Project Management Methodology


Слайд 2

Putting it all together Evaluating your project and managing it

Putting it all together Evaluating your project and managing it

Слайд 3

What have we done so far?

A quick summary of what we have

What have we done so far? A quick summary of what we have covered so far
covered so far

Слайд 4

In session 1 we looked at

The term project and we defined it.

In session 1 we looked at The term project and we defined
features of a project.
Examples of different projects.
The project Life Cycle - PLAN, DO, REVIEW
Conception phase
Definition phase
Initiation phase
Implementing phase
Evaluation phase

Слайд 5

And we looked at

Project Roles - Sponsor, Champion, Manager, Team, Stakeholders.
The Attributes

And we looked at Project Roles - Sponsor, Champion, Manager, Team, Stakeholders.
of an effective project manager.
Tool & Technique QUAD Chart
Tool & Technique Brainstorming
Tool & Technique Stakeholder Analysis
You had a go at producing your own QUAD chart

Слайд 6

Tools & Techniques QUAD chart


















Слайд 7

Tools and techniques

Tools and techniques

Слайд 8

We then looked at

A real life example of a project.
Audience and when

We then looked at A real life example of a project. Audience
and how to involve them.
-         internal and external
-         drivers, supporters and observers
Critical Success Factors vs Desired outcomes
Project champions
Tool & Technique Risk Analysis
Tool & Technique The Constraint/Resource Triangle and Boston Grid

Слайд 9

The Constraint Triangle




What is most important?

The Constraint Triangle RESOURCE (COST) SCHEDULE (TIME) PRODUCT (SPECIFICATION) What is most important?

Слайд 10

And we looked at

Risk Management Strategies
Categorising Risk
Tool & Technique Risk Assessment
Tool &

And we looked at Risk Management Strategies Categorising Risk Tool & Technique
Technique The Boston Chart.
You reviewed your QUAD chart, produced a risk analysis and a stakeholder analysis.

Слайд 11

Tool & Technique Risk Assessment Risk Analysis Grid

Tool & Technique Risk Assessment Risk Analysis Grid

Слайд 12

Tool & Technique Boston Chart

High Risk
Low Return

High Risk
High Return

Low Risk
High Return

Low Risk

Tool & Technique Boston Chart High Risk Low Return High Risk High

Слайд 13

Project Familiarity

Project Familiarity

Слайд 14

And we looked at

Work plans, their detail and how to do one.

And we looked at Work plans, their detail and how to do
Tool & Technique Work breakdown
- bottom up or top down
Tool & Technique Network Diagrams
The forward and backward pass
Tool & Technique GANTT Charts
Tool & Technique Critical Path Analysis

Слайд 15

Tool & Technique Work Breakdown Structure Jigsaw model


Tool & Technique Work Breakdown Structure Jigsaw model ELEMENTS

Слайд 16

Methods for Developing a Work Breakdown Structure

Bottom-up approach (using Brainstorming)
This is the

Methods for Developing a Work Breakdown Structure Bottom-up approach (using Brainstorming) This
most appropriate method for projects involving untested methods and approaches OR where team members have not performed similar projects before
Generate all activities you can think of that will have to be done and group into categories

Слайд 17

Tool & Technique Network Diagrams

A flow-chart that illustrates;
The order in which tasks

Tool & Technique Network Diagrams A flow-chart that illustrates; The order in
will be performed
Dependencies between tasks
Comprise three elements
Event - sometimes called a milestone e.g. “design begins”, “draft report approved”
Activity - work required to move from one event to another
Span time - the actual calendar time required to complete an activity

Слайд 18

Tool & Technique Activity-in-the-Box Network Diagrams (precedence)


Activity 1 t1 = 5

Activity 2 t2 =

Tool & Technique Activity-in-the-Box Network Diagrams (precedence) START Activity 1 t1 =

Activity 5
t5 = 2


Activity 3 t3 = 1

Activity 4 t4 = 3

All inputs to an activity box must have been completed before it can begin.
E.g. Activity 1 and 4 must be completed before 5 can commence. Critical Path is red

Слайд 19

Activity-in-the-Box Network Diagram (Making the Tea)


Fill Kettle

Switch Kettle On

Boil Water (Initial)

Scold Pot

Put Tea-bag In


Pour Water

Place Pot On

Activity-in-the-Box Network Diagram (Making the Tea) START Fill Kettle Switch Kettle On



Put Milk In Jug

Put Sugar In Bowl

Get Tray

Put Milk, Sugar, Cup & Saucer on Tray

Слайд 20

Gantt Chart

Named after its originator Henry Gantt.
A Gantt chart is a graph

Gantt Chart Named after its originator Henry Gantt. A Gantt chart is
which illustrates on a timeline when each activity will start, finish and end. It’s a pictorial representation of each stage of the project.

Слайд 21

Tool & Technique The Gantt Chart

Tool & Technique The Gantt Chart

Слайд 22

Tool & Technique Critical Path Analysis (for Making the Tea)


Fill Kettle

Switch Kettle On

Boil Water (Initial)


Tool & Technique Critical Path Analysis (for Making the Tea) START Fill

Put Tea-bag In


Pour Water

Place Pot On Tray



Put Milk In Jug

Put Sugar In Bowl

Get Tray

Put Milk, Sugar, Cup & Saucer on Tray


Critical Path

Слайд 23

Effect of Resource Changes New Technology!


Fill Kettle

Switch Kettle On

Boil Water (Initial)

Scold Pot

Put Tea-bag In


Pour Water

Place Pot On Tray



Effect of Resource Changes New Technology! START Fill Kettle Switch Kettle On

Put Milk In Jug

Put Sugar In Bowl

Get Tray

Put Milk, Sugar, Cup & Saucer on Tray

Strictly speaking not possible as needs 2 people

Critical Path

Resource Change

Слайд 24

And you

Reviewed your QUAD chart
Produced a work breakdown structure
Produced a Network

And you Reviewed your QUAD chart Produced a work breakdown structure Produced
diagram ?
Produced a GANTT chart
Identified the Critical Path
Reviewed the above with a colleague.

Слайд 25

Back to our model of the project life cycle

Back to our model of the project life cycle

Слайд 26

Project Life Cycle

Evaluation Phase (The Wrap-up)




Conception Phase (The Idea)
Definition Phase (The Plan)

Project Life Cycle Evaluation Phase (The Wrap-up) DO PLAN REVIEW Conception Phase
Phase (The Team)

Implementation Phase (The Work)

Слайд 27



Слайд 28


Why might we evaluate our finished project?

Exercise Why might we evaluate our finished project?

