Слайд 5What do they have in common ( explain)
Integrity of purpose
Great persuasive power

Слайд 7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlXKcpgPP6M&t=388s
15 Social Entrepreneurs and Their Crazy Ideas (Rainer Höll, 2016)
Watch the video

and answer the questions:
What is the difference between commercial and social entrepreneurs?
Make a list of 15 business ideas
What question did they ask themselves at the start?
Categorize these businesses in groups. What spheres seem more promising for business initiatives?
What business would you choose if you were a social entrepreneur?
Слайд 9Commercial and social entrepreneurs: what are the differences?
Home task Unit 7.

pp 104-106
Read the text on p.105 and complete the table in Ex 4.3.
Do vocabulary exercise 4.4, p 106
Think of questions in Ex.4.1, p.104
Слайд 10Ideas for social business
Make notes on the following questions and then discuss

in groups :
What do you think are serious problems facing your country?
What do you think can be done about these problems?
Give an example of social innovation in your country. How successful do you think it is?
Слайд 11Practical ideas for small social businesses

Слайд 13Problem
Come up with an idea for social enterprise
Write a business proposal

what, why, where, for who, benefits
Do market research to prove that your idea is innovative
Think of the benefits for the society/local community
Слайд 14Response ( or Solution)
Write a business plan
Product description; market size; competition

Sales, expected margin
Operating expenses: advertising, travel, payroll (salaries), leased equipment, rent, etc
Funding: Personal investment (e.g own house as collateral)
Bank loan
Слайд 15Evaluation
Strengths; weaknesses; opportunities; threats
Think about originality of the idea; feasibility of implementation;

profitability; social value
Слайд 16Panel Discussion
Each team member prepares a 3-min talk
They make

a graph or a chart
It would be great to make some provisional
Panel discussions are held in separate teams: SPRE
A teacher and peers assess the whole performance using a questionnaire ( see input manual).
Слайд 17
Assessment: 5 points
4-awesome; 3- good; 2- average; 1- below average
36points -5; 27

points – 4; 18 points – 2; 9 points -1.
Слайд 18Report
Each team member writes their report according to their role: Problem, Response

or Evaluation.
The guidelines are given in a separate file.