Some glimpses of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland


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Jane Austen

Jane Austen was an English writer, satiris tand novelist .

Jane Austen Jane Austen was an English writer, satiris tand novelist .
Her books are recognized аs masterpieces . Jane Austen is still justly considered as the "First lady "of English literature. Her works are obligatory for studying in all colleges and universities of Great Britain .
Jane Austen was born in December 16, 1775. Her father, George Austen, was a priest. His wife, Cassandra Lee, also belonged to the old-fashioned kind. Jane’s family had six boys and one girl .In 1797 she wrote the novel "Pride and prejudice". Jane Austen began working on the novel, when she was barely 21 years old. Publishers rejected the manuscript. Only after the success of the novel “Sense and sensibility", published in 1811, Jane Austen was able to publish finally "Pride and prejudice".

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Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallouan, better known by the name of

Agatha Christie Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallouan, better known by the name of
her first husband as Agatha Christie – English writer. Refers to the number of the world's most famous authors of detective fiction and is one of the most published writers in the history of mankind. Agatha Christie published more than 60 detective novels, 6 psychological novels and 19 collections of short stories. Continuing the tradition of British artists of the detective genre, Agatha Christie has created a couple of heroes: intellectual Ercule Poiro and the comic, diligent, but not very clever captain Hastings. During the Second World war Agatha Christie wrote two novels “The Curtain" and “The Sleeping murder", which implied a complete series of novels about Ercule Poiro and Miss Marple, respectively. However, her books were published only in 1970 year.

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Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Bronte was an English poet and novelist. Charlotte was

Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte was an English poet and novelist. Charlotte was
born on April 21, 1816 in West Yorkshire and was the third child in the family of a clergyman of the church of England Patrick Bronte (born in Ireland) and his wife Marie, nee Brennuel. В 1820 family moved in Haworth, where Patrick was appointed to the position of the vicar . Mrs. Bronte died of cancer on September 15, 1821, leaving five daughters and a son on the upbringing of her husband Patrick.
"Jane Eyre" is a classic novel by Charlotte Bronte, one of the most famous novels . In first it was published in 1847,in London under the pseudonym Currer Bell. Immediately same after the publication of the book has earned the love of readers and good reviews from critics.

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The hundred years' war

The hundred years' war

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The War of the roses

The War of the roses

Слайд 7


Stonehenge – included in the list of World heritage stone building of

Stonehenge Stonehenge – included in the list of World heritage stone building
the Solsberijsky plain in the county of Wiltshire. One of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular laying large memoir's. It is located in the center of the dense complex of monuments of the Neolithic and bronze ages in England. The monument and its surroundings were included in the UNESCO World heritage list in 1986.
1 - stone Altar, six ton monolith green mica sandstone from Wales.
2-3- barrows without graves.
4 - fallen stone.
5 - Heel stone.
6 - two stones, from the initial four vertically standing stones.
7 - the moat.
8 - internal shaft.
9 - external shaft.
10 -avenue, there is a parallel pair of ditches and walls, leading in 3 km to the Avon river; now these trees are barely discernible.
11 - 30 ring yam.
12 - 30 ring of holes.
13 - the circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes .
14 - the small southern entrance of

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Cardiff is the largest city and the capital of Wales. In 1955,

Cardiff Cardiff is the largest city and the capital of Wales. In
the city was declared the capital of Wales. Cardiff is situated in South Wales between the Vale of Glamorgan in the west and the city of Newport in the east, from the north it is bordered by the valleys of South Wales , and in the south of the city is washed by the waters of Bristol bay. Through the town flows the three rivers: the Taf, Eli and Rimni. Cardiff is built on drained swamp.

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Castles of Wales

Castle Bomaris is a medieval castle, it is located

Castles of Wales Castle Bomaris is a medieval castle, it is located
in the county of isle of Anglesey in Wales. Bomaris is one of the castles built by king Edward l in order to strengthen the English influence in Wales.. Name castle is translated as "Beautiful swamp“ .
Castle Carnarvon is a medieval castle, it is located in the county of Gwyned. With the end of the XI century and up to the 1283 years on the place of the present castle was located a wooden castle norman type . The castle is an outstanding example of military architecture of Western Europe in the XIII-XIV centuries.

