Private, political, social and economical rights and freedoms


Слайд 2


Constitutional Law
Constitutional Rights and Freedoms
Private rights
Political rights
Social and Cultural rights
Economical rights
Constitutional Obligations

Outline Constitutional Law Constitutional Rights and Freedoms Private rights Political rights Social

Слайд 3

Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law of RK is a body
norms of law which regulates:

Constitutional Law Constitutional Law of RK is a body norms of law
Status of Individuals;
Form of State (form of
governance, of state structure,
of political regime);
Legal Status of the Supreme State Organs;
Basics of Political Structure;
Basics of Economic Structure.

Слайд 4



Слайд 5

Legal Status of Individuals

Legal Status of Individuals

Слайд 6

Private Rights

Private Rights

Слайд 7

Private Rights

Right to freely move in the territory of RK and

Private Rights Right to freely move in the territory of RK and
freely choose a place of residence, (Article 21.1)
Right to confidentiality. Everyone shall have the right to confidentiality of personal deposits and savings, correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. (Article 18/2)
Right to life. No one shall have the right to arbitrarily deprive a person of life. (article 15.2.)
The freedom of speech and creative activities shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be prohibited. (art.20)

Слайд 8

Juridical defense of individual
Right to protect rights and freedoms with all means

Juridical defense of individual Right to protect rights and freedoms with all
not contradicting the law including self-defense (Art. 13.1)
Right to judicial defense of rights and freedoms (Art. 13.2)
Right to qualified legal assistance (Art. 13.3)
Right to equality before the law and court (Art. 14.1)
Right to non-discrimination for reasons of Art 14.2:
social and property status
nationality and language
attitude towards religion
place of residence or any other circumstances

Слайд 9

Economic Rights

Economic Rights

Слайд 10

Ownership and Freedom of entrepreneurial activity (Art. 26)

Ownership, including the right of inheritance,

Ownership and Freedom of entrepreneurial activity (Art. 26) Ownership, including the right
shall be guaranteed by law
No one may be deprived of his property unless otherwise stipulated by a court decision
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity, and free use of his property for any legal entrepreneurial activity. Monopolistic activity shall be regulated and limited by law

Слайд 11

Receive on a competitive
basis a higher education in a state higher

Receive on a competitive basis a higher education in a state higher
educational establishment

Pay and receive
an education in private educational establishments

Right to protection of health

Free, guaranteed, extensive medical assistance

Right to a minimum wage and pension, and guaranteed social security in old age, in case legal grounds

Protection of marriage
and family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood

Care of children
and their upbringing

Right to the environment
favorable for the life
and health

Слайд 12

Right to protection of health (Art.29)

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall

Right to protection of health (Art.29) Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
have the right to protection of health.
Citizens of the Republic shall be entitled to free, guaranteed, extensive medical assistance established by law.
Paid medical treatment shall be provided by state and private medical institutions as well as by persons engaged in private medical practice on the terms and according to the procedures stipulated by law.

Слайд 13

Right to have an education (Art.30)

The citizens shall be guaranteed free secondary

Right to have an education (Art.30) The citizens shall be guaranteed free
education in state educational establishments. Secondary education shall be obligatory.
A citizen shall have the right to receive on a competitive basis a higher education in a state higher educational establishment.
The citizens shall have the right to pay and receive an education in private educational establishments on the basis and terms established by law.
The state shall set uniform compulsory standards in education. The activity of any educational establishment must comply with these standards.

Слайд 15

Political Rights (art.33)
Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right

Political Rights (art.33) Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the
to participate in the government of the state's affairs
Citizens of the Republic shall have the right to elect and be elected into public and local self-administrations
The right to elect and be elected, to participate in the all-nation referendum shall not extend
Citizens of the Republic shall have the equal right to serve in a public office

Слайд 16

Constitutional Obligations

Everyone must observe the Constitution, legislation of the RK and respect

Constitutional Obligations Everyone must observe the Constitution, legislation of the RK and
the rights and freedoms of other persons (art. 34)
Everyone must respect the state symbols of the Republic (art. 35)
Everyone must pay legally established taxes, fees and other obligatory payments (art. 36)
Citizens have a sacred duty to defend the Republic.
Citizens of the RK must care for the protection of historical and cultural heritage, and preserve monuments of history and culture.
Citizens of the RK must preserve nature and protect natural resources.
Able-bodied children of age must take care of their disabled parents.

Слайд 17

Статья 28. Освобождение от призыва на воинскую службу (О воинской обязанности и

Статья 28. Освобождение от призыва на воинскую службу (О воинской обязанности и
воинской службе от 08.07.2005 г.)

От призыва на воинскую службу по призыву в мирное
время освобождаются граждане: 1) проходящие или прошедшие воинскую службу; 2) признанные не годными к воинской службе по состоянию здоровья; 3) не призванные на законных основаниях на срочную воинскую службу по достижении двадцати семи лет; 4) у которых один из родственников (отец, мать, брат или сестра) погиб, умер или стал инвалидом первой или второй группы при исполнении служебных обязанностей в период прохождения воинской службы; 5) прошедшие воинскую (альтернативную) службу в другом государстве; 6) имеющие ученую степень.

Слайд 18


International Law created international legal
norms on man's rights:
International declaration on man's rights

Conclusion International Law created international legal norms on man's rights: International declaration
on civil and political rights
Pact on economic, social and cultural rights
Constitution of the RK respects principles and norms
of the International Law. Moreover international
treaties and other international obligations of the RK
have priorities before its laws.

Слайд 19

Questions for you:

You graduate KIMEP in May 2009. Next day a police

Questions for you: You graduate KIMEP in May 2009. Next day a
inspector brings you a notification from military commissariat telling you have to report in 3 days. Suppose the service in army is not scheduled in your plan. Your actions?
Suppose you lent $5,000 to your friend. He couldn't repay his debt when it is due. You required his car as a payment. He refused. What would you do if you need money urgently?

Слайд 20

Questions for you:

3) You start your career ladder as an accountant in

Questions for you: 3) You start your career ladder as an accountant
prosperous company. Your boss doesn’t like you due to some personal reasons and fired you at some favorable occasion for him. You would like to maintain your position, based on what rights you can appeal?
4) Do you consider as violation of your private rights recording of your telephone conversations by law enforcements when you use key words like surname of President, name of any political party, terrorism and etc.?
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