Слайд 2Subjects of law
Individuals (citizens of the RF, persons without citizenship, refugees)
Legal entities

state and the state bodies
Municipalities and municipal bodies
Subjects of law have two legal qualities:
Passive capacity
Active capacity
Слайд 3Individuals
(Chapter 3 of the Civil Code of the RF)
All the

individuals have
Passive capacity
Active capacity
(Art. 17 – 30 of the Civil Code of the RF)
Слайд 4
Passive capacity (Art. 17-18)
It means the capability
to possess civil rights

to bear civil duties
Слайд 5
Contents of the Individual’s Passive capacity
The individuals may (under Art.

18 of the Civil Code):
Posses the property under the right of ownership
Inherit and bequeath the property
Engage in business and in any other activities
Set up legal entities
Select the place of residence
Слайд 6The passive legal capacity of a citizen arises at the moment of

his birth and ceases with his death.
Слайд 7All the citizens have
equal passive legal capacity

Слайд 8What is the active capacity?
Art. 21 of the Civil Code:
It is the

capability of the citizen to acquire and exercise by his actions the civil rights, to create for himself the civil duties and to discharge them.
Слайд 9The active capacity is an ability to behave reasonably and independently
The civil

active capacity arises in full volume with the citizen's coming of age, i.e., upon his reaching the age of 18 years.
Слайд 10 The Active Capacity of the Minors
But the minors are able to

behave reasonably and independently in some situations. So they can execute some rights.
What are these rights?
Слайд 11Article 28. The Active Capacity of the Young Minors
Article 26. The Active

Capacity of the Minors in age from 14-18 years