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Castles of Wales

Castle Harlek is a medieval castle,it is located in

Castles of Wales Castle Harlek is a medieval castle,it is located in
the county of Merionetshir in Wales . Harlek - one of the castles built by king Edward l in order to strengthen the English influence in Wales. In the middle of the XVII century, during the English revolution, Harlek was the last stronghold of the royalists.
Castle Bodelvidan is a medieval castle, it is located in Denbeshir in Wales. Castle Bodelvidan was built in 1460, but in 1820 it was rebuilt, giving a view of the present norman castle. At the present time there is a beautiful Art gallery.

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Castles of Wales

Castle Rudlan is a medieval castle, it is located

Castles of Wales Castle Rudlan is a medieval castle, it is located
in Denbeshir, in Wales . Historic sources indicate that the first fortress was erected on this place already in the 8TH century, during the reign Offs, king of Mersia .
Castle Caerfilly is a medieval castle, it is located in the city-county Caerfilly , on the territory of the traditional county of Glamorgan, in Wales. This is the largest castle in Wales, the second largest in the Great Britain (after Windsor) and one of the largest fortresses in Europe . In 1950, the castle Caerfilly was transmitted to the government.

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Castles of Wales

Cardiff Castle is a medieval castle, it is located

Castles of Wales Cardiff Castle is a medieval castle, it is located
in the county of Glamorganshir in Wales . History of Cardiff castle consists of more than 2000 years.
Pembroke Castle is a medieval castle, it is located in the city of Pembroke, Pembroke shire county in the south-west Wales.
At the present time he is the largest private castle in Wales.

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The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh

The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh is

The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh
one of the oldest botanical gardens of great Britain. The garden was founded two scientist Andrew Balfoerom and Robert Sibbaldom. The main purpose of their work was the study of medicinal plants and training of future doctors, who at that time were part-time and botanists.
Chinese garden. More than ten percent of all plants in the botanic garden Edinburgh are specimen of the Chinese flora. In this case, a significant replenishment of the collection has happened in recent years in connection with the advent of new sponsors. As a result, a new garden - Chinese, an area of about 1 hectare. Here an attempt was made to recreate the Asian landscape.
Palm greenhouse. The first palm conservatory was built in the garden in 1834. After 28 years, she has been increased in size. In the 1960s the old orangery, which came to the time in a dilapidated state, was replaced by a new one. The building consists of 10 separate greenhouses with its own microclimate, where a rich collection of plants from 5 climatic zones.
Ecological garden. One of the young gardens - ecological. He in all their diversity demonstrates the local flora , and all the plants for him are collected in natural habitats in different regions of Scotland.
Rockeries. Rockeries was founded in 1870. Specially for him was terracing the northern slope of the hill where is arranged around 4000 lawns for planting alpine and integumentary plants. Today the rocky garden occupies almost hectares and consists of embankments and ravines, crossed by winding a water stream and waterfall. There are good conditions for habitation of several thousands of alpine plants, many of which were grown from seeds. His whole collection consists of about 5000 plants of different origin. The separate exposition are devoted to plants of New Zealand, North America and Japan.
Heather park. East Rockeries is located heather garden. It was built in 1997 on the site of the former, which existed here since 1935. There are plants mainly from remote areas of the highlands of Scotland . The creation of such a biogenesis of the mountain plants gave an opportunity to grow here more rare and demanding plants.
The demonstration garden. To the Furze the garden adjoins the demonstration garden, where you can get acquainted with the diversity of forms of plant life, with different mechanisms of the propagation of plants. The separate exposition are devoted to culinary herbs, medicinal plants and annual.
Sculpted. Sculpted, or the collection of wood rocks, was originally created for the training of students, so the plants are located on a systematic basis. All the plants are grouped in a spectacular park compositions, decorative at any time of the year. Pine play in the landscape of the garden dominant role, and although they are planted on the whole territory, the main collection of their species and varieties is presented in a special garden of coniferous plant.

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Lakes of Scotland

Loch Lomond is a lake in Scotland, in administrative

Lakes of Scotland Loch Lomond is a lake in Scotland, in administrative
areas Sterling, Argyll and West Dambarshontir. On the square, Loch Lomond, occupies the first place among the lakes of Scotland and by volume is the second place after the Loch Ness . In the southern part of Loch Lomond crosses a tectonic fracture, causing the geological boundary between mountain and lowland Scotland. The average depth of about 37 meters, maximum - about 190 meters. In the southern part of the lake a lot of islands, the largest of which Inchmurrin. Runoff occurs on the river Liven .
Loch Rannoch is a largest freshwater lake in Scotland. It is located on the territory of the region Perth and Kinross. The length is about 15 km, width - up to 1 km. On the eastern side of Loch Rannoch takes the source of the river Tammel. To the west of the lake stretches overgrown with heather plain – Runnoch Moore.

