What Is a Stereotype?

Слайд 2

Oh, those Russians …

Oh, those Russians …

Слайд 3

A Typical Russian?

A Typical Russian?

Слайд 4

A Typical American?

A Typical American?

Слайд 5

A Typical American?

A couch-potato

A Typical American? A couch-potato

Слайд 6

Satirical maps of Europe

The satirical map of modern Europe was compiled

Satirical maps of Europe The satirical map of modern Europe was compiled
by Janko Tsvetkov, an artist of Bulgarian origin living in the UK. He collected material for a long time on the Internet and published a book “Atlas of stereotypes and prejudices”.
Tsvetkov is sure that these stereotypes are based on the belief that your native country and your compatriots are the best in the world.
All done with humor! And whether they are accurate or biased, judge yourself!

Слайд 8

Europe through the eyes of Americans[Янко Цветков]

Europe through the eyes of Americans[Янко Цветков]

Слайд 10

Европа на взгляд России [Янко Цветков]

Европа на взгляд России [Янко Цветков]

Слайд 11

Europe in the eyes of France [Янко Цветков]

Europe in the eyes of France [Янко Цветков]

Слайд 12

Europe in the eyes of Poland [Янко Цветков]

Europe in the eyes of Poland [Янко Цветков]

Слайд 13

Europe in the eyes of Italy [Янко Цветков]

Europe in the eyes of Italy [Янко Цветков]

Слайд 14

Europe in the eyes of Great Britain [Янко Цветков]

Europe in the eyes of Great Britain [Янко Цветков]

Слайд 16

Despite the simplification and bias, stereotypes carry some real information about each

Conclusion: Despite the simplification and bias, stereotypes carry some real information about
people, therefore, stereotypes play a certain role in business life, influencing how partners, consciously or unconsciously, perceive each other.
Имя файла: What-Is-a-Stereotype?.pptx
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