Слайд 2

Tomsk region coat of arms

Tomsk region coat of arms

Слайд 3

Tomsk region

Tomsk region is divided into four city districts, 16 municipal

Tomsk region Tomsk region is divided into four city districts, 16 municipal
districts, three urban and 118 rural settlements, 576 rural settlements
The most popular cities is Tomsk, Alexandrov, Seversk, Bakchar, Strezhevoy, Parabel, Asino, Zonalna Station, Kolpashevo, Samus, Melnikovo, Molchanov, Kozhevnikovo, Zyryanskoe, Yar, May Day, Kargasok, Krivosheino, Togur, Podgornoe.

Слайд 4

And now I want to talk you about the most interesting city-Tomsk

And now I want to talk you about the most interesting city-Tomsk

Слайд 5


Russian city, located in Western Siberia on the Tom River. There's nine

Tomsk Russian city, located in Western Siberia on the Tom River. There's
universities, 15 research institutes and many others. It is a member of Association of Siberian and Far-Eastern cities. The city is home to 547 989 people.

Слайд 6


The city has very, very many monuments to different people and

Monuments The city has very, very many monuments to different people and
things. There is a monument weirdo out Chekhov's story, a monument to the ruble, a monument to the policeman and many others.

Слайд 10

Tomsk coat of arms

Tomsk coat of arms

Слайд 11

Tomsk is climate

Average annual temperature: 0,9 ° C. Сold and long

Tomsk is climate Average annual temperature: 0,9 ° C. Сold and long
winter, the lowest recorded temperature -55 ° C. The maximum recorded temperature +37,7 ° C. Change of seasons is quite fast. Annual rainfall - 568 mm. Most of them falls in the warm season. Thunderstorms are in Tomsk on average 24 times a year. Thunderstorms are strong enough.

Слайд 12

Education and universities of Tomsk

Public universities in the city:
National Research Tomsk

Education and universities of Tomsk Public universities in the city: National Research
State University;
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
Siberian State Medical University;
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics;
Tomsk State Pedagogical University;
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;

Слайд 13

This is Tomsk

This is Tomsk
Имя файла: Tomsk-region-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 203
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