Russian Orders


Слайд 2


The objective of my project is to attract public’s attention to

Aim The objective of my project is to attract public’s attention to
the history of Russian Orders.

Слайд 3

I have created a computer presentation because it is eye-catching, interesting, unusual

I have created a computer presentation because it is eye-catching, interesting, unusual
and bright.
I have skimmed some historical books .
I have read a few newspaper articles and have scanned Web sites related to my topic.

Слайд 4

The Russian award system originated almost simultaneously with the formation of the

The Russian award system originated almost simultaneously with the formation of the
Russian state. The customs of awarding a special sign of distinction for military exploits, a neck gold "grivna" (medallion), existed in Kiev Russ already in the 11th-12th centuries. Later, in the I5th-16th centuries, the tradition of the mass awarding of special medals to all participants in a campaigns originated in Russia, and it was the only country in the world at the time to do so.


Слайд 5

The first Russian order, that of St. Andrew, was instituted at

The first Russian order, that of St. Andrew, was instituted at the
the very close of the 17th century by Peter the Great.

Слайд 7

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce was one of the few military commanders to

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce was one of the few military commanders to receive
receive the St. Andrew Order for the victorious Battle of Poltava. It is the only surviving Russian star of the first half of the 18th century.

Слайд 8

The St. Catherine Order for women appeared in Russia during Peter's

The St. Catherine Order for women appeared in Russia during Peter's reign.
reign. It was instituted in memory of events connected with the unsuccessful Prut campaign undertaken by the Russian army in 1711.

Слайд 10

Peter the Great also instituted another order for outstanding military distinctions

Peter the Great also instituted another order for outstanding military distinctions and
and it was named after the famous Russian military commander Alexander Nevsky.

Слайд 12

But the idea of an award presented exclusively for military services had

But the idea of an award presented exclusively for military services had
not been forgotten and the St. George Order was instituted in 1769.

Слайд 13

A special George Cross made of silver was instituted early in

A special George Cross made of silver was instituted early in the
the 19th century for soldiers and non-commissioned officers.

Слайд 15

Several military awards appeared in the course of the Soviet Union's

Several military awards appeared in the course of the Soviet Union's Great
Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. As a rule, the new awards were named after outstanding military commanders of our country.

Слайд 17

The Order of the Patriotic War

The Order of the Patriotic War

Слайд 18

The Order of the Patriotic War is founded by the Decree

The Order of the Patriotic War is founded by the Decree of
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 20, 1942. It has two degrees. The 1st degree is the highest.

Слайд 19

The Order of the Red Star

The Order of the Red Star

Слайд 20

The Order of the Red Star is founded by the decision of

The Order of the Red Star is founded by the decision of
the presidium the Central Election Commission of the USSR dated April 6, 1930 .

Слайд 21

Order of Victory

Order of Victory

Слайд 22

Order of Victory is the highest military award. It is founded

Order of Victory is the highest military award. It is founded by
by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 8, 1943 .

The Order of Victory has only been awarded 20 times to 17 outstanding military leaders. The names of the first three holders were announced on April 10 of 1944. These were marshals Georgy Zhukov, Alexander Vasilevsky and Josef Stalin.

Слайд 23

The Order of Victory is the biggest and most beautiful Soviet order.

The Order of Victory is the biggest and most beautiful Soviet order.
It is a 72 mm ruby star made of platinum and studded with 170 diamonds with a total weight of 16 carats.

Слайд 24


Firstly, it is a sign of courage.
Secondly, it is

Conclusion Firstly, it is a sign of courage. Secondly, it is recognition
recognition of men’s services.
I think it is very useful to know about Russian awards because we must proud of our heroes and our country.
For us the Great Patriotic War has become a thing of the past. But is very important to remember the people who stood up for Russian in those years.

Слайд 25


1. Durov V.A. Russian Orders, M:”Sunday”, 1993.
2. Klementiva T.B. Happy English

Bibliography 1. Durov V.A. Russian Orders, M:”Sunday”, 1993. 2. Klementiva T.B. Happy
Publishers 1999 - C.204-207



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