Tides in the Arctic


Слайд 2

Cotidal map by Robert von Sterneck (1928)

Cotidal map by Robert von Sterneck (1928)

Слайд 3

Gjevik B., Straume T. Model simulations of the M2 and K1 tide

Gjevik B., Straume T. Model simulations of the M2 and K1 tide
in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean // Tellus. 1989. Vol. 41A, N1. p 73-96
Kowalik, Z., Proshutinsky, A.Y. The Arctic Ocean Tides // The Polar Oceans and their role in shaping the global environment. Geophysical Monograph 85, edited by O. M. Johannessen, R. D. Muench, and J. E. Overland, AGU, Washington, D. C., pp. 137-158, 1994. http://www.ims.uaf.edu/tide/

Слайд 4

Cotidal maps of semidiurnal tidal waves (Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994)




Cotidal maps of semidiurnal tidal waves (Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994) http://www.ims.uaf.edu/tide/ S2 M2

Слайд 5

Cotidal maps of diurnal tidal waves (Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994)




Cotidal maps of diurnal tidal waves (Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994) http://www.ims.uaf.edu/tide/ K1 O1

Слайд 6

(Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994)

Characteristics of tidal currents

(Kowalik, Proshutinsky; 1994) Characteristics of tidal currents

Слайд 8

Padman, L., Erofeeva S. A barotropic inverse tidal model for the Arctic

Padman, L., Erofeeva S. A barotropic inverse tidal model for the Arctic
Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2004 ,Vol. 31, No. 2. Model is available from http://www.esr.org/AOTIM/arctic_summary.html

Слайд 9

Amplitudes and phases of semidiurnal tidal wave (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Amplitudes and phases of semidiurnal tidal wave (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Слайд 10

Amplitudes and phases of diurnal tidal wave (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Amplitudes and phases of diurnal tidal wave (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Слайд 11

Mean tidal current speed (cm/s) (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Mean tidal current speed (cm/s) (Padman, Erofeeva; 2004)

Слайд 12

The ice cover influence on tidal movements has following effects:
The occurrence

The ice cover influence on tidal movements has following effects: The occurrence
in a tidal stream the under-ice boundary layer
The tidal wave reflection from border between sea ice and open water
Reduction of propagation speed and amplitudes of tidal waves under fast ice.

Слайд 13

Variability of harmonic constants in Arctic

Владимир Юльевич Визе
Vladimir Wiese

Variability of harmonic constants in Arctic Владимир Юльевич Визе Vladimir Wiese (1889-1954)

Слайд 14

Variability of harmonic constants

White Sea

Variability of harmonic constants White Sea

Слайд 15



long-term variability of harmonic as modulation by nonlinear tidal waves

37% 50% long-term variability of harmonic as modulation by nonlinear tidal waves

Слайд 16



http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/contents.html http://www.oceanographers.ru/

Слайд 17


G. Godin “The Analysis of Tides” – Л.: University of Toronto Press,

Literature G. Godin “The Analysis of Tides” – Л.: University of Toronto
В.Р. Ржонсницкий “Приливные движения” – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1979 г.

Слайд 18


А.И. Дуванин “Приливы в море” – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1960 г.
А.В. Некрасов

Literature А.И. Дуванин “Приливы в море” – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1960 г. А.В.
“Приливные волны в окраинных морях” – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1975 г.
А.В. Некрасов “Энергетика океанских приливов” – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1990 г.

Слайд 19

Tidal questions in the examination paper № 1

What are tides and tide-producing forces?

Tidal questions in the examination paper № 1 What are tides and

(At what zenith length values horizontal and vertical components of tide-producing forces will be minimum and maximum? The vertical or horizontal component of tide-producing forces form tides in the Ocean? Why?)
Tides № 2

Слайд 20

№ 2

Describe elements of a tidal wave.
(What are the High Water,

№ 2 Describe elements of a tidal wave. (What are the High
Low Water, Lunitidal interval, a tidal range, amplitude of tide, the period of a tidal wave? How the period and frequency of tidal wave are connected? What types of tides exist in the Ocean? What type of tides has widest distribution? Where are the maximum tidal ranges in the World and in Russia?)
Tides № 1

Слайд 21

№ 3

By means of the Equilibrium theory of tides explain the reason

№ 3 By means of the Equilibrium theory of tides explain the
of diurnal, semidiurnal, mixed tides and tidal inequalities.
(List the basic assumptions of Equilibrium theory of tides. What are tidal inequalities? What tidal inequalities of tides do exist?)
Tides № 2.

Слайд 22

№ 4

Than the Laplace’s tidal equations differ from the modern equations of

№ 4 Than the Laplace’s tidal equations differ from the modern equations
tidal dynamics?
(Write equations of tidal dynamic, specify the nonlinear terms of equations. What methods of the decision of the dynamics equations exist?)
Tides № 3, Tides № 7

Слайд 23

№ 5

What is the harmonic analysis of tides?
(Write a basic equation

№ 5 What is the harmonic analysis of tides? (Write a basic
of tidal prediction. List the Darwin’s names of the basic tidal waves on Darwin’s classification, specify their periodicity. What are shallow-water constituent (overtides and compound tides) of tides? What reason of overtides and compound tides?)
Tides № 4, Tides № 6, Tides № 7
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