
Слайд 2

Christmas in Britain

British people celebrate Christmas on the (25th) twenty-fifth of December

Christmas in Britain British people celebrate Christmas on the (25th) twenty-fifth of December

Слайд 3

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is an old man who brings presents

Santa Claus Santa Claus is an old man who brings presents to
to children. He gets into the houses through the chimney.

Слайд 4

Children’s stockings

Children put their stockings
next to the fireplace. Santa Claus puts

Children’s stockings Children put their stockings next to the fireplace. Santa Claus
his presents into the children’s stockings

Слайд 5

We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish

We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas,
you a merry Christmas  And a happy New Year!

Слайд 6

Santa’s letter

Santa’s letter

Слайд 7

What can you do on winter holidays?

Play snowballs
Play hockey
Make a snowman

What can you do on winter holidays? Play snowballs Play hockey Make
Go to the woods

Слайд 8

What does Santa do on holidays?

What does Santa do on holidays?

Слайд 9

Santa always has got a big sack with presents.

Jane likes to

Santa always has got a big sack with presents. Jane likes to
Pam likes to take pictures.
Dick likes to play soccer .
Sam likes to play the musical instruments.
Craig likes to listen to music.
Jane likes to draw.

Santa gives her a….
Santa gives her a…
Santa gives him a…
Santa gives him a…
Santa gives him…
Santa gives her …

Слайд 10

Dear Santa Claus,
Our names are…. We are in year … at

Dear Santa Claus, Our names are…. We are in year … at
We like … . It is nice. And we like … too. We can…, …., …., …, … and….on…. .
We like Christmas and New Year. We like to…, …., …., …, …. and ….. . Please give us…, …., …., …., … and… .
Thank you.

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