The Moscow State University

Слайд 2

The history of Moscow University

In January 2005 Lomonosov Moscow State University celebrated

The history of Moscow University In January 2005 Lomonosov Moscow State University
its 250th anniversary, over 800 various events being held on the occasion. Founded in the XVIII century, the University has been constantly growing and encompassing new branches of learning and research.
All the history of the University is the evidence of the outstanding role its alumni have played promoting the ideas of freedom, common good, humanity, and truth.

Слайд 4

The University today

Nowadays, as it has done throughout its history, the University

The University today Nowadays, as it has done throughout its history, the
retains its role of a major center of learning and research as well as an important cultural center. Its academics and students follow the long-standing traditions of the highest academic standards and democratic ideals.
In June 1992 the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree establishing the status of Moscow University as a self-governing institution of higher education.

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All about choice and students

Moscow State University is a major traditional educational

All about choice and students Moscow State University is a major traditional
institution in Russia, it offers training in almost all branches of modern science and humanities.
Its undergraduates may choose one of 128 qualifications in its 39 faculties,
While post-graduate students may specialize in 18 branches of science and humanities and in 168 different areas.
The total number of MSU students exceeds 40,000; besides, about 10,000 high school students attend various clubs and courses at MSU.
Various kinds of academic courses and research work are conducted at MSU Museums, affiliated subdivisions in various locations in Russia, on board scientific ships etc.

Слайд 6

The height of teaching

MSU has been 11 Nobel Prize winners among its

The height of teaching MSU has been 11 Nobel Prize winners among
professors and alumni, out of 18 Russians who have received the prestigious prize so far. Many more MSU scientists have been awarded various Soviet and Russian prizes for their achievements, among them 60 Lenin Prizes and 120 State Prizes, over 40 MSU scientists having received the State Prizes over the last decade.
Among those who teach and do research at MSU there are 2,500 higher doctoral degree holders and almost 6,000 holders of candidate degrees, the total number of professors and instructors being about 5,000; there are over 300 full members and correspondent members of he Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies.. About 4,500 scientists and scholars are currently involved in 350 research projects in various fields.
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