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Lakes of Scotland

Loch Marie is a largest freshwater lake. It is

Lakes of Scotland Loch Marie is a largest freshwater lake. It is
located in the north-west of Scotland. The area of the lake is 28 square kilometers and maximum depth - 114 m. In the lake is such species of fish as pike, perch, carp, trout. The lake has five large islands and the twenty-five the smaller ones. From Loch-Marie follows the shortest river in Scotland - the Ewe. It connects the lake to the sea.
Loch Morar is a lake in Scotland. It is located in the north-west of Scotland. The area of the lake is twenty-six point seven-tenths square kilometers and maximum depth - 309 m. The maximum length is of about 19 km. In the lake is of fall river Moeble and a number of smaller ones. On the lake there are 5 islands. In the lake is such species of fish as pike, perch, carp, trout. It is the deepest lake in the united kingdom with a maximum depth of 309 m (on the second place Loch Ness, depth 229 m).

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Lakes of Scotland

Loch Ness is a great deep freshwater lake in

Lakes of Scotland Loch Ness is a great deep freshwater lake in
Scotland, similar to 37 km south-west from Inverness. Lake widely known in the world thanks to the legend of the Loch Ness monster. There are numerous commercial routes on the lake for tourists wishing to enjoy the picture nature and, perhaps, find the mythical monster .On the shore of the lake there is a museum of the Loch Ness monster.
Loch Tummel is a lake in Scotland on the river Tummel . It is located in the area of Perth and Kinross. Upstream is located lake Loch Ranno, below - the merger with the river Tay.

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Northern Ireland

Belfast is a city in Northern Ireland, on the Irish sea.

Northern Ireland Belfast is a city in Northern Ireland, on the Irish
Belfast is the capital and port of Northern Ireland . The main distinctive feature of the center is the area of the Donegal, surrounded by impressive monuments of the Victorian era. On the square Donegal is located the town hall - a real example of mixed architectural styles. There is also a library , in which are stored the main treasures of the Irish literature . District Antris in the north of Belfast, is the oldest part of it. He was practically destroyed by bombing during the Second world war. History and culture of the city are represented in Ulster Museum . In the suburbs of Belfast is a zoo, a country park Cave Hill, the castle of Belfast and Stormont - the place of meetings of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

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The road of giants

The road of giants is an unique coastal

The road of giants The road of giants is an unique coastal
area represents approximately 40 000 interconnected basalt columns, formed as a result of ancient volcanic eruption. It is located in the north-east of Northern Ireland, about 3 km to the north from the city of Bushmils. The road, as well as the coast of the Causeway Coast, on which it is located, have been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1986, and a national reserve in 1987. The tops of the columns of the form according to form a springboard, which starts at the foot of the cliff and disappear beneath the surface of the sea. Most of the columns is of the hexagonal, although for some, four, five, seven and eight angles. The highest is of about 12 meters.

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The mistress of the garden name was Edith Van-Tempest-Stuart,

THE GARDEN MOUNT STUART The mistress of the garden name was Edith
the marquis Londonneri. She is the daughter of Henry, viscount of Chaplin's First and wife of Charles Van-Tempest-Stuart, the marquis Londonneri Seventh, she was never in the side of the public and political life of Britain, in which the family of her husband's played a huge role. She is Member of the Women's voluntary reserve in the years of the First World war, the author of several books, a mother of five children, comprehensively educated and well-bred woman - such was the lady Edith. Her life is not much different from the life of famous contemporaries: family, home, and public activities. Edith first arrived at Mount Stuart, a patrimonial estate of her husband, in 1921. She found there's rather a gloomy picture: the mansion of the late Georgian style, surrounded by damp, dank and homely surroundings. Without much deliberation it was decided to complete reconstruction of the estate, which was subsequently completely changed its appearance. It was a time of flourishing garden art in Britain. Gardening was considered prestigious occupation. The marquis personally was involved in design engineering and design of the park. After the death of the marquise Londonneri in 1959, the memory of it was a delightful park, situated almost on 32 acres.
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