Слайд 2Course Structure
Lectures (28): Types of lexical units
The etymology of English words. Native
words. Loan words. Word structure. Morphemes. Classification of morphemes. Major types of Word building: Affixation. Conversion. Composition; Shortening. Minor types of word building (sound imitation, back formation, blending). Set expressions. Set expressions and words. Classification of set expressions.
Слайд 3Seminars (8) and Assignments
1 Morphemes. Classification of morphemes
2 Affixation
3 Conversion
4 Composition
1 Lexicology as a branch of Linguistics); 2 часа: 1) Revise the notes of lecture 1; 2) reading: Antrushina G.B. Lexicology of the English Language ; chapter 1, p. 6-21; exercises (p.21-26); Arnold I.V. The English Word; p. 9-25.
Слайд 4Final Test Questions
The object of lexicology
Synchronic and diachronic study.
Syntagmatic and paradygmatic relations.
concept of a vocabulary as a system.
Types of lexical units.
The word as the basic unit of language.
The word and morpheme: similarities and differences
The word and set expression (phraseological unit)
Слайд 5Final Test Questions
The morphological structure of the word: roots, stems, affixes.
The roots
versus radical (element)
Derivational versus functional affixes.
Affixation as one of the major types of word-formation. Affixes: suffixes and prefixes.
Native versus borrowed affixes.
Compounding as one of the major types of word-formation. The structure of compounds.
Neutral compounds.
Morphological compounds.
Слайд 6Final Test Questions
Syntactical compounds.
Determinatum and determinant. Exocentric and endocentric compounds.
Specific features
of English compounding.
The semantic structure of compounds. Idiomatic versus non-idiomatic compounds.
Criteria for distinguishing compounds from free word- combinations.
"Stone-wall" problem.
Phrasal verbs.
Слайд 7Final Test Questions
Conversion as a specifically English way of word- formation.
correlation of a curtailed word with its prototype.
Classification of clippings.
Telescoping (blending) as a minor type of word- formation.
The terms "phraseology" and "idiom"
Phraseological units versus free word-combinations. Classifications of phraseological units.
The etymological structure of English vocabulary: the native element
The borrowed versus native words.
Слайд 8Основная литература
Антрушина Г.Б. Лексикология английского языка.
Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского
Богрданова Т.Н. Лексикология английского языка Сборник тестов для студентов 3 курса
Гвишиани Н.Б. Современный английский язык: Лексикология
Дорджиева Е.В.Seminars in lexicology. Word Formation
Слайд 9Дополнительная литература
Арбекова Т.И.Лексикология английского языка (практический курс).
Crystal D. Words, words, words. Oxford
Oxford university press 2006,2007
1) http:www.worldwidewords.org/index.htm
2) acronyms.silmaril.ie/
3) Macmillan
4) BBCLearnEnglish
5) theguardian.uk.co
Слайд 10Questions
The object of lexicology
Synchronic and diachronic study.
Syntagmatic and paradygmatic relations.
The concept
of a vocabulary as a system.
Key words and concepts: lexicology, word, lexical item, lexeme, vocabulary, system
Слайд 11The object of lexicology
Lexicology (from Gr lexis ‘word’ and logos ‘learning’ is
the part of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of the language and the properties of words as the main units of language.
Vocabulary is the system formed by the sum total of all the words and word equivalents that the language possesses.
The word is the basic unit of a language resulting from the association of a particular meaning with a particular group of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment.
Слайд 12Structural features of the word:
The modern approach to word studies is based
on distinguishing between the external and internal structures of the word.
The external structure of the word, or its morphological structure (item and arrangement) is studied in part 1 word-building (word-formation). The internal (semantic) structure of the word, or its meaning, is studied in the course of semantics (part 2).
Formal unity
Semantic unity (conveys one concept)
Слайд 13Words: for and against
Wordsmiths, word-buffs, wordaholics
1 wine/film/opera etc buff someone who is
interested in wine, films etc and knows a lot about them
A word is medicine to the wise (Telugu)
A word spoken at the right moment is like a golden apple on a silver dish (Silesian)
Words are good but hens lay eggs (German)