Слайд 2

An icebreaker game

Write down 3 questions
(anything you would like to discover

An icebreaker game Write down 3 questions (anything you would like to discover about your classmates)
about your classmates)

Слайд 3

Our goals

We speak in the TL as much as possible.
I care

Our goals We speak in the TL as much as possible. I
about you You’re safe here: safe to try new things and make mistakes.
My job is to make sure English is comprehensible, and yours is to pay attention and stay with me.

BTW: target language (noun)
1) the language into which a text, document, or speech is translated.
2) a foreign language which a person intends to learn.

Слайд 4

Describing friends

Describing friends

Слайд 5

Easy-going – ______
________ - незалежний
Modest - _________
_______ – з мінливим настроєм
Sociable -

Easy-going – ______ ________ - незалежний Modest - _________ _______ – з
______ - скупий
Unreliable - ________
_______ – амбітний
Opinionated – _______
___________ - надійний

Слайд 6

Funny - сором’язливий
Emotional – божевільний
Caring - турботливий
Crazy - емоційний
Positive – нудний

Funny - сором’язливий Emotional – божевільний Caring - турботливий Crazy - емоційний
– надійний
Daring – добрий
Friendly – готовий прийти на допомогу
Boring – позитивний
Kind - сміливий
Reliable - лінивий
Helpful – привітний
Shy – смішний
Имя файла: traits.pptx
Количество просмотров: 33
Количество скачиваний: 0