The system of state bodies of Еgypt


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Plan Project

The head of the State
History of leaders
President/King (personal info

Plan Project Introduction The head of the State History of leaders President/King
about current leader)
Qualifications for the candidate
Manner of election, term of office
Termination of his office

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Legislative power
Qualifications for the candidates
Manner of formation/election
Executive power
Government (Council of Ministers

Legislative power Parliament Qualifications for the candidates Manner of formation/election Functions Executive
Judicial power
Courts system

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The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a semi-presidential

Introduction The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a semi-presidential
system of government. The current political system was established following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. In the current system, the President is elected for a six-year term, where they are able to appoint up to 5 percent of the parliament.

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Furthermore, the President has the power to dissolve Parliament through Article 137.

Furthermore, the President has the power to dissolve Parliament through Article 137.
The Parliament of Egypt is the oldest legislative chamber in Africa and the Middle East. The unicameral Parliament has the ability to impeach the President through Article 161.

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History of leaders

The first President of Egypt was Mohamed Naguib,

History of leaders The first President of Egypt was Mohamed Naguib, who,
who, along with Gamal Abdel Nasser, led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 that overthrew King Farouk. Though Farouk's infant son was formally declared by the revolutionaries as King Fuad II, all effective executive power was vested in Naguib and the Revolutionary Command Council. On 18 June 1953, just under a year after the toppling of Farouk, the Council abolished the monarchy of Egypt and Sudan, and declared Egypt a republic, with Mohamed Naguib as president. Naguib resigned as president in November 1954, following a severe rift with the younger military officers who had participated with him in the revolution.

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Thereafter, the office of President remained vacant until January 1956, when Gamal

Thereafter, the office of President remained vacant until January 1956, when Gamal
Abdel Nasser was elected as president via a plebiscite. Nasser would remain as President of Egypt, and then President of the United Arab Republic, until his sudden death in September 1970 at the age of 52

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Nasser was succeeded as president by his vice president, Anwar Sadat, elected

Nasser was succeeded as president by his vice president, Anwar Sadat, elected
by plebiscite in October 1970. Sadat served as president until his assassination in October 1981, after which his vice president, Hosni Mubarak, was elected president by plebiscite. In the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, Mubarak, who held office from 14 October 1981 until 11 February 2011, was forced to resign following mass nationwide protests demanding his removal from office.
On 10 February 2011 Mubarak transferred presidential powers to his recently appointed vice president, Omar Suleiman. Suleiman's wielding of presidential powers was a momentary formality, as the position of President of Egypt was then officially vacated, and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, led by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, assumed executive control of the state. On 30 June 2012, Mohamed Morsiwas sworn in as President of Egypt, having won the 2012 Egyptian presidential election on 24 June.

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The president of Egypt is the executive head of state of Egypt.

The president of Egypt is the executive head of state of Egypt.
Under the various iterations of the Constitution of Egypt following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the president is also the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, and head of the executive branch of the Egyptian government. The current president is Abdel Fattah el- Sisi, in office since 8 June 2014.

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President/King (personal info about current leader)

born 19 November 1954) is an Egyptian

President/King (personal info about current leader) born 19 November 1954) is an
politician who is the sixth and current President of Egypt, former Director of Military Intelligence, former Minister of Defence, and former General. Starting 10 February 2019, Sisi also began serving a one-year term as Chairperson of the African Union, which concluded in 2020 Sisi was born in Cairo and after joining the Egyptian Army, held a post in Saudi Arabia before enrolling in the Égyptian Army's Command and Staff College. In 1992, Sisi trained at the Joint Services Command and Staff College at Watchfield, Oxfordshire, in the United Kingdom, and then in 2006 trained at the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Sisi served as a mechanized infantry commander and then as director of military intelligence.

