Project pages 46-47


Слайд 2

Work in groups and create a digital timeline about a real hero,

Work in groups and create a digital timeline about a real hero,
living or dead. Research key dates in their life. Include dates, images, and information about key events in their life. Present your digital timeline to the class.

Designing a digital timeline

Project task

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 3

Introducing the topic

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Introducing the topic Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 4

Discuss. What life events can you see? What other important life events

Discuss. What life events can you see? What other important life events
can you think of?

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 5

Use the following phrases to help you discuss important events in your

Use the following phrases to help you discuss important events in your

I remember that day really well.

I’ll never forget the moment that …

Something unexpected happened.

I remember feeling … because …

I wish I could remember more about …

Things changed after that because …

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Слайд 6


Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Understand Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 7

Look again at the timeline and answer the questions.

1 How many entries are

Look again at the timeline and answer the questions. 1 How many
2 Which of the following do all the entries contain? Which do some entries contain?
3 Do you like the design of the timeline? Would you change anything? What?

Read again: Malala Yousafzai Student’s Book 3 page 46

a sentence to summarize the life event a photo the month the year a paragraph with more detail

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 8

Discuss the questions about Malala Yousafzai

How has Malala’s life been different from

Discuss the questions about Malala Yousafzai How has Malala’s life been different
other young people?
Why do a lot of people think that she is a hero?
If you could meet Malala, what would you like to ask her?

Read again: Malala Yousafzai Student’s Book 3 page 46

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 9

Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.


Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

Listen again: Tracks 1.10 and 1.11
Student’s Book 3 page 25

1 The students have completed their research about Malala Yousafzsai’s life.
2 They decide that 10 events probably aren’t enough.
3 The students’ feedback to each other is all positive.
4 All the students are going to research some videos to include.

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 10

Collaborate and plan

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Collaborate and plan Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 11

Discuss the questions in your groups. Then complete the “when” column in

Discuss the questions in your groups. Then complete the “when” column in
your project planner.

Think about when you prepared Project 1 (a travel guide). Which tasks took longest? Did you need more time for any tasks?
Decide as a class when you will present your finished projects. Then think about the time between now and then. How long will you need for each task? When will you be able to do each task?
Ask your teacher if you think you will need more time.

… took ages!

We (nearly) ran out of time to …

this lesson next lesson at home at school during breaks

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 12

Discuss the questions about researching information online. Then check the next two

Discuss the questions about researching information online. Then check the next two

Why is there so much conflicting information in the internet?
What other types of websites should I trust? Which shouldn’t I trust?
How can I be sure that a piece of information is correct?
How can I improve my use of search terms?

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 13

Researching information online (1)
Why is there so much conflicting information in the

Researching information online (1) Why is there so much conflicting information in
Anyone can create and upload content to the internet.
No one edits or fact-checks the whole internet.
What other types of websites should I trust? Which shouldn’t I trust?
Websites for official organizations and publications usually contain accurate information. They usually look well-designed and professional.
Be careful with information that you find in personal blogs, social media, and any websites which look unprofessional.

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 14

Researching information online (2)
How can I be sure that a piece of

Researching information online (2) How can I be sure that a piece
information is correct?
Check in at least two websites that you trust.
Make sure that you check the date that the information was published, particularly information about people who are still alive. Information online can go out of date quickly.
How can I improve my use of search terms?
If you want to search for an exact phrase, put it in double quotes (“ ”)
If you want to exclude a topic from your results, include it after a minus sign (-).
If you want to find new websites that are similar to a website that you like, include related: before the website address, in the search box.

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Слайд 15


Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Share Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 16

Choose an option and create your digital timeline.

OPTION 1 If you know

Choose an option and create your digital timeline. OPTION 1 If you
an appropriate program or online tool, ask your teacher if you can use it to create your timeline. Allow your groupmates to help even if they aren’t familiar with the program.
OPTION 2 Search for a free digital timeline maker online. You may need to enter your email or social media log in to use it. Try out different online tools and choose one that you like to create your timeline. Work together – allow all groupmates to help even if some of you have stronger internet skills than others.
OPTION 3 Use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or a similar program to create your timeline. Design it attractively and insert photos, videos/links to online videos, and other visuals into each entry.
If you can’t use a computer …
OPTION 4 Create your timeline on paper. Write your text neatly by hand. If possible, print photos to stick onto your timeline.

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 17

In your groups, give feedback on the look and feel of the

In your groups, give feedback on the look and feel of the
timeline. Think about the following:
the colours and design
the position of the text and other features
the amount of material
the photos/videos
Use these phrases to help you.

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Слайд 18


Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Present Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 19

When you present your timeline …

Decide who will present it. You could

When you present your timeline … Decide who will present it. You
take turns to present each entry, or different students could present different periods in the person’s life.
For each entry, try to use your own words, rather than reading the text out loud. If you can remember any more information about that event in the person’s life, tell the class.
Make sure everyone in the audience can hear you: speak clearly and loudly. Be enthusiastic about your hero to make it interesting for your classmates.
When you refer to a photo, video or something visual, explain what it shows and why it is important.

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 20

Copy and complete the chart with your opinions and recommendations as you

Copy and complete the chart with your opinions and recommendations as you
listen to the other presentations.

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Слайд 21


Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Reflect Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 22

Work alone. Copy and complete the sentences.

The best thing about our

Work alone. Copy and complete the sentences. The best thing about our
timeline was _________________________________________________.
Something to improve about our timeline was ___________________________________________.
Our presentation was ____________________ because ___________________________________.
I enjoyed working with ____________________ because __________________________________.

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 23

Discuss in a group. Explain your answers.

Was our timeline interesting?

Discuss in a group. Explain your answers. Was our timeline interesting? Was
our timeline attractive?
Did we show good computer skills?
Did our presentation go well?
Did we improve how we worked, compared with the last project?

Project pages 46-47 • Oxford Discover Futures 3

Слайд 24

We hope you enjoyed your project!

We hope you enjoyed your project!
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