Слайд 29

The Evaluation phase or wrap up

A vital stage. It helps us to:
∙   identify

The Evaluation phase or wrap up A vital stage. It helps us
if we did what we intended to do
∙   identify what went wrong (+ maybe why)
∙  identify what went right.

Слайд 30


Project Evaluation helps us learn from our mistakes and reflect/review the things

Evaluation Project Evaluation helps us learn from our mistakes and reflect/review the
that worked well (so that we might improve them the next time).
It will also allow us to be able to congratulate ourselves and team for a job well done.
It’s important to see it as being an integral part of the project. Not a bolt on exercise. You need to allow time for it

Слайд 31

Evaluation – a definition
“To determine the value of”.
“To judge or assess the

Evaluation – a definition “To determine the value of”. “To judge or
worth of”
Evaluation is not a process of finding out what went wrong in order to blame people; it’s finding out what went wrong so we can use the information to improve things. So the next project we manage will run even more smoothly.

Слайд 32

So what do we evaluate and how?

We evaluate either the whole project

So what do we evaluate and how? We evaluate either the whole
or elements of it. Better to evaluate it all if you can.
 How do we evaluate?
Two methods 1 - subjectively
2- objectively
 Subjectively - useful for a quick and simple review; but remember you are biased! Objectively - much better, but more time consuming and more data required

Слайд 33

Hard or Soft evaluation?

Depends on nature & type of project
Hard Soft
measurable, people

Hard or Soft evaluation? Depends on nature & type of project Hard
visible outcome process
Numbers, figures change in attitude

Слайд 34

Hard evaluation

For some organisations the only factor to evaluate is whether the

Hard evaluation For some organisations the only factor to evaluate is whether
project as made a profit or not.
This is ok short term: but not for the long term.

Слайд 35

Evaluation can be

Summative: accountability, rating, scores ‘marks out of 10’ HARD
Illuminative: insights

Evaluation can be Summative: accountability, rating, scores ‘marks out of 10’ HARD
into experiences, ‘what has been most useful’ SOFT
Formative: aiming for improvement, change, ‘how will this affect’ SOFT
Participative: empowerment, self motivation, ‘I want, I hope’ SOFT
Source UKGRAD Project 2004

Слайд 36

Softer Evaluation can measure at different levels:
Reaction: ‘was the experience useful?’
Learning: ‘what

Softer Evaluation can measure at different levels: Reaction: ‘was the experience useful?’
skills and attitudes have changed?’
Behaviour: ‘has the behaviour changed as a result of learning?’
Results: ‘has the change in behaviour had a positive result?’

Слайд 37

What do we evaluate?

The finished project/product?
The process we went through?

What do we evaluate? The finished project/product? The process we went through? Both?

Слайд 38

When do we evaluate?

Just at the end of the project?
Regularly throughout it?

When do we evaluate? Just at the end of the project? Regularly throughout it? Both?

Слайд 39

Class exercise

How do you think you might go about evaluating your project?

Class exercise How do you think you might go about evaluating your
the choice as to hard or soft evaluation be determined by: you, your organisation, the project
What might you do?
What information might you need?
How might you obtain it?
From whom/where might you obtain it?

Слайд 40

How to evaluate your project

Review your QUAD chart, Stakeholder Analysis, Risk Analysis

How to evaluate your project Review your QUAD chart, Stakeholder Analysis, Risk
et cetera i.e. ALL relevant paperwork.
Involve the project’s champion, main fund provider and audience/stakeholders.
Then ask yourself a series of questions…..

Слайд 41

Evaluation - types of question

 Did the project achieve what it was

Evaluation - types of question Did the project achieve what it was
supposed to do? (meet aims and objectives as per QUAD?)
What went wrong?
 What went right?
What did we do differently?
 Did the project deliver on time?
 Did the project deliver within budget?
 What did we learn for the next project?
 What will we do differently next time?

Слайд 42

Evaluation – Delta Evaluation

What did we do differently? Sometimes known as

Evaluation – Delta Evaluation What did we do differently? Sometimes known as
“Delta Evaluation”.
Asking this gives a different perspective to asking what went right or what went wrong.
Did we do it differently – is blame free. There is no prejudging, it’s more of a value free question. Its use can result in a different set of replies - more honest, open and perhaps better for long term improvement.

Слайд 43

Evaluation - types of question

Did we make a profit?
Did we meet all

Evaluation - types of question Did we make a profit? Did we
Health and Safety and other legislative requirements?
Was the project accident free?
Were our assumptions about risk correct?
Were our assumptions about the project correct?

Слайд 44

Evaluation – broader types of questions to ask

Did we do……
Was that correct…

Evaluation – broader types of questions to ask Did we do…… Was
that (or that part) work......
Was that assumption correct……
Did we finish on time……
Did we complete within budget…

Слайд 45

For each type of question we need
Either facts/figures/statistics to answer it,

For each type of question we need Either facts/figures/statistics to answer it,
or we need explanations why - preferably we need both.
Objective Subjective

Слайд 46


Having trouble obtaining the facts you need to carry out an effective

? Having trouble obtaining the facts you need to carry out an
Or are people fobbing you off?
Root cause problem solving can help

Слайд 47

THE SIX WHYS or Root Cause Problem Solving

Simply ask the question "why"

THE SIX WHYS or Root Cause Problem Solving Simply ask the question
up to six times until the root of the problem or an appropriate explanation is found.
 Some versions called the 5 whys or the 7 whys.
 E.g. “Why did you do it that way?”
Useful for finding out real reason why something went wrong.

Слайд 48

Rudyard Kipling’s The elephant’s child (extract from)
I Keep six honest serving-men (They

Rudyard Kipling’s The elephant’s child (extract from) I Keep six honest serving-men
taught me all I knew) Their names are What and Where and When  And How and Why and Who.

Слайд 49

Cognitive dissonance

If you faced with two contradictory pieces of information than you

Cognitive dissonance If you faced with two contradictory pieces of information than
may be thrown into a state of confusion.
You have to change your attitude, viewpoint or perspective or rationalise something
Check contradictory information within the project, throughout & at evaluation stage.

Слайд 50

A more formal evaluation is a Post Implementation Review

This is a formal

A more formal evaluation is a Post Implementation Review This is a
means to identify what went well, what could be improved and to plan the implementation of process and product improvements. It gives close out of the project to all parties involved and enables handover of outstanding items to line responsibility.
Mainly suitable for large scale projects

Слайд 51


Will always be industry-specific.
Your organisation, customer, funding body will have

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW Will always be industry-specific. Your organisation, customer, funding body
their own ‘standard’ list and also ones which are specific to your project.
The following slides have some typical types of review question.

