Слайд 3There is a famous quote from this comic book adaptation: “With gread

power comes great responsibility”
Слайд 5There is a famous quote from this popular fantasy movie: “You're a

wizard, Harry”
Слайд 7There is a famous quote from the first 3D animated cartoon: “To

infinity... and beyond!”
Слайд 9There is a quote from this famous adventure film: “Snakes. Why’d it

have to be snakes?”
Слайд 11This song from Frozen begins The snow glows white on the mountain

Слайд 13There is her hit I Will Always Love You in The Bodyguard

Слайд 15In 1888 he wrote this composition

Слайд 17British group band, made of 5 girls, is well known for famous

song ‘Wannabe’
Слайд 19After his release from maximum security Tommy Vercetti tries to be the

king of this city in this game
Слайд 21The Wasteland is the result of battles; exit one of these title

Слайд 23Sharing a name with a type of ship this game was made

for Windows by Windows & was first to be played in 1990
Слайд 25The ball in this classic '70s version of table tennis was square--good

thing it was played on video
Слайд 27In Twilight by Stephenie Meyer teenaged Isabella Swan fall in love with

one of these blood-suckers
Слайд 29This author of Doctor Zhivago studied philosophy at Moscow University & the

University of Marburg
Слайд 31This 2002 novel by Yann Martel tells the story of 16-year-old Pi

Patel who survives a shipwreck
Слайд 33The full title of a novella by Robert Louis Stevenson is The

Strange Case of this pair
Слайд 35Director John Lasseter got a 1995 Oscar for this first 3D animated

Слайд 39On Saturday morning this Disney hero attends Prometheus Academy

Слайд 41NBC found No problem in this alien's 1st cartoon season so they've

added another 1/2 hour to the TV show
Слайд 44This is England`s national flower

Слайд 46These are colors of German`s flag

Слайд 48This is the most popular sport in the United States

Слайд 50This kind of animals` home is located in The Colosseum in Rome

Слайд 52This father & son starred in 2013's After Earth

Слайд 54He's the 80`s pop star whose nickname is ‘The King of Pop’

Слайд 56Born in Hong Kong he's called a combination of Schwarzenegger Van Damme

& Mel Gibson all in one
Слайд 58While beign an Australian this Lethal Weapon star was from New York

Слайд 60Its 83 divisions include 21 republics & 2 federal cities

Слайд 62Yerevan the capital of this republic lies about 35 miles from Mount

Слайд 66This country forms the northernmost part of the United Kingdom

Слайд 78From this country bubble tea is from

Слайд 82Normaly it is black, brown or white