Sollers Present and Market overview

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Founded in 2014, running by management and marketing team with 15 years

Founded in 2014, running by management and marketing team with 15 years
of work experience at Alcon. Good network and established a relationship with whole pool of ophthalmologists helped Sollers in short period of time become an Azerbaijani leading company, specialized in ophthalmology Sollers Healthcare

Sollers Healthcare Products

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Azerbaijan market overview

Azerbaijan market overview

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Azerbaijan market overview
Area – 86,6
Administrative subdivisions: 59 regions and 1 autonomous

Azerbaijan market overview Area – 86,6 Administrative subdivisions: 59 regions and
Population – 10 000 000 (Over working age is 9,4%)
Exchange rate - 1USD =  1,7 AZN
Reimbursement – started from -2021

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List of the Products:

Eye Drops
Intraocular Lenses
Surgical Equipment
Surgical Disposables
Hygienic Products

List of the Products: Eye Drops Intraocular Lenses Surgical Equipment Surgical Disposables Hygienic Products

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Eye Drops groups:


Eye Drops are labeled under our own brand “Sollers”

Eye Drops groups: Inflammation Glaucoma Allergy Infection Diagnostics Eye Drops are labeled

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Azerbaijan Eye doctors & surgeons

Azerbaijan Eye doctors & surgeons

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Main players -IOL business:

VSY Biothecnology
Indian foldable lens : Optima,

Main players -IOL business: J&J Alcon Biothech Rayner VSY Biothecnology Sidapharm Indian
Biovision, Hemafold, Freedom.

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Cataract procedures in 2020 year.

Total - around 20 800

Cataract procedures in 2020 year. Total - around 20 800 procedures Phaco
Phaco 17 800 - 85,5%
ECCE 3 000 - 15,5%

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High level – Alcon, J&J
Middle level-Rayner, VSY, SidaPharma, Biothech
Low level - India

High level – Alcon, J&J Middle level-Rayner, VSY, SidaPharma, Biothech Low level

IOL Market segmentation ::

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Forecast For Hoya IOLs
2021 year
Spheric IOl – 500 items
Aspheric – 300

Forecast For Hoya IOLs 2021 year Spheric IOl – 500 items Aspheric
2022 year-
Speric IOL-1200-1400 items
Aspheric IOls-600-800 items
Имя файла: Sollers-Present-and-Market-overview.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
Количество скачиваний: 0