Слайд 47

PLC – relationship with Price



Sales & profits








Introductory offers

Higher price/ special offers

Price consolidation


PLC – relationship with Price Sales Profits Sales & profits Investment Development

Слайд 48

In Summary

Compared alternative pricing strategies.
Described how prices are quoted.
Identified pricing policy decisions

In Summary Compared alternative pricing strategies. Described how prices are quoted. Identified
that marketers make.
Related price to consumer perceptions of quality.
Contrasted competitive bidding and negotiated prices.
Explained the importance of transfer pricing.
Compared the three alternative global pricing strategies.
Related the concepts of cannibalization, bundle pricing, and bots to online pricing strategies.
Имя файла: Price-marketing-course-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 191
Количество скачиваний: 1