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After the Egyptian revolution of 2011 and election of Mohamed Morsi to

After the Egyptian revolution of 2011 and election of Mohamed Morsi to
the Egyptian presidency, Sisi was appointed Minister of Defence by Morsi on 12 August 2012, replacing the Mubarak-era Hussein Tantawi.
As Minister of Defence, and ultimately Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces, Sisi was involved in the military coup that removed then President Mohamed Morsi from office on July 3, 2013

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in response to the June 2013 Egyptian protests, called a revolution by

in response to the June 2013 Egyptian protests, called a revolution by
its proponents. He dissolved the Egyptian Constitution of 2012 and proposed, along with leading opposition and religious figures, a new political road map, which included the voting for a new constitution, and new parliamentary and presidential elections. Morsi was replaced by an interim president, Adly Mansour, who appointed a new cabinet. The interim government cracked down on the Muslin Brotherhood and its Islamist supporters in the months that followed, and later on certain liberal opponents of the post- Morsi administration. On 14 August 2013, police carried out the August 2013 Rabaa massacre, killing hundreds of civilians and wounding thousands, leading to international criticism.

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Qualifications for the candidate

Article 141 of the Egyptian Constitution establishes the requirements

Qualifications for the candidate Article 141 of the Egyptian Constitution establishes the
one must meet in order to become president.
The president of the republic should:
be an Egyptian citizen.
be born to Egyptian parents (never having dual nationality).
have participated in the military or be exempted from it .
cannot be less than 40 years old.
permanently lives in Egypt.

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Manner of election, term of office

President of Egypt is elected for a

Manner of election, term of office President of Egypt is elected for
six-year term by popular vote. Failure to vote can result in fine or even imprisonment, but in practice a significant percentage of eligible voters do not vote. About 60 million voters are registered to vote out of a population of more than 85 million. A successful candidate must be elected by the majority of the votes. If no candidate attains such a majority, elections will be repeated after at least seven days between the two candidates having the highest votes. Terms of office that are avaliable are 6 years, renewable, 2 term limits.

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The function

He along with the Head Of state, establishes the state's

The function He along with the Head Of state, establishes the state's
general policy and monitors its application, leads Egypt in foreign affairs and has the ability to provides coverage, and can make decrees with legal effect when the Upper house is in holiday.

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Termination of his office

Under the Constitution, the president serves for a term

Termination of his office Under the Constitution, the president serves for a
of four years. The president is limited to two terms, whether successive or separated. For example, if incumbent President Sisi had been unsuccessful in his bid for reelection in 2018, he would have been eligible to run again in 2022, and if successful would have had to leave office for good in 2026.

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Legislative Branch (Parliament)

The legislative branch consists of two chambers:
The People's Assembly

Legislative Branch (Parliament) The legislative branch consists of two chambers: The People's
and the Shura Council (Consultative Council). The People's Assembly has the power to enact laws and approve bilateral and multilateral treaties as well as the national budget. It consists of 454 members and 444 of these members are directly elected. The remaining 10 are appointed by the President.

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The Shura Council (Consultative Council) acts in a consulting capacity to the

The Shura Council (Consultative Council) acts in a consulting capacity to the
President, the executive branch, and the People's Assembly. Unlike the People's Assembly, it does not have any legislative powers. While the President appoints eighty-eight members of the Shura Council, the remaining 174 members of the Shura Council are directly elected by the people.

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Qualifications for the candidates

The 2014 constitution, which was approved by a referendum

Qualifications for the candidates The 2014 constitution, which was approved by a
in 2014! The following rules have been established by 101: The House of Representatives, which is chosen when the constitution is ratified, must have at least 450 members. Prospective members must be Egyptians, at least 25 years old, and have a high school diploma. In addition, the president can appoint no more than 5% of the chamber's members. The House is elected for a five-year term, but the president has the power to dissolve it early.

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Manner of formation

The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with 448

Manner of formation The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with
seats elected through the individual candidacy system, 120 elected through winner-take-all party lists (with quotas for youth, women, Christians, and workers) and 28 selected by the president. The House sits for a five-year term but can be dissolved earlier by the president. All seats are voted on in each election.

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The House of Representatives members are elected by absolute majority of legitimate

The House of Representatives members are elected by absolute majority of legitimate
votes cast. The House may demand the resignation of the cabinet by adopting a motion of censure. For this reason, the Prime Minister of Egypt and his cabinet
are necessarily from the dominant party or coalition in the House. When the president and house come from opposing parties (a situation which did arise historically, but not since the 1970s), this would lead to the situation known as cohabitation.

