
Слайд 2

Dada Maheshvarananda
Dr. Michael Towsey

Proutist Universal


Prout is the abbreviation for the Progressive

Dada Maheshvarananda Dr. Michael Towsey Proutist Universal Prout Prout is the abbreviation
Utilization Theory,
a new socio-economic model for a sustainable future.
It is based on economic self-sufficiency
environmental balance and
universal spiritual values.

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The World Today

The World Today

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The World Today

Economic Disparity & Exploitation
Violence & Crime
Environmental destruction
Exploitation of women and

The World Today Economic Disparity & Exploitation Wars Violence & Crime Environmental
Social Degeneration
Violation of Human Rights

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Defective social and economic systems have caused tremendous human suffering and environmental

Defective social and economic systems have caused tremendous human suffering and environmental
An alternative is needed!

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An Alternative

Ecologically protective
Higher quality of life to all
PROUT: PROgressive Utilisation Theory

An Alternative Democratic Ecologically protective Higher quality of life to all PROUT: PROgressive Utilisation Theory

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PROUT’s base

“This world is our shared inheritance”
Neo-Humanism: expansion from self-interest to an

PROUT’s base “This world is our shared inheritance” Neo-Humanism: expansion from self-interest
empathy and identification with an ever-larger portion of humanity
“Spiritual family of humanity”

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Social Progress

Movement towards the goal of well-being for all, the

Social Progress Movement towards the goal of well-being for all, the establishment
establishment of universal humanism
Increase in the standard of living of the people

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Key Concepts
Economic Democracy
Universal Politics
Unity in Diversity

Key Concepts Economic Democracy Sustainability Universal Politics Unity in Diversity

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Economic Democracy (1)
Aim: to guarantee minimum requirements
Local people make the economic

Economic Democracy (1) Aim: to guarantee minimum requirements Local people make the
Production for consumption

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Economic Democracy (2)

Economic Decentralisation
Socio-Economic Regions based on
Common economic & social problems
Common geographic

Economic Democracy (2) Economic Decentralisation Socio-Economic Regions based on Common economic &
Common cultural legacy
Common language

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Economic Democracy (3)

3-tiered structure
Small scale private enterprises
Large scale key industries
Balanced Economy
Balanced development

Economic Democracy (3) 3-tiered structure Small scale private enterprises Cooperatives Large scale
in all sectors,
i.e. agriculture, industry and services

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Agrarian revolution
Agrarian cooperatives
Ecological initiatives

Sustainability Agrarian revolution Agrarian cooperatives Ecological initiatives

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Universal Politics
Goal: to unify humanity
World Government
World constitution
Human rights
Minimum necessities
Common penal code

Universal Politics Goal: to unify humanity World Government World constitution Human rights

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Unity in Diversity
Preservation of cultural diversity
Preservation and encouragement of local languages

Unity in Diversity Preservation of cultural diversity Preservation and encouragement of local languages

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PROUT, a Solution to…

Economic Disparity & Exploitation
Violence & Crime
Environmental destruction
Exploitation of women

PROUT, a Solution to… Economic Disparity & Exploitation Wars Violence & Crime
and minorities
Social Degeneration
Violation of Human Rights

Слайд 18

Implementing PROUT

Awareness is a key factor in social change
Inform the masses
Persuade key

Implementing PROUT Awareness is a key factor in social change Inform the
thinkers & unite moralists
(intellectuals, students, NGO’s)
Create dedicated revolutionaries
Имя файла: PROUT.pptx
Количество просмотров: 139
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