- 2. 1 question: Turkic kaganate (552-603) The one of power states on the territory of Central Asia
- 3. Organization of political rule in Turkic kaganate Kagan Ulug Yabgu Shad El’teber Tuduny- namestniki Tarhany and
- 4. The social structure of first Turkic kaganate The head of state – kagan at tribe Ashin
- 5. 2 question: West-Turkic kaganate (603-704yy.) Territory - the stretch at East Turkistan to Amudar’a, at Povolj’e
- 6. The war’s – administrative organization of West-Turkic kaganate Yabgu-kagan from Ashin tribes The leaders of solder
- 7. The social-political situation of West-Turkic kaganate The group of small production worker The formation of leader
- 8. 3.1 question: Turgesh kaganate (704-756) In 699 years the leader of one of turk’s tribes Uch-Elig
- 9. The organization of political rule in Turgesh kaganate Kagan The reigns of lot (tutukstv) with 7
- 10. 3.2 question: Karluks kaganate (756-940 yy.) The first information about karluk, who famous at name bulak,
- 11. The political situation of Karluk kaganate Then on the east karluk make war with Uigur kaganate
- 12. The organization of political rule in Karluk kaganate Djabgu - at 840 y. kagan The reign
- 13. The tribe own structure of Karluks Social structure of Karluk kaganate The unit of karluk tribes:
- 14. 4.1 question: Karahanid state (942y.-1041 y.) In formation of state of Karahanid the principal role game
- 15. The state-administrative structure of Karahanid state Kagan - the leader of chigil’ tribe The leader of
- 16. 4.2 question: The state of Karakytai (1128-1213) The formation of this state connection with kidani, central-Asian
- 18. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 21 question: Turkic kaganate (552-603)
The one of power states on the territory
1 question: Turkic kaganate (552-603)
The one of power states on the territory

Territory – at Altai mountain on east to Black river on west, at upper of Enisei on north to upper of Amudar’a on south. In the beginning of 6 century the territory of Kazakhstan get to rule of Turkic khanate.
Turkic khanate- this is the first state on the territory of Kazakhstan.
The founder – Bumyn kagan(552-553). The first mention ethnonim “turk” meet in chinese sources and carry to 542 y. The chine's call the turks of posterity at hunnu. Ethnonim “turk” in the first said representative the important persons or wars aristocratic, and then dominant tribes.
In 603 y. the Turkic khanate disintegrated for 2 part: west and east. The territory of Kazakhstan went in west party of Turkic khanate.
Слайд 3Organization of political rule in Turkic kaganate
Tarhany and
Lots kniazes at
Organization of political rule in Turkic kaganate
Tarhany and
Lots kniazes at

Beki-elders of
turkic tribes
Leaders of
submissive tribes
Слайд 4The social structure of first Turkic kaganate
The head of state –
The social structure of first Turkic kaganate
The head of state –

The important persons in
number of near owns persons
of kagan
People – black budun in 12 tribes, and slaves
Слайд 52 question: West-Turkic kaganate (603-704yy.)
Territory - the stretch at East Turkistan to
2 question: West-Turkic kaganate (603-704yy.)
Territory - the stretch at East Turkistan to

West-Turkic khanate reach itself might at the time of rule of Djegui – kagan (610-618) and of Ton-djabgu-kagan (618-630). They undertake victories campaigns in Toharistan and Afghanistan and move frontier of state to north-west India. On of aim raids of turks to neighbors tribes and nationalities was – seizure of slaves. On the seizure lands turks preservation social, economical and political organization, on a base rule preservation limitation with collection tribute. At other time turks did successful campaign on Black sea coast and East Turkistan.
Unbroken into wars, frequent change of leaders, who accompany inevitable strongest centre runs straight bring to 16 into tribes wars (640-657) and intrusion into Semirech’e chinese Tan imperial army. Tans gubernators rule west-turks tribes, lean against on its lay person in Kagan family. The turks struggle against Tans expansion bring to raise of turgesh and fall the West-Turkic khanate at the beginning at 8 century.
Слайд 6The war’s – administrative organization of West-Turkic kaganate
from Ashin tribes
The leaders of
The war’s – administrative organization of West-Turkic kaganate
from Ashin tribes
The leaders of

groups of 5 dulu tribes
- chory ( a late - shady)
The leaders of solder
groups of 5 nushibi tribes
- great irkiny (a late - shady)
Nomadic population at 10 tribes
- “arrow’s” (on ok budun)
Слайд 7The social-political situation of West-Turkic kaganate
The group of small production worker
The formation
The social-political situation of West-Turkic kaganate
The group of small production worker
The formation

leader group
Kagan from dynastic Ashin, carrier of higher
political, military, judges and spiritual rule
Abgu - leader of west region
(right wing) of khanate
Tuduny - controller to defeat
tribes, conductor of tribute
Ulug - the head of
administrative structure
Tarhany - the persons of
higher administrative place
Shady - leaders of war’s-
administrative department
Buiruki - represent of last
Elteber - the leader of
some big tribes
Beki - the leader’s of
separate tribes
Kara (black) budun - black people ordinate own-cattle turk’s
People of defeat tribes
Taty - people of settle-farmer settlements and towns
Slaves - worked in house
Слайд 83.1 question: Turgesh kaganate (704-756)
In 699 years the leader of one of
3.1 question: Turgesh kaganate (704-756)
In 699 years the leader of one of