Слайд 52


During the Post Implementation Review the following points may need

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW During the Post Implementation Review the following points may
to be covered:
Basis of project
Control mechanisms
Personnel Management – project management
Personnel – Project team
Personnel – Conduct
Working Method
End product

Слайд 53


Was the project purpose clearly defined?
Did the project have

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW - Basis Was the project purpose clearly defined? Did
a business objective?
Was the end product clearly defined early on?
Were success criteria defined for the project and its deliverables?

Слайд 54


Were the appropriate levels of control in

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW - Control Were the appropriate levels of control in
place? Were the right people given enough authority? Were controls procedures established and followed? Did the control procedures support the project team? Was expenditure justified & controlled?

Слайд 55

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW Personnel – Project Management

Was the project manager experienced enough?

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW Personnel – Project Management Was the project manager experienced
they have the right skills
Did they have the right authority?
Were they given enough time to manage?

Слайд 56


Was the team size right?

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW Personnel - Project Team Was the team size right?
they the right people? Were they available when needed?
Was their productivity OK? Did they get any job satisfaction from the project? Did the project train or develop them?

Слайд 57

Did the manager and team behave in

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW Personnel – Conduct Did the manager and team behave
a professional way? Did they represent their organisation or department appropriately? Did their conduct enhance their reputation?

Слайд 58


Were plans produced? At the right level? Were they used? Were

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW - Plans Were plans produced? At the right level?
they realistic? Was what actually happened documented? Were deadlines/effort/budgets met?

Слайд 59


Were useful techniques employed? Were appropriate tools made use

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW - Working Method Were useful techniques employed? Were appropriate
of? Were facilities (accommodation, systems, documentation) adequate? Was the level of support (training) satisfactory?

Слайд 60


Will it fulfil its business and functional objectives? Will

POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW - End product Will it fulfil its business and
it be reliable, flexible, maintainable? Will it be cost effective? Will it be easy to use?

Слайд 61

MCKINSEY’S 7S model framework of interdependent variables Can be used for planning stage

MCKINSEY’S 7S model framework of interdependent variables Can be used for planning
or at evaluation stage on projects

Strategy (vision + plan)
Systems (computer, manual, working)
Style (communication)
Shared values (culture + ethos)
Structure (reporting lines)

Слайд 62

Running & Managing the project

Running & Managing the project

Слайд 63

Running & Managing the project

Finally after all that planning we can now

Running & Managing the project Finally after all that planning we can
actually do the project.!!!
First we need a team of people

Слайд 64

Best-case scenario

You as the project manager are allowed free reign to pick

Best-case scenario You as the project manager are allowed free reign to
and choose a team of people to work on your project.

Слайд 65

Putting your Project Team together Best case scenario
If you are lucky enough

Putting your Project Team together Best case scenario If you are lucky
to be able to choose your project team then exercise your choice wisely.
Use as much information as you can to put together the best team you can.

Слайд 66

Your project team

Remember – it is how well the people work

Your project team Remember – it is how well the people work
together as a team on your project that is important.
Choose people who have the necessary technical skills, knowledge, education, abilities. But they must be able to work together effectively as a team

Слайд 67


What tools could you use to help you find out more about

EXERCISE What tools could you use to help you find out more
what makes potential members of your team ‘tick’?
List what tools or techniques, psychometric evaluation tools, you are aware of, or the ones your organisation uses.

Слайд 68

Tools & Techniques for putting your team together – some useful ones


Tools & Techniques for putting your team together – some useful ones
Belbin’s Team roles to find out someone’s most effective role.
Consider personality types – type A go getter, type B more relaxed. Both may be able to contribute most effectively in different roles.
Consider using Myers-Briggs Personality types test (useful for finding out a person’s motivation – testing needs to be carried out by a professional).
Consider Learning Styles

Слайд 69

Belbin’s Team Roles

Developed by Meredith Belbin.
His research on management game exercises found

Belbin’s Team Roles Developed by Meredith Belbin. His research on management game
that the teams comprising those who, in theory, should perform best, did not win the games because they did not perform effectively as a team.
Developed 9 team roles – an effective team needs a range of different roles.

Слайд 70

Belbin’s Team Roles

Note that the names do not

describe that team role function

Слайд 71

Kolb’s Experiential Learning cycle also Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire

David Kolb

Kolb’s Experiential Learning cycle also Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire David
developed a highly effective way of thinking about how we learn from experience. He described this as a cycle with four stages. 
Known as the Experiential Learning cycle.
Cycle can be entered at any stage

Слайд 72

One version of the experiential learning cycle





One version of the experiential learning cycle Do Review Learn Plan

Слайд 73

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire can provide

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire can
picture of what a person’s preferred learning (and ergo working) style is.
May be hands on Activist or Pragmatist, or prefer to stand back and reflect, or prefer theory.
All types may be useful at different stages of the project.
Some lucky people have strong preferences for all 4 styles and can work well as any of the 4.

Слайд 74

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles

Reflectors - like to think about things in

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Reflectors - like to think about things
detail before taking action. They take a thoughtful approach. They are good listeners and prefer to adopt a low profile.
Activists like to take direct action. They are enthusiastic and welcome new challenges and experiences. They are primarily interested in the here and now. They like to have a go, try things out and participate.

Слайд 75

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles

Theorists - like to see how things fit

Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Theorists - like to see how things
into an overall pattern. They are logical and objective systems people who prefer a sequential approach to problems. They are analytical, pay great attention to detail and tend to be perfectionists.
Pragmatists - Pragmatists like to see how things work in practice. They enjoy experimenting with new ideas. They are practical, down to earth and like to solve problems. They appreciate the opportunity to try out things out.

Слайд 76

Myers-Briggs Personality types MBTI

Self reported first stage questionnaire, followed by longer 93

Myers-Briggs Personality types MBTI Self reported first stage questionnaire, followed by longer
question self reported questionnaire.
Based on Jungian psychology.
Widely used by psychologists.
Scientific validity is questioned, but it can act as a useful tool for self understanding (but can lead to negative pigeonholing)
There is a web link on my project management website. Many free tests on web based around MBTI, but real test administered by trained person

Слайд 77

Myers-Briggs Personality types

Introvert or Extrovert – what motivates them?
Sensing or Intuitive –

Myers-Briggs Personality types Introvert or Extrovert – what motivates them? Sensing or
what they pay attention to?
Thinking or Feeling – how do they make decisions?
Judges or Perceivers – their overall approach to life.

Слайд 78

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Self assessed personality questionnaire.
Closely associated with the MBTI –

Keirsey Temperament Sorter Self assessed personality questionnaire. Closely associated with the MBTI
but has significant differences (theoretically and practically).
MBTI focuses on how people think; whereas Keirsey Temperament sorter focuses on how people behave.
Books ‘Please understand me’ and ‘Please understand me 2’ by David Keirsey.