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The Parliament Functions

The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under

The Parliament Functions The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under
the country's 2014 constitution, as the legislative branch of the Egyptian state the Parliament enacted laws, approved the general policy of the State, the general plan for economic and social development and the general budget of the State supervised the work of the government

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and had the power to vote to impeach the president of

and had the power to vote to impeach the president of the
the Republic, or replace the government and its prime minister by a vote of no- confidence.

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Executive power

The President, who appoints the Prime Minister and the Council of

Executive power The President, who appoints the Prime Minister and the Council
Ministers, is in charge of the Executive Power. The Egyptian Constitution stipulates that the President must be chosen by the Egyptian Parliament. The President is elected for a six-year term and can be re-elected indefinitely after that. He has the power to appoint all Supreme Constitutional Court judges, as well as civilian and military judges.

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In addition, the President appoints ten People's Assembly members (see discussion, below).He

In addition, the President appoints ten People's Assembly members (see discussion, below).He
also chooses 88 of the 246 members of the Shura Council (the Consultative Council)

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Government (Council of Ministers etc.)

Egypt's political system is a hybrid of the

Government (Council of Ministers etc.) Egypt's political system is a hybrid of
prime ministerial and presidential systems. The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the head of state. The Prime Minister is the president's deputy and is in charge of carrying out his plans. The President appoints and removes the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. The government submits laws to Parliament, which it then enacts. Meanwhile, the judiciary oversees the implementation of these laws.

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Functions of Government

1. To form a more perfect Union. To get the

Functions of Government 1. To form a more perfect Union. To get
states to agree and work together.
2. Establish Justice.
3. Insure domestic Tranquility.
4. Provide for the common defense.
5. Promote the general welfare.
6. secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

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Judicial power

The Egyptian judicial system is founded on European legal conceptions and

Judicial power The Egyptian judicial system is founded on European legal conceptions
practices, particularly those of France. The Napoleonic Code is heavily influenced by the legal code. Marriage and personal status are essentially depending on the religious law of the individual concerned.

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The Egyptian Constitution of 1971 established the independence and autonomy of the

The Egyptian Constitution of 1971 established the independence and autonomy of the
judiciary from the executive branch. Furthermore, the Supreme Constitutional Court, which was founded in 1969, is responsible for ensuring that laws are in accordance with the Constitution's requirements.

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Egypt has three supreme courts:
the Supreme Constitutional Court
Court of Cassation
Supreme Administrative

Egypt has three supreme courts: the Supreme Constitutional Court Court of Cassation
The Supreme Constitutional Court has exclusive jurisdiction to decide issues regarding the constitutionality of laws.

Courts system

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The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of the common court

The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of the common court
system. The Supreme Administrative Court is the highest court of the administrative court system, called the State Council.
The Supreme Judicial Council is the governing body responsible for the administrative affairs of the ordinary judiciary. It has seven members, consisting of the President of the Court of Cassation, who serves as the council’s president; the two most senior Vice-Presidents of the Court of Cassation; the Presidents of the Courts of Appeal for Cairo, Alexandria, and Tanta; and the Prosecutor General.

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The State Council or administrative court system, adjudicates disputes involving government actions

The State Council or administrative court system, adjudicates disputes involving government actions
(and sometimes inaction) and personnel and disciplinary actions involving government employees. It is also empowered by the constitution to issue legal opinions on issues involving government bodies, proposed legislation, and contracts to which the state or a public entity are a party. The judges of the Supreme Administrative Court hear and decide cases in panels of five.

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The Prosecutor General and the Public Prosecution Office he heads are an

The Prosecutor General and the Public Prosecution Office he heads are an
independent part of the judicial branch of government, not under executive authority or control. The Prosecutor General is a judge, selected from among the senior judiciary by the Supreme Judicial Council, and appointed by the President to serve a single term of four years. Multiple terms are constitutionally prohibited.

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Other judicial bodies include the State Cases Authority, which represents the state

Other judicial bodies include the State Cases Authority, which represents the state
in civil litigation in which the state is a party, and the Administrative Prosecution, which investigates financial and administrative irregularities involving government entities and personnel.
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