Слайд 3Glossary
To encipher – to convert a text into a coded form

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To encipher – to convert a text into a coded form– кодировать,

шифровать (syn – to code)
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Enciphered message – шифрованное сообщение

Слайд 8Glossary
Attain – succeed in achieving

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Attain – succeed in achieving (syn – achieve, gain) – достигать

Слайд 11Glossary
Annal – a record of the events of one year

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Annal – a record of the events of one year – летопись,

Слайд 14Glossary
Cumbersome – large and heavy

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Cumbersome – large and heavy (syn – bulky) – громоздкий

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To supersede – to take the place of

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To supersede – to take the place of (syn – replace) -

Слайд 20Glossary
Versatile – able to be adapted to many functions

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Versatile – able to be adapted to many functions – многофункциональный

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Variable – able to assume different numerical values

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Variable – able to assume different numerical values – переменный

Слайд 26Glossary
Predecessor – a thing that has been replaced by another

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Predecessor – a thing that has been replaced by another (syn –

precursor, forerunner) – предшественник
Слайд 29Glossary
Notable – worthy of attention or notice

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Notable – worthy of attention or notice (syn – remarkable) – заметный

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Switchboard – an apparatus for connections between electric circuits

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Switchboard – an apparatus for connections between electric circuits – коммутатор

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Punched tape – a paper tape perforated according to a code

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Punched tape – a paper tape perforated according to a code –

Слайд 38Glossary
Adroit – clever or skillful

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Adroit – clever or skillful – ловкий

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Precarious – not securely held or in position

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Precarious – not securely held or in position – (syn – uncertain)

– сомнительный
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Sustenance – nourishment

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Sustenance – nourishment – питание, средства к существованию

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Consternation – a feeling of anxiety or dismay

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Consternation – a feeling of anxiety or dismay – ужас, испуг

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Anticipate – expect or predict

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Anticipate – expect or predict – предвидеть

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Intermittent – occurring at irregular intervals

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Intermittent – occurring at irregular intervals (syn – spasmotic, uneven ) –

скачкообразный, прерывистый
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Hectic – full of frantic activity, relating to a fever

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Hectic – full of frantic activity, relating to a fever (syn –

frantic) – лихорадочный
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Elation - great happiness and exhilaration

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Elation - great happiness and exhilaration – восторг, экзальтация

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To Commence – to begin – начинать (syn - start off)

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Prodigious - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree

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Prodigious - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree –

удивительный, огромный
Слайд 67Questions
Who was the author of the article?

Слайд 68Questions
When was the Colossus constructed ant put into service?

Слайд 69Questions
What type of tape was used to represent the cipher text?

Слайд 70Questions
What are the main diffrences of a Colossus from its predecessors?

Слайд 71Questions
Why was the machine called the Colossus?

Слайд 72Questions
What feature of a modern computer did not have the Colossus?

Слайд 73Questions
Who prepared tapes and operated the Colossus machines?

Слайд 74Questions
Which machine appeared earilier — Colossus or Turing`s ENIAC?