Слайд 2So many countries, so many customs
So many countries, so many customs –

People in different countries have different ways of behaving.
in Russian – сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
Each country has its own culture, traditions, customs…
Слайд 3Meals
British eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or

apple pie for dessert.
Russian eat porridge for breakfast, soup for dinner. Traditional dish is a “ shchi ”, Russian cabbage soup. Also typically Russian dish is “ holodetz ” (studen), jellied minced meat.
Most of Americans don't eat home but prefer to go to restaurants.
Слайд 4Dwelling
a typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, even when

there is central heating in the house.
feature of the American home is the grass near the house. It is always neat and tidy, there are many different plants and flowers. In the English home are always a few bathrooms.
traditional Russian house is an apartment. There are a few rooms, usually two or three, kitchen, bathroom and lavatory.
Слайд 5Communication
Shaking hands
shaking hands is a custom in in Russia
In Britain

you don't shake hands with your friends and family. But you do shake hands when you meet a person for the first time
In the USA when meeting someone for the first time, it is customary to shake hands, both for men and for women. Hugs are only exchanged between close friends. Kissing is not common, and men never kiss other men.
Слайд 6Communication
The British send birthday cards and often give birthday presents. They send

cards for other days, too.
The Russian people send cards predominantly for person’s birthday or The New Year.
The Americans send cards for birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and other
Слайд 9Symbols
Great Britain
double decker bus
Big Ben

Слайд 10Symbols
United States of America
Statue of Liberty
Great Seal of the United States

Слайд 11Symbols
Coat of arms