Слайд 79

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Sorter descriptions
Observant vs introspective
Cooperative vs pragmatic
Directive vs Informative communication
Expressive vs Attentive – how people interact

Keirsey Temperament Sorter Sorter descriptions Observant vs introspective Cooperative vs pragmatic Directive
with their environment

Слайд 80

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Four main temperaments:
Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, Rational
Eight intelligence types:
Expeditors, Improvisers, Administrators,

Keirsey Temperament Sorter Four main temperaments: Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, Rational Eight intelligence
Conservators, Mentors, Advocates, Coordinators, Engineers.
Above are specific types – not same as normal use of each word.
Sixteen role variants

Слайд 81

16 PF Cattell Personality Inventory

Developed by Raymond Cattell in 1946 based

16 PF Cattell Personality Inventory Developed by Raymond Cattell in 1946 based
on work by Allport & Odbert on Lexical Analysis.
Comprises 16 personality factors, one covers intelligence, the rest cover dimensions of personality which are described by extremes e.g. relaxed/tense
It is a 187 statement questionnaire completed by the respondent.
Can give useful indication as to how someone reacts to certain situations
Suggested that the 16 Factors can be reduced to 5, known as the Big Five personality traits.

Слайд 82

The Big Five Personality Traits

Neuroticism – tendency to easily experience unpleasant emotions

The Big Five Personality Traits Neuroticism – tendency to easily experience unpleasant
such as anger, anxiety, depression, vulnerability.
Extroversion (or Extraversion) – energy, tendency to seek stimulation from others, engagement with the external world.
Agreeableness – tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others

Слайд 83

The Big Five Personality Traits

Conscientiousness – tendency to show self discipline, act

The Big Five Personality Traits Conscientiousness – tendency to show self discipline,
dutifully, aim for achievement
Openness to experience – appreciation of art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination and curiosity.
The Big Five (Five Factor model) do not explain all aspects of human personality though. Research is ongoing…. And argument that there are 3 main traits not 5…

Слайд 84

The Big Five Personality Traits

Barrick and Mount’s research proved that there are

The Big Five Personality Traits Barrick and Mount’s research proved that there
significant correlations between the five factor model’s personality traits and job performance in many jobs.
Strongest finding was that psychometric conscientiousness was predictive of performance in all the jobs they studied

Слайд 85


Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory - Revised
Developed by Costa and McCrae.

NEO PI-R Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory - Revised Developed by Costa
questionnaire measure of the Five Factor model.
Additionally measures six subordinate dimensions of each of the big 5 personality traits.

Слайд 86

Personal Preference Questionnaire PPQ

Gives leads on personality and outlook.
Open ended test

Personal Preference Questionnaire PPQ Gives leads on personality and outlook. Open ended
comprising names of well known people and respondent has to indicate preference between choices of 2 names. And give a reason whether positive or negative

Слайд 87

Holland Codes

John Holland’s theory of career/vocational choice or Occupational Congruency model.
People are

Holland Codes John Holland’s theory of career/vocational choice or Occupational Congruency model.
attracted to work environments which match their personalities and backgrounds - choose jobs where they can be around people who are like them.
Six job/work environments:
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
Holland argues that 2-3 types dominate in each person

Слайд 88


But be aware of the word ‘ipsative’
That is; people who do

Ipsative But be aware of the word ‘ipsative’ That is; people who
well or score highly at one thing in tests will automatically score low or do badly in other opposite areas.
For example; someone who is very patient is likely to not be impatient
Don’t assume all team members will be good at everything. They won’t, and neither will you be!

Слайд 89

Forer effect

Where an individual gives a high rating to a positive description

Forer effect Where an individual gives a high rating to a positive
that they believe supposedly applies specifically to him/herself.

Слайд 90

You need good “van drivers” on your team

Find out people’s skills, knowledge

You need good “van drivers” on your team Find out people’s skills,
and experience.
Find out if they are ‘a good van driver’ i.e. do they have a history of delivering the goods?
Are they likely to be interested in the project? What might buy them in? Values, passion, ethics triangle on QUAD chart.

Слайд 91

Find out about potential team members

Use any contacts you have to find

Find out about potential team members Use any contacts you have to
out as much as you can about the people you want in your team.
BUT be wary of what others may say – they may not want to lose a good person to your project for the next 3 months – equally they may be happy to lose some dead wood.
How truthful will your contacts be?

Слайд 92

Best-case scenario???

You as the project manager have been allowed free reign to

Best-case scenario??? You as the project manager have been allowed free reign
pick and choose a team of people to work on your project.
You have chosen a team of experienced team players, who have worked well together in the past. They respect you as an individual and your authority as a manager, they have a wide range of project skills and specific skills required for the project, they have good communication, and time management skills, they work hard, are motivated and keen for the project to be successful.

Слайд 93

Worst-case scenario? Or what happens in real life….

You are given a team

Worst-case scenario? Or what happens in real life…. You are given a
of people who have a history of not working together very well; they all have the same set of skills; some skill areas and knowledge are missing, they resent you being brought in to manage them, they are de-motivated.
EXERCISE - What would you do?
Would you be ‘prepared to walk’? Or could you build an effective project team?
In pairs or threes identify what steps you could use to build an effective team.

Слайд 94

Types of People

The project manager may have to work with many different

Types of People The project manager may have to work with many
types of people.
This may include: the cat, Sherman tanks, snipers, exploders, clams, superagreeables, negativists, bulldozers, balloons, stallers, type A stress carriers, micro managers, stone tablets, ‘ain’t it awfullers, psychopaths, dictators, wafflers, …

Слайд 95

The cat

The Cat – long periods of inactivity followed by short bursts

The cat The Cat – long periods of inactivity followed by short
of intensive (almost hyper) activity.
Things always are always on the cat’s terms; may be aloof.
Almost impossible to manage. But provides vital skills that no-one else can do

Слайд 97

Sherman tanks

Hostile aggressive people always on the attack and looking for

Sherman tanks Hostile aggressive people always on the attack and looking for an argument
an argument

Слайд 98


Subtle cunning people that want to undermine you the project manager by

Snipers Subtle cunning people that want to undermine you the project manager
encouraging you to explode.
May be carefully hidden away

Слайд 99


Powerless people; they just want to complain about anything
Typically might complain

Complainers Powerless people; they just want to complain about anything Typically might
what ought to be done and
what should be done and
what the correct way is.