In beginning of II c. the capital was Su'ab, second - was town Kungute on the river Ili. The state organization was copy of West-Turkic khanate.
Turgeshs wage wars with china and arab. In 705 years to state of Turgeshs in south frontier came arabs. When was period of become weak, but with came to rule the Suluk-kagan (715-738) and with rule of black-turgeshs in state begin to reinforcement. The capital was carry to town Talas (Taraz). In the middle of VIII c. in this region meet interest the chine's and arabs to his rule.
And in July of 751 years on the river Talas, near the Taraz take place a Talas struggle, where chine's was defeat. The head place in this struggle game karluk’s, who inflict the blow to china army in rear. Begin at this period the China doesn’t came to this region, but Arabs was reinforcement in this place.
In 756 years Turgesh khanate was fall, because doesn’t was unit in black and yellow turgeshs.
Слайд 9The organization of political rule in Turgesh kaganate
The reigns of lot (tutukstv)
The organization of political rule in Turgesh kaganate
The reigns of lot (tutukstv)

The solders and ordinate population
Слайд 103.2 question: Karluks kaganate (756-940 yy.)
The first information about karluk, who famous
3.2 question: Karluks kaganate (756-940 yy.)
The first information about karluk, who famous

In the middle of VII century in karluk’s unit entrances 3 big tribes- bulak, chigil’, tashlyk. The title of leader’s unit - el’teber.
In 742 y. karluk’s with uigures and basmyles went against East-turkic khanate, who was defeat and in this place found new state - Uigur khanate (744-840).
In 746 y. karluk was defeat at Uigur khanate and migration in Semirech’e.
In 756 y. seizure a rule at turgesh in Semirech’e and was formed new state - Karluk khanate.
Territory – at Dzungars Alatau to middle stream of Syr-Darya, between lakes Balhash and Issyk-Kul’, valley of rivers Ili, Chu, Talas, Tien-Shan, at Ispidjab region to Otrar.
Capital - Su'ab, late Balasagun. They had 25 towns and settlements: Taraz, Kulan, Merke and others. The title of reign–djabgu, and at 840 y. change to kagan.
Слайд 11The political situation of Karluk kaganate
Then on the east karluk make war
The political situation of Karluk kaganate
Then on the east karluk make war

In 766-775 years karluk seizure Kashgariu and in the ending of 8 century on Fergana. But the arab dynasty Samanid declare the «Sacred war» and, apply all of effort to take a rule in this region and give to population the Islam religion. But then a karluk go to campaign to Samanids.
The history of this state doesn’t so long, as and other states. In 940 y. capital of state - Balasagun town was seizure with turks tribes of East Turkistan - chigil’ and iagma, and Karluk kaganate was fall.
In the territory of Jetysu (Seven rivers) rule pass to new dynasty - Karahanids, who long time unit the karluk and turgeshs tribes on Jetysu and valley of Syr-Darya
Слайд 12The organization of political rule in Karluk kaganate
Djabgu -
at 840 y.
The organization of political rule in Karluk kaganate
Djabgu -
at 840 y.

The reign of party of
state- el’teber
The solders and ordinate population
Слайд 13The tribe own structure of Karluks
Social structure of Karluk kaganate
The unit of
The tribe own structure of Karluks
Social structure of Karluk kaganate
The unit of

karluk, chigil’, bulak and tashlyk
The tribes, who doesn’t go in karluk unit
The joining and obedient tribes
The population, confederation of tribes, and slaves
The ruling peoples
Слайд 144.1 question:
Karahanid state (942y.-1041 y.)
In formation of state of Karahanid
4.1 question:
Karahanid state (942y.-1041 y.)
In formation of state of Karahanid

In 990г. – Taraz, Ispidjab; In 992г. – Hotan, Buhara; In 999 г. – the Samanid state.
Territory – Jetysu, Maveranahr, Kashgar.
Capital – Balasagun. The title of head of state - khan.
In 960 y. the son of Satuk Bogra khan - Musa karahanid first declare Islam - the state religion. At this time begin a big change in turk culture: change the letter alphabet - to arabian alphabet, change the spiritual culture, development the literature and others.
In 1040 y. owing to into war’s kaganate divided to two party: West in Maveranahr and East on a Jetysu and East Turkistan. At ending of XI c. on the territory of karluks the political rule went to Sel’djukid. The rule of this dynastic become weak.
In 1041 y. West kaganate get to political rule to Karakytai (Karahytai). In 1128 y. the East kaganate get to political rule of Karakytai.
Слайд 15The state-administrative structure of Karahanid state
Kagan - the leader
of chigil’
The state-administrative structure of Karahanid state
Kagan - the leader
of chigil’

The leader of
iagma tribe
Kol’-erkini -
Reigns of lot -
Heads of settlement
and towns - mehtary,
hakimy, raisy
Reigns of nomadic
commonalty -il’chi
-bashi, beki, han
Heads of tribes and
Kol’-erkini -
The political organization was separate at administrative structure
Слайд 164.2 question: The state of Karakytai (1128-1213)
The formation of this state connection
4.2 question: The state of Karakytai (1128-1213)
The formation of this state connection

In 924 y. kidani on the territory at Altai to Pacific Ocean formation a new state. The rule dynasty of kidani find on the North Chine. In 1125 y. his imperia Lao was fall, the kidani tribes with his leader Elui Dashi run to river Emil’ and building in those place a town.
In 1128 y. reign of Balasagun call Elui Dashi to help in his war against to karluk and kangly. With came to Balasagun Elui Dashi kill the karahanid reign and found the new state - state of Karakytai in Jetysu. With appearance of kidani they called karakitai (karakytai).
Territory – Jetysu, South Kazakhstan, Maveranahr and East Turkistan.
Capital – Balasagun. The title of reign - gurhan, what have a think “khan of all of khanes” (king of all of kings)