The observations of star formation regions by RT-22 PRAO ASC LPI - water maser sources survey. Lekht E.E. (1), Samodurov V.A. (2), Tolmachev A.M. (2) (1) Sternberg Astron.Inst. of MSU(2) PRAO ASC LPI


Слайд 2

The regular monitoring of approximately one hundred maser sources in the line

The regular monitoring of approximately one hundred maser sources in the line
of H2O with the wavelength of 1.35 cm are carried out on RT-22 PRAO ASC LPI radiotelescope in Pushchino within 30 years! ( since 1979/80 ).
Наблюдения мазеров в линии водяного пара (22 GHz) раз в 1-2 месяца
проводились на радиотелескопе РТ-22 в рамках многолетнего мониторинга (c 1979 г.) нескольких десятков мазерных источников коллективом сотрудников ПРАО ФИАН и ГАИШ МГУ.

Слайд 3



Слайд 4

Линия излучения H2O

Линия излучения H2O

Слайд 5

The accurate measurements of the line profiles

The accurate measurements of the line profiles

Слайд 6

Filterband spectrometer:
128 channels x 7.5 kHz (0.1 km/s)
Passband = 12.5 MHz

Radiometer: Filterband spectrometer: 128 channels x 7.5 kHz (0.1 km/s) Autocorrelator: Passband
– 2048 ch., res. = 6.1 kHz

Слайд 7

Источник α(1950) δ(1950) VLSR
W 3 (2) 2 21 53.3 61 52 20

Источник α(1950) δ(1950) VLSR W 3 (2) 2 21 53.3 61 52
W 3 OH 2 23 18 61 38 58 –48.8
IRC+60154 5 15 5 63 12 54 50
WB 652 5 27 31 33 45 12 – 2.2
Ori A KL 5 32 47 – 5 24 20 9
OMC-2 5 33 0 – 5 11 30 9.03
M 24 5 33 51.3 - 6 23 59 7.4
HH 1 ……………………………………………….
LkHa 234 21 41 59 65 52 48 1.9
HD 209458
S 140
WB 176
IRAS 22480+6002
IRAS 22506+5944
Cep A
S 152
NGC 7538 23 11 37 61 11 49 –50.73
NGC 7538 N

Программа наблюдений в линии H2O λ=1.35 см  

Слайд 9

The long time monitoring

The long time monitoring

Слайд 10

The variations of flux densities from right, central and left part

The variations of flux densities from right, central and left part of the spectrum.
of the spectrum.

Слайд 11

Variability for some days.

Variability for some days.

Слайд 13

Orion A (KL) spectra

Orion A (KL) spectra

Слайд 14

Orion A (KL) The intensity variations of spectral details.

Orion A (KL) The intensity variations of spectral details.

Слайд 17

Young star Lkh 234 is in the centre of NGC 7129

Young star Lkh 234 is in the centre of NGC 7129

Слайд 18

For example our observations show the existence of triplet structures in the

For example our observations show the existence of triplet structures in the
spectra of H2O line in some sources, and it suggests that H2O line radiation are formed in rotating discs with clots like protoplanets.

Слайд 19

A doughnut like protoplanet disk.

A doughnut like protoplanet disk.

Слайд 23

Молодая протозвезда в ИК-лучах (в туманности Ориона)

Слева – снимок, справа – модель

Молодая протозвезда в ИК-лучах (в туманности Ориона) Слева – снимок, справа –
протозвезды – звезда,
вращающийся (иногда и расширяющийся) тор, биполярные истекающие струи

Слайд 25

In some cases our observations reveal expanding gaseous clouds near young stars

In some cases our observations reveal expanding gaseous clouds near young stars
or protostars and on the contrary – clouds, which fall on protostar clumps.

Слайд 27

The correlation of water vapour masers locations with the locations of other

The correlation of water vapour masers locations with the locations of other
masers (OH, SiO, methanol…), HII regions, dence molecular clouds and IR sources.

Слайд 28

Late spectral types stars.
Masers flares are late relatively IR flares.

Late spectral types stars. Masers flares are late relatively IR flares.

Слайд 29

We intend to publish the spectra catalog of water masers to present

We intend to publish the spectra catalog of water masers to present
all these features of them.
Имя файла: The-observations-of-star-formation-regions-by-RT-22-PRAO-ASC-LPI---water-maser-sources-survey. Lekht-E.E.-(1),-Samodurov-V.A.-(2),-Tolmachev-A.M.-(2)-(1)-Sternberg-Astron.Inst.-of-MSU(2)-PRAO-ASC-LPI.pptx
Количество просмотров: 120
Количество скачиваний: 0