The structure of the body


Слайд 2

Nowadays on the Earth there is a great variety of live creatures

Nowadays on the Earth there is a great variety of live creatures
– from the smallest to the very big lives.
The most difficult creature is a man. People are the most perfect creatures on the Earth.
I suggest to begin the investigation of the world with the smallest – structure of the body.

Слайд 4

External structure

External structure

Слайд 5

Who operates your body?

Of course, it’s you!
However, you can’t control everything

Who operates your body? Of course, it’s you! However, you can’t control
in your body.
You can’t make your heart beat or make
your stomach digest food.
You never notice your breathing or winking.

Слайд 6

Who controls the work of your body?

It’s better to say brain

Who controls the work of your body? Brain! It’s better to say
and spinal cord. Spinal cord is in your backbone. Brain is in your skull.

Brain operates your ideas and senses. It is like a computer. It receives the information (smells, sounds and images) and saves it.

Spinal cord operates the work of the internals.

Слайд 7

Internal structure of the body








Слайд 8


Heart is a hollow muscular organ.
It has an oval shape.
It weighs 250

Heart. Heart is a hollow muscular organ. It has an oval shape.
– 350 grammes.
It’s size is nearly a fist of an adult.

Слайд 9


Lungs are in the chest. We use them for breathing. Right lung

Lungs. Lungs are in the chest. We use them for breathing. Right
consists of 3 parts and left lung consists of 2 parts. Left lung is smaller than right lung because of heart (it covers a part of chest).

Слайд 10

Stomach and intestine.

Stomach is an organ of digestive system. In the stomach

Stomach and intestine. Stomach is an organ of digestive system. In the
there are glands. They make the sour gastric juice, capable to digest food. There fore the stomach pushes semi-digested food further by itself.

Intestine is an organ of digestive system too. It’s length is nearly 8 metres. It is rolled up very tightly. Going this way, food becomes a clear liquid and spreads through out the body.

Слайд 11


Liver is the most important unpaired organ, which helps you to digest

Liver. Liver is the most important unpaired organ, which helps you to
food in the intestines. It filters blood and cleans it from harmful things.

Слайд 12

Mode of the day.

It is a schedule which consists of lessons, games,

Mode of the day. It is a schedule which consists of lessons,
rest and other activities.

Слайд 13

Mode of the day

7 – 8 – you get up, do morning

Mode of the day 7 – 8 – you get up, do
exercises, wash your face and clean your teeth, have breakfast;
9 – 13 – you have lessons ;
13 – 14 – you come home and have lunch;
14 – 16 – you go for a walk, have rest or go in for sport;
16 – 18 – you do your homework;
18 – 19 – you have dinner;
19 – 20 – you read or watch TV;
21 – you go to bed.

Слайд 14


You should clean your teeth twice a day: in the morning and

Hygiene You should clean your teeth twice a day: in the morning
in the evening.

You should wash your hands before meals.

You shouldn’t speak during eating with a full mouth.

You shouldn’t eat dirty fruit and vegetables.

Слайд 15

Correct food is various food

Good advice:
It’s better to eat at the

Correct food is various food Good advice: It’s better to eat at
same time for 3 times a day;
Try to eat more fruit and vegetables:

Слайд 16

Let’s have healthy teeth!

Let’s have healthy teeth!

Слайд 17

You should clean your teeth twice a day: in the morning and

You should clean your teeth twice a day: in the morning and
in the evening. You should clean down on your top teeth. You should clean up on your bottom teeth.

Слайд 18

2. You should clean the insides and the outsides of your teeth.

2. You should clean the insides and the outsides of your teeth.

Слайд 19

3. You should use soft toothbrush. Change your toothbrush every 3 months.

3. You should use soft toothbrush. Change your toothbrush every 3 months.
Use only your own toothbrush.

Слайд 20

4. Don’t crack nuts, sugar or hard sweets with your teeth.
5. Don’t

4. Don’t crack nuts, sugar or hard sweets with your teeth. 5.
drink cold drinks after hot food.
6. Go to the dentist twice a year.

Слайд 21

Teeth floss
Teeth floss is used for removing of a tooth touch

Teeth floss Teeth floss is used for removing of a tooth touch
and food from teeth, so that you should use floss after each meal.

Слайд 22

Check yourself

Which organ moves blood and makes it run across all the

Check yourself Which organ moves blood and makes it run across all




Слайд 23

Check yourself

Which organ is called «the main command point of all the

Check yourself Which organ is called «the main command point of all




Слайд 24

Check yourself

This organ looks like a twisting labyrinth…




Check yourself This organ looks like a twisting labyrinth… brain intestines lungs

Слайд 25

Check yourself

Where is the brain ?

In the head

On the trunk

In the neck

Check yourself Where is the brain ? In the head On the trunk In the neck

Слайд 26

Check yourself

This organ looks like two pink sponges. It helps to breathe.

Check yourself This organ looks like two pink sponges. It helps to breathe. lungs stomach liver




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