- 2. Tree frog - frog of the genus frog to 5 cm long. Small frog, maximum body
- 3. There are most of Central and Western Europe, north of the border come to Britain, the
- 4. LIVING IN NATURE Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude, specificity spring period and usually occurs
- 6. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Tree frog - frog of the genus frog to 5 cm long.
Tree frog - frog of the genus frog to 5 cm long.

frog, maximum body length - 53 mm (in Europe to 60 mm). At the top of the grass-green to dark gray, bluish or brown.
Слайд 3There are most of Central and Western Europe, north of the border
There are most of Central and Western Europe, north of the border

come to Britain, the north-western part of the Netherlands and Norway. In eastern border runs along the southern Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine bordering the eastern regions of Russia (Belgorod region). In Ukraine, distributed almost throughout, but the largest number in Polissya and forest-steppe and in the wooded areas of the Crimea. The steppe zone is found on the banks of rivers.
Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude, specificity spring
Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude, specificity spring

period and usually occurs in the second half of March - early April. The first appearance local spawning occurred in setting water temperature 4-6 ° C, the mass spawning population at 9-10 ° C, and start laying eggs - to achieve water temperature 13 ° C.
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