Слайд 100

The Bull in a china shop

A rushing disaster area

The Bull in a china shop A rushing disaster area

Слайд 101


Silent and unresponsive,
avoid eye contact.
Fear of failure.
May lack confidence

Clams Silent and unresponsive, avoid eye contact. Fear of failure. May lack confidence

Слайд 102

The self appointed expert

A subset of the meddler.
They always know ‘the best’

The self appointed expert A subset of the meddler. They always know
way or a better way of doing something.
Believe their ability to change the oil on their car is the same is the same as having an engineering degree.
Believe their years of experience qualifies them to do anything. Always willing to help out.

Слайд 103

The indecisive

Errr, Errm, um, errr
Errr, errm, errrrr

The indecisive Errr, Errm, um, errr Errr, errm, errrrr

Слайд 104

The indecisive

Finds it very difficult to make a decision.
There is never a

The indecisive Finds it very difficult to make a decision. There is
black and white; always a grey.
Never has solvable problems but has vaguer ‘issues’.
Perhaps when faced with a question wit a clear yes or no answer says “err, errm, it’s not that clear”

Слайд 105

The ‘office joker’

Everything, no matter how serious has to involve a laugh

The ‘office joker’ Everything, no matter how serious has to involve a
and a joke.
Can play a key role in building the team and reducing team stress levels.
But, may not always know when to stop joking

Слайд 106


Need and seek continual admiration, adoration and praise to inflate themselves and

Balloons Need and seek continual admiration, adoration and praise to inflate themselves
their own deflated ego.

Слайд 107

The Procrastinator

Always puts it off until tomorrow
Is ‘just about’ to get started,

The Procrastinator Always puts it off until tomorrow Is ‘just about’ to
but rarely does
Has many self justified reasons to put off the important jobs

Слайд 108

The Ostrich

Just ignore problems and hopes that they will go away.

The Ostrich Just ignore problems and hopes that they will go away.
the problems rarely go away.
They build up and become even bigger problems

Слайд 109

The Jobsworth

Are extremely clear about their, often limited, scope of work.
Claims it

The Jobsworth Are extremely clear about their, often limited, scope of work.
is impossible to do anything that is “not my job”.

Слайд 110


Supreme confidence in their expertise, they feel they alone have the power

Bulldozers Supreme confidence in their expertise, they feel they alone have the power to solve things.
to solve things.

Слайд 111

The coaster

Has been doing the job for years.
Is lacking motivation and

The coaster Has been doing the job for years. Is lacking motivation
has, perhaps, been poorly managed in the past.
Is happy to coast along doing the bare minimum

Слайд 112

The Checker

Can’t do anything without first checking with you that it’s ok

The Checker Can’t do anything without first checking with you that it’s
to do it.
Key phrase “I’ll just check that with my supervisor”

Слайд 113

Stallers aka Delayers

Continually find reasons not to do things, wants to delay,

Stallers aka Delayers Continually find reasons not to do things, wants to
postpone, put off until another day.
It’s never their fault, always someone else that’s caused the delay

Слайд 114


Not the people who like to use bull to gently joke or

Bullsh***ers Not the people who like to use bull to gently joke
amusingly distort the truth. We can see through them.
But the serious compulsive buller who never takes responsibility for anything, blames others for their mistakes and generally fails to deliver.

Слайд 115

Micro managers or Meddlers

“I’m in charge here” like to take over, interfere,

Micro managers or Meddlers “I’m in charge here” like to take over,
get involved with things that aren’t in their area response ability.

Слайд 116

Type A stress carriers

Most things stress these people out.
Their “can do”, proactive

Type A stress carriers Most things stress these people out. Their “can
attitude, can make a difference to project being successful not, but their stress can affect themselves and other members of the team.

Слайд 117

Stone tablets

They have the rules & regulations,
shoulds and oughts under control.

Stone tablets They have the rules & regulations, shoulds and oughts under

They know the correct way of how
things must be done, they are right.
They follow things to the letter.

Слайд 118

‘Ain’t it awfullers (The moaner)

The people who spend more time moaning about

‘Ain’t it awfullers (The moaner) The people who spend more time moaning
how badly they are done to, and how busy they are.
Worse than the complainer – they moan about anything and everything to everyone

Слайд 119

The Waffler

Loves to talk to anyone about anything.
Full of verbal diarrhoea

Waffle, waffle,

The Waffler Loves to talk to anyone about anything. Full of verbal
I love to talk

Слайд 120

The Rumour Merchant

Loves juicy gossip and passing on ‘confidential’ information
Never bothers to

The Rumour Merchant Loves juicy gossip and passing on ‘confidential’ information Never
check the
accuracy or authenticity no
matter how damaging or untrue
the rumour may be.
Believes that “there is no smoke
without fire”

Слайд 121

The hypochondriac

Believes they are ill or unwell (and perhaps if they believe

The hypochondriac Believes they are ill or unwell (and perhaps if they
this then they are?)
Always takes plenty of time off on sick with a full and varied range of illnesses.
Whenever another member of the team has an illness they have already had it (but worse) or are coming down with it.
Spends lots of time telling people how ill they have been.

Слайд 123

The backstabber or Judas

Undermines you, your reputation and your authority behind your

The backstabber or Judas Undermines you, your reputation and your authority behind your back

Слайд 124

The Life & Soul of the Party

Work and working hours are merely

The Life & Soul of the Party Work and working hours are
a distraction from their busy social life, which of course needs organising within work time….

Слайд 125


Whatever anyone in a position of authority suggests, no matter how silly,

Superagreeables Whatever anyone in a position of authority suggests, no matter how
totally inappropriate, or unnecessary for the project they say “That’s a good idea” or “That’s a good idea, I was just about to suggest it myself”

Слайд 126

The dictator or control freak

Everything must be on their terms.
Everyone is at

The dictator or control freak Everything must be on their terms. Everyone
their beck and call.
They must be in control

Слайд 127

The psychopath

Are your bosses grandiose, manipulative and unable to feel remorse? Do

The psychopath Are your bosses grandiose, manipulative and unable to feel remorse?
they relate to others superficially, presenting themselves in ways that are appealing but deceptive?
'No matter how cuddly and cute big business pretends to be, in the end it loves money much more than it loves you. Wake up and smell the Corporation.' Stephen Applebaum.

Слайд 128


Pick any 3 or 4 of the types of people.
Identify some specific

Exercise Pick any 3 or 4 of the types of people. Identify
things you could do to either:
manage them more effectively or,
help them contribute more effectively to the team and the project, or
Prevent them being detrimental to the project and the project team.

