- 2. Lectures # 16: Kazakhstan at the period of the civil confrontation Questions: 1. Kazakhstan in February
- 3. Question no 1. Kazakhstan in February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years Territory of revolt - Russian territory and
- 4. Base events in Kazakhstan in time of February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years This situation begin in 23
- 5. Official rule was in hand of Temporary government, who give a population next program of development
- 6. Question no 2. The October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule in Kazakhstan. Territory of
- 7. Base events in of October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule in Kazakhstan. By autumn
- 8. In January 1918 it was established in Aktubinsk, Orenburg, in February-in Semipalatinsk, Ust’-Kamenogorsk, Karkaralinsk, Zaisan and
- 9. Question no 3: Kazakhstan in civil war Territory of revolt - All russian empire Base strongest
- 10. Base events of civil war confrontation This confrontation begin in results of struggle into 2 political
- 12. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Lectures # 16: Kazakhstan at the period of the civil confrontation
Lectures # 16: Kazakhstan at the period of the civil confrontation

1. Kazakhstan in February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years
2. The October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule in Kazakhstan.
3. Kazakhstan in civil war
Слайд 3Question no 1. Kazakhstan in February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years
Territory of revolt -
Question no 1. Kazakhstan in February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years
Territory of revolt -

Base strongest - bourgeois-democratic group of population
Motives - difficult economical and political situation of base group population
Aims - change the politic course of tsars
Character - anti colonial, bourgeois-democratic
Results - formation and reinforcement of ethnic democratic group with itself program of development the kazakhs ethnos
Слайд 4Base events in Kazakhstan in time of February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years
Base events in Kazakhstan in time of February Bourgeois-Democratic revolution years

After difficult struggle to rule came 2 kind of politic powers: Temporary government and Council of worker deputations and solders.
In first group unit different persons: reinforcement group of bourgeois, who want have power to solve in politic of russian reigns, new formation of political strong - formation of national intelligence in kazakhs ethnos, who want take a chance to formation the independent government of kazakhs ethnos near Russian empire and some small group of farmers, who want only one - solve the land question.
Слайд 5Official rule was in hand of Temporary government, who give a population
Official rule was in hand of Temporary government, who give a population

Political struggle, who begin in february at 1917 year was long time and in this period formation second political rule group, who begin a reinforcement. This group unit common group of farmers, cattlemen and solders. Who does not saw a result of Temporary government politic and want change all of politic of this government and formatted new rule. With this aims they open in Orenburg, Perovsk, Petropavlovsk, who was on a railway lines. In spring of 1917 y. on territory of Kazakhstan work 25 Soviet (council) with 8 soviet worker deputies, 9 - farmers ad 7 - solders. In some towns soviet organs unit (Vernyi, Semey, Petropavlovsk and others).
Appearance new struggle to rule. In this time development new kazakhs parts: “Shura-i-Islami”, “Shura-i-Ulema”, “Jas jurek”, “Janar” (Semey) and others.
Слайд 6Question no 2. The October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule
Question no 2. The October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule

Territory of revolt - Russian territory and then spreading on Kazakhstan territory
Base strongest - revolutionist on a base of common population
Motives - difficult political situation, worse the economy and public life
Aims - all of change the politic situation, abolition the tsar ruling, formatted new kind of ruling
Character - against colonial, against tsarism
Results - change all of life in Russian and Kazakhs territory
Слайд 7Base events in of October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule
Base events in of October revolution, victories and struggle to soviet rule

By autumn of 1917 in Kazakhstan political moods turn to left. The common population begin unit near Bolsheviks (soviet of workers, farmers and solders). The position of this group people was becoming worse, hunger spread to the whole districts of the Syr-Darya and the Semirech'e regions.
In September-October 1917 the workers of towns near the Orenburg-Tashkent railway begin the strikes; the mass strikes also came in Vernyi, Aulie-Ata and other towns.
On the 24th of October 1917 in Petrograd there was begun a military revolt. Where take victory a military Soviet part, but this process was very long and political rule change to different kind of political parts.
The news about the victory of the military revolt in Petrograd and the establishment there of the Soviet Power had reached Kazakhstan. Then it was begun the process of establishing the Soviet Power in the region.
In December 1917 the Soviet Power was established in the Bukeev Horde, Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav, Atbasar, Kustanai.
Слайд 8In January 1918 it was established in Aktubinsk, Orenburg, in February-in Semipalatinsk,
In January 1918 it was established in Aktubinsk, Orenburg, in February-in Semipalatinsk,

1.Equality and independence of Russian nationalizes
2.Right of Russian nationalizes to independence self-determination, to separation and formation independence state
3.Abolition all of national and national-religion grants
4.Free development of national smalls and ethnic groups, who leaved on Russian territory
In this time come many documents, who must give many rights, but it was only a paper. With this kazakhs intelligence doesn’t saw a aim of Bolshevik (Soviet part) give to kazakhs the independence. Then revolutionary person doesn’t have a program to develop the economy and relations with other political parts, but in this question appearance next opinion - murder all of opponents to rule. Because in next time, when Soviet part reinforcement they begin white terror - kill all of persons, who was against there political line.
But in this period some groups of old reigns group near russian tsar - white guard (belogvardeicy), they doesn’t want give a rule other political group.
Слайд 9Question no 3: Kazakhstan in civil war
Territory of revolt - All
Question no 3: Kazakhstan in civil war
Territory of revolt - All

Base strongest - population with Bolshevik aims; eser (left part of old reigns), belogvardeicy, Alash Horda and different kinds of small group, who have only itself aims
Motives - struggle to rule
Aims - reinforcement political rule in all territory
Results: victory of Bolshevik group
Слайд 10Base events of civil war confrontation
This confrontation begin in results of struggle
Base events of civil war confrontation
This confrontation begin in results of struggle

In 31 of may in 1918 year lot of corpus, who was in Petropavlovsk open revolt and throw down the Soviet rule in town.
In June of 1918 y. Alash Horda with eser and their place kazach throw down soviet rule in Semey. In one moth all Akmola and Semey regions, north part of Turgai region was in a hand of belogvardeicy.
In beginning of july Dulatov division with help of 2 kazakh regiment occupier Orenburg, compel the Red army (Bolshevik army) went to Aktubinsk. In ending of this month Jetysu kazach and Alash Horda exterminate Bolsheviks at north Jetysu.
In july of 1918 y. Alash Horda begin negotiations about his acknowledge and definition the authority with committee of Establish Meeting in Samara and Temporary Siberian government.
In November of 1918 y. rule in Siberia region went to hand of admiral Kolchak (belogvardeicy), who doesn’t want give autonomy to Alash Horda, who change to separate in anti-Bolshevik unit. Most part of Alash Horda begin arrange the relations with Moscow (Bolshevik), who give soviet, but autonomy