- 2. Born on October 13, 1941 in Newark, New Jersey He is a singer-songwriter, as well as
- 3. The theme The Sound of Silence was written in 1964 and it is traditionally associated with
- 4. Meter and Scansion There are 5 stanzas and all of them contain some sort of rhyme.
- 5. Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly
- 6. In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone, 'Neath the halo of a street
- 7. And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. ☞People talking without speaking,
- 8. "Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows. ⮊Hear my words that
- 9. →And the people bowed and prayed → To the neon god they made. And the sign
- 11. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Born on October 13, 1941 in Newark, New Jersey
He is a
Born on October 13, 1941 in Newark, New Jersey
He is a

He has earned 12 Grammys for his solo and collaborative work, including the lifetime achievement award
His father, Louis, was a college professor, a bass player and a dance bandleader. Belle, his mother, was an elementary school teacher.
Paul’s music career started when he was eleven- then he met Art Garfunkel. They both performed in a production of Alice in Wonderland(1953)and after that they begun singing together, performed at school dances and later created the duet “Simon and Garfunkel”
Simon majored in English at Queens College after graduating the Forest Hill High School-he earned a degree in English Literature. Also, Paul briefly attended Brooklyn Law School after graduation.
Between 1957 and 1964, Simon wrote, recorded and released more than 30 songs. In 2001, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Слайд 3The theme
The Sound of Silence was written in 1964 and it is
The theme
The Sound of Silence was written in 1964 and it is

However, it also clearly represents two problems of the society which existed at that time and became even worse in ours- people, who are not able to listen to each over or just to reach out to someone else in general- they are trapped in the sounds of their own silence and they don’t need anything or anyone else. The poem is addressed to people, who forget how to communicate with others.
Despite the major key that was used in the original song, the message is quite depressing. The sibilance, which is present in every line, creates the atmosphere of melancholy.
Слайд 4Meter and Scansion
There are 5 stanzas and all of them contain some
Meter and Scansion
There are 5 stanzas and all of them contain some

The rhythm scheme is complex
Héllŏ dárknĕss, mý ŏld fríĕnd, Trochaic Tetrameter
Ǐ've cómĕ tó tǎlk wíth yŏú ǎgáĭn, Iambic Heptameter
Bĕcáŭsé ǎ vísĭón sŏftly créĕpíng, Iambic Hexameter
Léft ĭts séĕds whílĕ Í wǎs sléĕpíng, Trochaic Hexameter
Ănd thé vĭsíŏn thát wǎs plántĕd ín mẏ bráĭn Iambic Heptameter
Stíll rĕmáĭns Trochaic Dimeter
Wĭthín thĕ sóŭnd óf sĭléncĕ. Iambic Pentameter
Слайд 5Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a
Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, Because a

Personification- was used to represent how alienated the author is and how comfortable he feels in darkness and silence. The underlined word shows that he “talks” to it regularly.
Synesthesia- a combination of two devices (in this case metaphor and personification), to mix the reader’s senses, illustrates the idea that will be explained later and creates imagery.
This paradox is not only the title, but also is repeated in every stanza, to emphasize the theme.
Слайд 6In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of
In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone, 'Neath the halo of

The paradox indicates the negative feelings that make the vision that was mentioned in the first stanza an unpleasant experience. The imagery that follows in the next three lines gives the impression of author’s solitude, claustrophobia and, as a result, complete loneliness.
The metaphor tells about the divine nature of the light that allows him to see the streets of cobblestone- old ones, from the time when the communication still existed in author’s opinion.
The hyperbole and personification are showing the hostility which author feels toward the next metaphor. This is an example of epiphany, which bothers Paul Simon- mass media is now more important to people than interacting with others.
The illusion that was created represents the damage to the precious silence and darkness.
Слайд 7And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
☞People talking
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. ☞People talking

This particular personification represents the perfect clearness of author’s view of the people in the society; he realized the truth, understood the problem, which the hyperbole only emphasizes.
☞Those three lines are paradoxes that were used to draw attention to the truth- people talk, but it’s all gibberish; they do not really listen anyone except for themselves; they all are extremely alienated from each other. This misery and isolation is untouchable, no one dares to break it, because without it the full weight of loneliness might kill them.
Слайд 8"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
⮊Hear my
"Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows. ⮊Hear my

The simile is referring to a horrible disease
⮊ The parallel structure emphasizes the syntax
Next simile is creating an image of the tear drops that were caused by the “disease”
This is the only variation from the main paradox of the song and it can be interpreted as the leftovers of hope that author has.
Why do you think Paul chose specifically cancer for this simile?
Слайд 9→And the people bowed and prayed
→ To the neon god they
→And the people bowed and prayed → To the neon god they

The irony that is used is an example of illusion that people created- the false god (media), which they are listening to.
The imagery in those two lines is also ironic, because the problem it self is showing people a way to solve it, but they are too ignorant to see or do something about it.
The last three sentences explain the idea which was “prepared” for the reader in the first stanza- there is a way to break the silence and the prophets, which are artists, who always tell the truth in their works, and the poor, who are not engaged in the media or affected by the neon light. Those people know the truth and know how to solve the problem, but no one listens to them- just like the train, life passes too fast and people are not able to see what is on the subway walls. However, the word “whispered” is the second thing that can be interpreted as the remaining of hope, because the whispering not only indicates that people know, but also that with time they might be able to say it out loud.