Слайд 129

Possible solutions to tricky people

The cat – let them get on with

Possible solutions to tricky people The cat – let them get on
it, as long as their perceived inactivity does not de-motivate other members of the team.
The bulls***r – call their bluff, present them wit hard facts.
Sherman Tank - calm them down, ask for their point of view, find out specifically what they want resolving. Then either resolve it or explain why it cannot be resolved.
Snipers - best managed by involving them and asking questions asking the project team for comments, deal with their problems in private

Слайд 130

Possible solutions to tricky people

Micro managers - be very specific about what

Possible solutions to tricky people Micro managers - be very specific about
they are and are not responsible for, make sure they know the boundaries of what they can and cannot do, be prepared to lay down the law with them if they interfere.
Balloons - give them positive support, if you do need to criticise their work do it it in one-to-one meetings
Stallers - ask them for specific reasons why things are being delayed – ask for solid evidence and prove not just their opinion. Provide positive reinforcement when they do actually get things done on time

Слайд 131

Possible solutions to tricky people

Complainers - get them involved and give them

Possible solutions to tricky people Complainers - get them involved and give
some authority. Listen to them but don’t agree or disagree.
Clams - use open-ended questions and wait for them to open up, use silence, eventually they will say something to fill the gap. Don’t use them in a role which involves regular contact with stakeholders.
Backstabbers - gather support and evidence from colleagues, then confront them either in private or public. “Do you have a problem with something I’ve done?”

Слайд 132

Possible solutions to tricky people

Negatavists - empower them, don’t be drawn into

Possible solutions to tricky people Negatavists - empower them, don’t be drawn
their negativity, don’t agree with them, force them to be realistic and objective about problems, scale the problems, and solutions. Find out more.
Ain’t it awfullers - Solution sack the lazy so and so if possible - encourage them to see how busy other people are and what other people’s workloads are like. Encourage them to take some Prozac
Stone Tablets - check your facts before questioning their judgement. Involve them in areas of the project that require extreme specific detail. Might be very useful in health and safety role.

Слайд 133

Possible solutions to tricky people

Superagreeables - try to understand why they want

Possible solutions to tricky people Superagreeables - try to understand why they
to please people, be objective. Explain that it’s ok to make a mistake once in a while.
Bulldozers - research the actual problems so that you have knowledge, listen to their solutions and take them on board where appropriate, but don’t try to question their ‘expertise’
Type A stress carriers - they can only change themselves you can’t change their stress levels. Encourage them to relax.
Hypochondriacs – manage their sickness, keep records.

Слайд 134

Useful site is

Teambuilding Useful site is

Слайд 135

Building the Project Team

Teams often go through distinct stages in their development.

Building the Project Team Teams often go through distinct stages in their
These stages may happen very quickly or quite slowly. Some teams never quite move through all the stages and never work efficiently and effectively as a proper team.
This can be illustrated via Tuckman’s Rainbow

Слайд 136

Tuckman’s Rainbow stages of team development

Tuckman’s Rainbow stages of team development

Слайд 137

Stages of team development

Forming – initiation of the group, some anxiety amongst

Stages of team development Forming – initiation of the group, some anxiety
members as people try and establish their personal identity
Storming – members get to know each other more and put forward their opinions and views; there may be conflict and hostility, group starts to identify how it will work together
Norming – conflict and hostility controlled, members establish guidelines and standards of up the norms of acceptable behaviour and agreed standards of performance
Performing – when the group has created a structure and cohesiveness to work together effectively. Can now concentrate on achieving its tasks.

Слайд 138

What Tuckman’s Rainbow implies

That teams do not just come together and

What Tuckman’s Rainbow implies That teams do not just come together and
start working at maximum efficiently straight away.
That it takes time for a team to work together (perform) well. As a project manager we need to allow time for this process when planning the project, particularly important for new teams.

Слайд 139

Running the project

Doing the do
But first let’s review why projects can go

Running the project Doing the do But first let’s review why projects can go wrong.

Слайд 140

Why do so many projects fail to meet expectations?

Hughes (1986) identified

Why do so many projects fail to meet expectations? Hughes (1986) identified
three main reasons for projects failing.
 1 a lack of understanding of project management tools and an over reliance on project management software
 2 communication problems
 3 failure to adequately adjust to changes that occur during the course of the project

Слайд 141

Your attributes?

Excellent time management skills
‘Can do’ proactive attitude
Adaptable, flexible, Decisive and realistic

Your attributes? Excellent time management skills ‘Can do’ proactive attitude Adaptable, flexible,
knowledge of a range of project management tools and techniques
Fair – respecting different people’s viewpoints
Committed to the team and the project’s goals
Excellent communication skills
Be prepared to ‘roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty’
Be prepared to walk, if necessary ?

Слайд 142

Communication – keeping everyone on board

Some members of the project team will

Communication – keeping everyone on board Some members of the project team
be very positive and some very negative.
Part of the project manager’s role is to ensure that:
Exuberance is tempered by caution, and
Pessimism is tempered by reason.
Keep a realistic view of what is happening
Be prepared to manage people’s personal difficulties.
Be prepared and able to motivate people.

Слайд 143


The effective manager needs to use appropriate communication skills

Communication The effective manager needs to use appropriate communication skills

Слайд 144

Use Appropriate Communication

2005 Plain English Golden Bull award winner- Australian Taxations Office

Use Appropriate Communication 2005 Plain English Golden Bull award winner- Australian Taxations
for its Goods and Services legislation
‘For the purpose of making a declaration under this Subdivision, the Commissioner may:
a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened; and b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened and, if appropriate, treat the event as:
i) having happened at a particular time; and ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity; and
c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:
i) having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened; or ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity).’

Слайд 145


Use ‘appropriate’ communication
E.g. for the sponsor or auditors a detailed financial report

Communication Use ‘appropriate’ communication E.g. for the sponsor or auditors a detailed
may be required
The same information could be presented graphically or via picture – e.g. charities which use a thermometer picture to show how much money has been raised an dhow near they are to the target

Слайд 146

For example….

For example….

Слайд 147

Or how about…?

Or how about…?

Слайд 148


Motivating your project team

Motivation Motivating your project team

Слайд 149

Motivation - motivating your project team – 3 key points
Carrot or stick

Motivation - motivating your project team – 3 key points Carrot or
based motivation i.e. reward-based incentive to do something or punishment based to not do something or do something differently.
People are internally or externally motivated.
What motivates one person may not motivate another.

Слайд 150

Class exercise

How might you as project manager motivate members of a project

Class exercise How might you as project manager motivate members of a
What steps/action could you take?
What assumptions have you made about your role/authority when making the above list?

Слайд 151

Motivation – the extremes?

The Plodder The Enthusiast
Little Enthusiasm High enthusiasm
Little Motivation High Motivation

Motivation – the extremes? COMPLIANCE COOPERATION COMMITMENT The Plodder The Enthusiast Little
would you prefer on your project team and why?

Слайд 152

Remember the old parable of the tortoise and the hare…

The slow plodder

Remember the old parable of the tortoise and the hare… The slow
often gets there in the end
The enthusiast may get bored with implementation and routine run of the mill work; not stick with it and may lose initial enthusiasm

Слайд 153

Skill/Will Matrix & team members

Skill/Will Matrix & team members

Слайд 154


Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Vroom identifies human behaviour as being a function of

MOTIVATION Vroom’s Expectancy Theory Vroom identifies human behaviour as being a function
two factors:
1 The perceived value of the reward that behaviour yields. 2 The expectation in the individual that certain behaviour actually will yield that reward.

Слайд 155

Vroom’s Expectancy theory

In choosing between alternative behaviours a person will choose the

Vroom’s Expectancy theory In choosing between alternative behaviours a person will choose
behaviour which will result in their achieving the more valuable output or reward, provided that they see the reward as being attainable.
The good project manager needs to convince people that the project and their part of the project is do-able and that there is a reward for doing it, and that they are expected to do it.

Слайд 156

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory to motivate a project team

To use the theory

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory to motivate a project team To use the
to motivate staff you need to ensure that the desired performance will be rewarded and that the reward will be valued by the individual.
There are 5 steps to doing this

Слайд 157

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory

Step 1 Define the expectations. - i.e. be clear what

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory Step 1 Define the expectations. - i.e. be
is required in order to receive the award.
Step 2 Make the work valuable to the individual. People work to achieve personal goals (e.g. £, challenge, recognition). If employees believe and see that working towards a project’s goals will also help them attain personally valuable goals then their commitment will be higher. Try and match work to the person’s own drives and preferences.

Слайд 158

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory

Step 3 Make the work achievable. Fear of failure is

Using Vroom’s Expectancy theory Step 3 Make the work achievable. Fear of
often demoralising and leads to stress.
Step 4 Provide regular feedback.
Step 5 Reward employees when they meet expectations. External rewards can reinforce internal ones.

Слайд 159

What motivates you? Do you know?
In pairs or threes.
Identify your top five

Exercise What motivates you? Do you know? Or In pairs or threes.
ways of motivating members of your project team

Слайд 160


Be motivated yourself
If you are not fully committed

KEY PRINCIPLES FOR MOTIVATING OTHERS Be motivated yourself If you are not
and enthusiastic, how can you expect others to be?
Select people who are highly motivated
It is not easy to motivate the un willing ! It’s easier to motivate the positive, enthusiastic go getters!
Set realistic and challenging targets
The better the team and its targets the more individual individual members, will respond to objectives that stretch them - providing they are realistic

Слайд 161


Remember that progress motivates
If you never give people

KEY PRINCIPLES FOR MOTIVATING OTHERS Remember that progress motivates If you never
feedback on how they are progressing, you will soon de-motivate them
Provide fair rewards
Not easy. Do you reward the whole team, or each individual, or both? Either way, the perception of unfair rewards certainly works against motivation

Слайд 162


Explain the rules to people. Often people get

KEY PRINCIPLES FOR MOTIVATING OTHERS Explain the rules to people. Often people
de-motivated because “the goalposts have changed”.
If: the ‘game’, the rules, the number of players, the size and shape of the pitch, the length of the match have changed or regularly changes make sure people know the reasons why changes have had to be made.

Слайд 163


Link people’s personal goals with the project’s goals.

KEY PRINCIPLES FOR MOTIVATING OTHERS Link people’s personal goals with the project’s
Values, Passion, Ethics?
Involve people in decision making and solution finding processes. People are more likely to be motivated when they feel they are involved.

Слайд 164


Give recognition where it’s due and when it’s

KEY PRINCIPLES FOR MOTIVATING OTHERS Give recognition where it’s due and when
Costs you nothing other than time, but praise and recognition based upon actual (not perceived but actual) performance are vital

Слайд 165

Motivation and reward Exercise?

How might you provide fair rewards for members of

Motivation and reward Exercise? How might you provide fair rewards for members
your project team?
Do you reward:
The team
The individual

Слайд 166

Enthusiast, Negativist or Realist?

Enthusiast, Negativist or Realist?

Слайд 167

Is the glass half full; or half empty?

Is the glass half full; or half empty?

Слайд 168

Positive or negative team member? Is the glass half full or half

Positive or negative team member? Is the glass half full or half

How might you deal with an excessively positive team member?
How might you deal with an excessively negative team member?

Слайд 169

How might you deal with excessive exuberance or excessive negativity/caution?

Is the glass

How might you deal with excessive exuberance or excessive negativity/caution? Is the
half full or half empty?
Is the person generally positive or negative?
If positive – channel that energy & enthusiasm to motivate and inspire others.
If negative find out specifics:
their life?,
the whole project,
their part of the project?

Слайд 170


Useful to find out what your team members understand by urgent –

URGENCY Useful to find out what your team members understand by urgent
make sure there is a common understanding.
It’s important that you as project manager ensure your team know what is meant by the term urgent

Слайд 171

Quick class exercise

Spend two minutes on this.
Each person individually writes down

Quick class exercise Spend two minutes on this. Each person individually writes
answer “what does ‘urgent’ mean to you?”
Is there a common understanding of the term?

Слайд 172

What does ‘urgent’ mean?

Drop everything and do it now!
Next five minutes

What does ‘urgent’ mean? Drop everything and do it now! Next five
half hour
End of the morning
End of the day
End of the week
By the agreed deadline

Слайд 173

Urgency and Importancy grid

Urgency and Importancy grid

Слайд 174


An alternative to the urgency and importancy grid.
Originally a battlefield medical term

Triage An alternative to the urgency and importancy grid. Originally a battlefield
for a system to ration limited medical resources when the number of injured needing care exceeds the resources available to perform care - so as to treat those patients in need of the most treatment who are able to benefit first.

Слайд 175


Originally categorised broadly as:
1 Severely injured. They are going to die anyway

Triage Originally categorised broadly as: 1 Severely injured. They are going to
so don’t waste scarce medical resources on them (just give painkillers)
2 Injured. Immediate treatment required
3 Slightly injured. Can delay treatment.

Слайд 176

Triage for project decision making -prioritising best use of scarce resources in

Triage for project decision making -prioritising best use of scarce resources in
the limited time available

In project management terms it loosely refers to the practice of identifying the best/most appropriate use of scarce or limited resources so as to give maximum benefit in the time available and the tough decision making required.
Requires tough decision making. Who or what will be ‘left to die’? i.e. what parts of the project can we ignore for the time being? Where shold we concentrate our energies?

Слайд 177


Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
Frederick Herzberg believed that workers became more

MOTIVATION - Herzberg Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Frederick Herzberg believed that workers
productive when they were given greater responsibility for carrying out a complete task. His theory defined two types of factor: one which motivates and the other which merely satisfies, but does not drive behaviour.

Слайд 178


Motivating factors
Factors related to the job itself
Potential for

MOTIVATION - Herzberg Motivating factors Factors related to the job itself Achievement
The work itself

Слайд 179


Hygiene Factors – don’t motivate but their absence can cause

MOTIVATION - Herzberg Hygiene Factors – don’t motivate but their absence can
Work relationships
£ salary* (a short term motivator and it might allow us to purchase something which does act as a personal motivator)
Personal Life
Company Policy and Administration

Слайд 180

GOAL Theory

Basic premise of Goal Theory is that people’s goals or intentions

GOAL Theory Basic premise of Goal Theory is that people’s goals or
play an important part in determining their behaviour.
If you can find out what those goals or intentions are then perhaps you can influence their behaviour during the project.

Слайд 181

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

5 needs in the hierarchy
Self actualisation

See any basic Sociology

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 5 needs in the hierarchy Self actualisation Esteem
or Management textbook for more details

Слайд 182

What do we do about (or with) people who don’t deliver the

What do we do about (or with) people who don’t deliver the

We need to make people involved in the project accountable.

Слайд 183

Holding people accountable

Tell others about the person’s commitment.
Agree on a plan for

Holding people accountable Tell others about the person’s commitment. Agree on a
monitoring the person’s work.
Monitor the person’s work!
Always acknowledge good performance – a thank you helps.
Be fair but firm.
Act as if you have authority

Слайд 184


What formal ways does your organisation use to make people accountable?
What informal

Exercise What formal ways does your organisation use to make people accountable?
ways does your organisation use to make people accountable?

Слайд 185

Holding people accountable

Involve people who really have authority.
Be specific about end results,

Holding people accountable Involve people who really have authority. Be specific about
objectives, timescales and expectations.
Get firm commitment from people.
Put it in writing.
Emphasize urgency and importance – but only when it is urgent and/or important

Слайд 186

Project management & Change

An effective Project Manager has to be able to

Project management & Change An effective Project Manager has to be able
manage change.
The Transition Curve or Bereavement Curve or Kubler Ross curve helps us to understand this.

Слайд 187

The Transition Curve

The Transition Curve

Слайд 188

Transition curve principles

  1 everyone will experience going through the transition curve when

Transition curve principles 1 everyone will experience going through the transition curve
they are engaged in a process of change.
 2 some people go to through the process much more quickly than others, and some people feel things much more or less strongly than others.
 3 it is most applicable to change you are not comfortable with and change you have less control over.
 4 even positive change has some negative feelings associated with it as it involves moving on from the familiar to the unknown

Слайд 189

Transition curve and projects

Within one project at the same time you may

Transition curve and projects Within one project at the same time you
have some people at the Commitment stage whilst others are at the Shock or Denial stage.
Other people will be ‘somewhere in between’.

Слайд 190

Moving people along the curve

Get the champion to ‘sell the vision’ and

Moving people along the curve Get the champion to ‘sell the vision’
the positive benefits to people
Get the supporters to help
Involve the audience/stakeholders
Excellent communication skills are required
This includes LISTENING !

Слайд 191


 Six Components of Total Listening
 1.    Maintaining good eye contact 2.    Leaning forward

TOTAL LISTENING Six Components of Total Listening 1. Maintaining good eye contact
slightly. 3.    Reinforcing the speaker by nodding or paraphrasing. 4.    By clarifying and asking questions. 5.    By actively moving away from distractions. 6    By being committed, even if you are angry or upset, to understanding what is said.
McKay, M., Dais, M., Fanning, P – 1983 – Messenger: The Communication Book –

Слайд 192

Keeping an eye on the project The FOG acronym

When provided with information

Keeping an eye on the project The FOG acronym When provided with
about the project ask yourself if it’s:
And act accordingly……

Слайд 193

The next step..

The next step is up to you.
Project management is a

The next step.. The next step is up to you. Project management
practical subject. Unless you practice using the tools and techniques which we have covered in these sessions you will not become an effective project manager.
Practise and apply, but don’t follow them slavishly – use what is relevant to you, modify and change as you feel appropriate until you find what works for you.

Слайд 194

Your assessed work for credit ! You need to hand in:

1. All of the

Your assessed work for credit ! You need to hand in: 1.
self/study homework you have produced after each of the taught sessions. Please ensure it is clearly titled and that it is in sequential order. Include a short written introduction about: your project, you and the organisation you work for. Include drafts and modified versions to show how you arrived at the final QUAD chart, assumptions, Stakeholder charts, Risk Analysis, Network diagram (?), Gantt Chart, Influence and Control chart, etc SEE NEXT SLIDE

Слайд 195

Your assessed work for credit ! You need to hand in:

2 A final

Your assessed work for credit ! You need to hand in: 2
written summary titled either “What I have found to be of use to me from participating in this module and how I am going to use and apply it within my job.”. I am looking for you to review the range of tools and techniques we have used during the course and give a short precis of each one; its use, advantages and disadvantages to you and the potential projects you might work on. (indicative length = 400-800 words).
3.And 200-400 words on “What steps I will take within my own organisation/area to ensure that my colleagues understand how to effectively manage a project?”.

Слайд 196

Your assessed work

Please include your name and address with your work.

Your assessed work Please include your name and address with your work.
Centre for Lifelong Learning
49 Salmon Grove
 I will mark your work and return it.
[email protected] Tel 01482 465429

Слайд 197

Further reading

 Fundamentals of Project Management James P Lewis, New York, AMACOM, 1995

Further reading Fundamentals of Project Management James P Lewis, New York, AMACOM,
to Build and Manage a Winning Project James P Lewis, New York, AMACOM, 1993
Introduction to Information Systems Project Management David Loldso McGraw, Hill, 2001 (has whole chapter on using Microsoft project)
The people side of project management RL Kleim and SL Irwin 1992
On-time-on budget: A Step-by-Step Guide for Managing Any Project Sunny and Kim Baker, Prentice Hall, 1992
Getting Projects Done on Time: Managing People Time and Results, Paul B Williams, AMACOM, 1996
Project Management Planning and Control Techniques Rory Burke 2003 4th ed Wiley

Слайд 198

Further reading

Project Management for Dummies Stanley E Portny 2001
Winning at project management:

Further reading Project Management for Dummies Stanley E Portny 2001 Winning at
what works, what fails and why RD Gilbraith 1986
The Body of Knowledge Project Management Institute 2000
Project Management Institute website
University of Hull Project Management Coaching Network
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